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Technology catch-all thread


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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 5, 2013 -> 07:33 PM)
Finally, someone listened to reason and got the HTC One. It's the ONLY Android based phone that I believe the hardware is on par with Apple's quality. The damn thing just looks and FEELS awesome.

What you mean finally, I got mine the week it came out, lol

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NSA and GCHQ have cracked ssl, https, VoIP; work with technology companies and isp's to craft encryption standards and ensure backdoors.




US and British intelligence agencies have successfully cracked much of the online encryption relied upon by hundreds of millions of people to protect the privacy of their personal data, online transactions and emails, according to top-secret documents revealed by former contractor Edward Snowden.
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QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 6, 2013 -> 12:26 AM)
So I have my external drive, any recommendations for free backup software?


I'm doing full system backup via windows, but that isn't really a format I can use to access individual files

Ah, windows. I use timemachine on my mac, but I'm surprised the hard drive didnt come with some basic stuff


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 6, 2013 -> 03:25 PM)
I disagree, I put them into the people who thought calculator watches were cool category.




Seriously, what's the appeal? I get Google Glass - that's basically putting your phone screen in your field of view all day. That's an extension of the smartphone. The smart watch is just an additional piece of hardware that doesn't offer you anything new.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 6, 2013 -> 03:29 PM)


Seriously, what's the appeal? I get Google Glass - that's basically putting your phone screen in your field of view all day. That's an extension of the smartphone. The smart watch is just an additional piece of hardware that doesn't offer you anything new.


No reaching in pockets without the obtrusiveness of having a smartphone on your face

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Not planning on getting a smart watch but I can see how they could potentially be useful. If they have a lot of fitness integrated apps I could see a market for that (i.e., heart rate monitors, etc.). And if you're already a watch wearer and work in a corporate environment it might be more useful to see new texts, emails, calendar notifications on your wrist rather then pulling your phone out of your pocket ever time it vibrates.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 6, 2013 -> 03:23 PM)
I think smartwatches are going to be a big thing, but Samsung f***ed up by making theirs only compatible with the Note 3, which nobody will buy


Not to mention it's a watch with a single days battery life.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 6, 2013 -> 03:48 PM)
Not planning on getting a smart watch but I can see how they could potentially be useful. If they have a lot of fitness integrated apps I could see a market for that (i.e., heart rate monitors, etc.). And if you're already a watch wearer and work in a corporate environment it might be more useful to see new texts, emails, calendar notifications on your wrist rather then pulling your phone out of your pocket ever time it vibrates.


I think a day will come when their usefulness is vastly greater than it is now, and when battery life makes them last a week+, versus one day like this Samsung watch.


Two of my friends have Pebbles, they pretty much say it's not ready for prime time.


Personally, for me, watches are jewelry. That's what I use my watch for.

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