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Appears we've entered the lawsuit stage on tablets.

Samsung Electronics has shot back with a tit-for-tat lawsuit against Apple, exactly a week after the US company sued South Korea’s biggest company by sales for “slavishly” copying the iPad and iPhone.


In suits filed on Friday in South Korea, Japan and Germany, Samsung sued Apple for infringing 10 patents, in areas such as data transmission and wireless technology for connecting mobile phones with personal computers.


While they are competitors in smartphone handsets and tablets, Apple is also one of Samsung’s biggest customers for key microchips that run the iPad and iPhone.


Some analysts have speculated Apple could look to diversify and use Taiwan’s TSMC to supply chips for the iPad2, the second generation of the company’s tablet computer. Still, they reckon that diversification is unlikely this year.


Apple also made 10 complaints against Samsung Electronics, but its case hinged more on design features, where technology experts say cases are harder to win outright. Samsung rejects assertions that its Galaxy smartphones have ripped off the iPhone and say the technology is home-grown.

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The Wii, once the cutting edge of video game technology, is headed the way of the Atari 2600 and the Sega Genesis.


Nintendo Co. Ltd. said Monday that it plans to replace the Wii with a new system in 2012. The video game maker said it will "show a playable model of the new system" at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles from June 7 to 9.


The company said it will reveal more information about the new game system at that time.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 24, 2011 -> 09:01 AM)

Apple needs to have confidence its products will ultimately win out in the marketplace and realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Winning infringement cases on design, especially in the case of high-tech electronics, is going to be nearly impossible to achieve. Oftentimes there is simply a best way to design something functionally, and you cannot patent that. You can patent the technology that went into your own design, but you cannot prevent others from copying the design itself.


It was put well in The Social Network. "Look, a guy who builds a nice chair doesn't owe money to everyone who has ever built a chair before..."


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QUOTE (iamshack @ May 3, 2011 -> 09:51 PM)
Apple needs to have confidence its products will ultimately win out in the marketplace and realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Winning infringement cases on design, especially in the case of high-tech electronics, is going to be nearly impossible to achieve. Oftentimes there is simply a best way to design something functionally, and you cannot patent that. You can patent the technology that went into your own design, but you cannot prevent others from copying the design itself.


It was put well in The Social Network. "Look, a guy who builds a nice chair doesn't owe money to everyone who has ever built a chair before..."


But Apple mostly just owns intellectual property. Their designs are why people pay extra cash for their product. If people came out with the exact same product and design for 50% of the price, apple is done.


And that social network line just is not similar to this type of IP.

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QUOTE (bmags @ May 4, 2011 -> 11:57 AM)
But Apple mostly just owns intellectual property. Their designs are why people pay extra cash for their product. If people came out with the exact same product and design for 50% of the price, apple is done.


And that social network line just is not similar to this type of IP.

Well, as usual, I disagree with you. The reason Apple is so successful is because they anticipate what the market wants better than any other computer/electronics manufacturer in the marketplace. Their designs are beautiful, functional, incredibly intuitive, practical, and most importantly, backed by a ton of support from third party developers.


All of their devices get copied, but it doesn't matter. The other manufacturers just don't seem to get it. They don't come with the intuitive design, they don't have the third party developers on the scale Apple does, and they don't see the forest for the trees. It's isn't that they are incapable of designing a touch screen, it's that they don't realize that it's uncomfortable for a user to use a touchscreen desktop monitor because of the ergonomics of how one is positioned while using a computer, while Apple does. It's that they don't realize that someone would utilize a tablet if you make it outstanding at handling tasks that don't require heavy word processing/typing such as multimedia. Do you really think that Apple is so far ahead of the curve from a technology standpoint that these other companies can't manufacture devices that Apple does? That obviously is not the case; you have copycats hit the market within 6 months to a year with almost every device. Where they are lacking is in imagining how and why the device will become something the use can't live without, and the multitudes of other services and products that can be marketed along with the product, such as iTunes and the App store.



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See I think their major advantage is that they are a one stop shop for their devices. Google may have launched android etc, but all of the hardware is being produced by other companies which makes them lose total control over user experience. Apple focuses on the hardware being simplistic, there being one place to get add ons and apps, and keeping the user experience very even across the board. Some people just really like that simplicity.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 4, 2011 -> 04:12 PM)
See I think their major advantage is that they are a one stop shop for their devices. Google may have launched android etc, but all of the hardware is being produced by other companies which makes them lose total control over user experience. Apple focuses on the hardware being simplistic, there being one place to get add ons and apps, and keeping the user experience very even across the board. Some people just really like that simplicity.

That too. :)

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QUOTE (iamshack @ May 4, 2011 -> 10:04 PM)
Well, as usual, I disagree with you. The reason Apple is so successful is because they anticipate what the market wants better than any other computer/electronics manufacturer in the marketplace. Their designs are beautiful, functional, incredibly intuitive, practical, and most importantly, backed by a ton of support from third party developers.


All of their devices get copied, but it doesn't matter. The other manufacturers just don't seem to get it. They don't come with the intuitive design, they don't have the third party developers on the scale Apple does, and they don't see the forest for the trees. It's isn't that they are incapable of designing a touch screen, it's that they don't realize that it's uncomfortable for a user to use a touchscreen desktop monitor because of the ergonomics of how one is positioned while using a computer, while Apple does. It's that they don't realize that someone would utilize a tablet if you make it outstanding at handling tasks that don't require heavy word processing/typing such as multimedia. Do you really think that Apple is so far ahead of the curve from a technology standpoint that these other companies can't manufacture devices that Apple does? That obviously is not the case; you have copycats hit the market within 6 months to a year with almost every device. Where they are lacking is in imagining how and why the device will become something the use can't live without, and the multitudes of other services and products that can be marketed along with the product, such as iTunes and the App store.


in other words, that they own IP on design and if you take that away it's a big deal.

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Senate committee hearing on mobile privacy now underway


You might want to put on a pot of coffee for this one, but the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on mobile privacy and locating tracking is now underway, and you can watch it live at your choice of the links below. The hearing is broadly titled "Protecting Mobile Privacy: Your Smartphones, Tablets, Cell Phones and Your Privacy" and, as the early going has already shown, it will be covering issues far beyond the recent privacy issues surrounding Apple and Google, although executives from both companies will be on hand to answer the Senators' questions.
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