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Apple quietly launched the website for their highly anticipated iCloud service late yesterday. Though many of the details of the service have not yet been revealed, the site does provide information regarding the pricing of storage on Apple's servers. The first 5 GB of space will be free, with annual fees for additional storage coming in three tiers: $20 for 10 additional GB, $40 for an extra 20 GB and $100 for 50 more GB. The storage tiers do not apply to content purchased through iTunes, which will be added to iCloud for free.


Though the site can be accessed by the general public, its launch now is intended mainly for iOS and MAC Developer Program members, who can start updating their apps with features that will take advantage of iCloud technology. A fully functioning release of the iCloud is not expected until later this year when iOS 5 is available on all Apple products.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 18, 2011 -> 05:06 PM)


I've been using iCloud for a while now, since I beta test iOS5, and I have to say that for all of these "cloud" services, Apple seems to have gotten this one right, in a way in which nobody else has. MobileMe was a complete failure, so Apple's not perfect in this area, either.


I can now update my iPhone over the air for patches/updates, and if/when I get a new phone, I can restore it over the air, including restoring all application settings, phone preferences, pictures, emails, IM's, iTunes music, etc...all of it without having to plug it in and without a backup at home. All via their iCloud service, I can do a full wireless restore (Edge/3g or Wifi), it then installs all the applications back to where they were and all the settings/high scores or whatever else is still there. A complete restore. It works great. It also synchs to my itunes via wifi now, which has been a long time coming.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 08:48 AM)
I've been using iCloud for a while now, since I beta test iOS5, and I have to say that for all of these "cloud" services, Apple seems to have gotten this one right, in a way in which nobody else has. MobileMe was a complete failure, so Apple's not perfect in this area, either.


I can now update my iPhone over the air for patches/updates, and if/when I get a new phone, I can restore it over the air, including restoring all application settings, phone preferences, pictures, emails, IM's, iTunes music, etc...all of it without having to plug it in and without a backup at home. All via their iCloud service, I can do a full wireless restore (Edge/3g or Wifi), it then installs all the applications back to where they were and all the settings/high scores or whatever else is still there. A complete restore. It works great. It also synchs to my itunes via wifi now, which has been a long time coming.

Mobile me is not in failure for one reason really: The police around here say they find 70 percent of stolen iphones that have that service.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 09:20 AM)
Mobile me is not in failure for one reason really: The police around here say they find 70 percent of stolen iphones that have that service.


Well, that's like 1% of what mobileme was meant to be. ;)


And you can do that with all newer apple computers/products now. I can even use it to "find my iMac" :D It's part of iCloud now, since MobileMe is discontinued.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 09:56 AM)
Well, that's like 1% of what mobileme was meant to be. ;)


And you can do that with all newer apple computers/products now. I can even use it to "find my iMac" :D It's part of iCloud now, since MobileMe is discontinued.

Right, but it was a brilliant piece of the puzzle, its actually the only reason I had it since Iphone thefts are rampant in Chicago. At my gym we had one guy clear out the locker room of iphones one day (which was unusual for that gym since its over 50% cops) and they caught him within hours. It was crazy.

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Whoever it was looking for a "Cheap tablet", now that HP has announced they're killing theirs, they've dramatically dropped the price in some places. Their own website dropped the 16 gb to $99 and the 32 gb to $149, but they've already sold out there. Today might be a good day to go checking Amazon and Best Buy to see if they match that price drop.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 11:51 AM)
Looking to get wireless speakers for my home theatre system. Can I just buy the speakers and set them up to my amp or do I have to get a new amp as well?

There is usually a transmitter that will plug into your existing receiver and then it transmits the signal to the speakers. So it should all work with your existing set up.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 08:56 AM)
Well, that's like 1% of what mobileme was meant to be. ;)


And you can do that with all newer apple computers/products now. I can even use it to "find my iMac" :D It's part of iCloud now, since MobileMe is discontinued.

Steve Jobs even admitted Mobile Me was a failure at the last presentation he did.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 05:53 PM)
Steve Jobs resigned?


Was a long time coming. After a second medical leave for recurrence of the same undisclosed illness, the writing was on the wall a long time ago.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 06:48 PM)
Exactly. This is about as expected as you can get.


It was expected enough that Apple had a complete transition plan already worked out for when he finally decided to do this.


In other news, after the resignation of Steve Jobs, Apple's fourthcoming iPhone 6 leaked (apparently Apple is already going backwards):




I guess without Jobs vision they just have no idea what they're doing anymore!

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 07:10 PM)
I'm not surprised, but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal. It was well within the realm of "s*** that could happen" but still, it's Steve f***ing Jobs.


It's a big deal more in name than in reality. Fact is Steve Jobs hasn't been running day to day operations since January and the company hasn't skipped a beat. People seem to have a misconception that Jobs created things -- what he did better than any other CEO was demand things work for regular people.


Tim Cook has been running that place in everything but name for a while now, and it's done well. The only thing they need to do is keep Jobs vision alive in that technology should be a blend of hardware sleekness/usability and software -- that, and it should be EASY to use for just about anybody. No company really does this quite as well as Apple did in recent years. So long as they continue that vision, I see no reason to believe the company will suddenly fail.


That said, there is nothing to say the company will continue that vision, but seeing that is catapulted them to the #1 tech company in the world by market cap and by profits, they probably should.


I'm not sure if it remains, but for a while last week, Apple was the #1 company in the world by market capitalization, surpassing even Exxon. Though that may have changed now.

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 08:22 PM)
It's a big deal more in name than in reality. Fact is Steve Jobs hasn't been running day to day operations since January and the company hasn't skipped a beat. People seem to have a misconception that Jobs created things -- what he did better than any other CEO was demand things work for regular people.


Tim Cook has been running that place in everything but name for a while now, and it's done well. The only thing they need to do is keep Jobs vision alive in that technology should be a blend of hardware sleekness/usability and software -- that, and it should be EASY to use for just about anybody. No company really does this quite as well as Apple did in recent years. So long as they continue that vision, I see no reason to believe the company will suddenly fail.


That said, there is nothing to say the company will continue that vision, but seeing that is catapulted them to the #1 tech company in the world by market cap and by profits, they probably should.


I'm not sure if it remains, but for a while last week, Apple was the #1 company in the world by market capitalization, surpassing even Exxon. Though that may have changed now.


This reads as though you believe Apple can just "continue that vision" without Jobs if they choose. That's the real misconception. It takes balls to push back against easy profits that can be had by licensing or by holding back from including specs that aren't proven enough. Apple doesn't have a 4G phone. The iPhone camera was seen as outdated when it was launched. There's always an Android that has better specs than the iPhone. Balancing user friendly and cutting edge technology is very hard to do properly, add in artistic form factor with high end material and you realize how important Jobs' has been. Oh, and earning trust from media companies to get favorable contracts. If it were easy, every company would be doing it.


Apple may end up being just fine without Jobs (and I know nothing about Tim Cook), but it will take another visionary to be a part of it rather just a businessman.

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