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Republican 2012 Nomination Thread


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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 19, 2010 -> 09:24 AM)
I believe this highlights another strength of Perry, he has international experience, he can see Mexico from Texas, hell, he can swim there *and* speak the language when he gets there.



So many open doors on this one... but I'll take the gracious way out... :lol:

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 22, 2010 -> 08:26 PM)
So many open doors on this one... but I'll take the gracious way out... :lol:



With Palin's experience with Russia and Perry and Mexico, what an experienced foreign policy team :headbang

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 23, 2010 -> 05:56 AM)
With Palin's experience with Russia and Perry and Mexico, what an experienced foreign policy team :headbang


I'm going to starting calling you Kim Jung Il. Just when things get quiet, you come in, throw a few bombs, and then fade back to see what happens.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 23, 2010 -> 10:39 AM)
I'm going to starting calling you Kim Jung Il. Just when things get quiet, you come in, throw a few bombs, and then fade back to see what happens.



Every once in a while I am reminded why Perry will be such a great candidate.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 26, 2010 -> 08:50 PM)


Oh wait...






Oh... wait...





Republicans love this guy. Longest serving Governor. Texas economy is doing fine. He's got the best results to base a campaign on right now. He can even play his former Dem ties and talk about how the Dem party left him. Add a serious VP candidate and he's got it all. Laugh all you want, but he'd be my GOP pick.

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Rick Perry for president? Guv begins national tour

This report was written by Peggy Fikac of the Austin bureau.


On the heels of his re-election victory, GOP Gov. Rick Perry boot-scooted his way to New York to pitch his new anti-Washington book, fueling speculation that he's building his national reputation with an eye on the next presidential ticket.


"Why not? Everybody and his mother is going to be running for the Republican nomination," said politics Professor Dennis Goldford of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. "You've got to do the ritual, saying, 'Well, I'm focused on being the best governor I can be' ... But what he's doing, obviously, is at least allowing for the possibility of testing the waters."

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Governor Rick Perry, the man who has shown the ability to ride a crest of not really being liked to three gubernatorial wins, has done it again.


He beat a Democrat in Texas, in the Tea Party year of 2010. A stunning achievement. Still, from now on the press will breathlessly be reporting on speeches in Iowa and New Hampshire, and we'll all have to plod through the Kabuki act until he tosses his hat in the 2012 ring.


Will he succeed? Of course. And of course not.


5. Ready money

Perry knows how to milk corporate donors as well as anyone, and Texas is home to a lot of corporations willing to pay big bucks for, to paraphrase Animal House, a certain morally casual attitude in their government towards policing pollution and any other "interference" with good old American capitalism.

On the other hand:

Ask President Phil Gramm how that worked out. 4. He's a Reagan, a W, when it comes to policy wonkiness

Leave it to the nerds and let me speak platitudes, in other words. It's a time-tested formula for GOP success.

On the other hand:

Surely the national media won't let another major-party candidate get away without being able to intelligently discuss policy in a public forum. (Uh, right?) Not to mention they'll be plenty of competition in the GOP primaries when it comes to "don't bother me with details" campaigners.


3. His fervent embrace of the Tea Party guarantees him grass-roots strength

You can't hug Tea Partiers any harder than suggesting you'd like to secede from America (if the wrong guy is President). Sarah Palin ran away from her husband's involvement with a secessionist group; as long as Rush and Glenn Beck are for it, Perry's fine with that stuff.

On the other hand:

It's easy to out-rightwingnut a guy like Bill White; you try to flank a GOP primary crowd that could include Palin, Tom Tancredo and Jim DeMint, and you're going to have a very difficult task convincing the non-Tea Party America (i.e, the vast majority of America) that you deserve the White House.


2. He's a rugged Texas guy who shoots coyotes and probably clears brush

If Perry doesn't clear brush regularly, expect him to start soon. (Not to mention buying a photo-op ranch like W.) We don't know exactly why GOP Presidents like Reagan and W were such fanatic brush-clearers, but it's apparently a prerequisite.

On the other hand:

Again, at some point, America will tire of that, right? And killing a coyote on an Austin jogging path is not quite the same as gunning one down in the wild, untamed deserts of Texas.


1. Perry will be running against Barack Obama

And we all know, judging from Texas TV ads during this campaign, that Barack Obama is the single most unpopular politician to hold office since whatever socialist last lived in the White House.

On the other hand:

Yes, Perry will definitely win the states of the Old Confederacy, except maybe Florida. He may find out that in the rest of the country, Fox News and the Tea Party doesn't represent quite the Tidal Wave some echo-chamber residents would like to believe. Unless Obama is somehow Jimmy Carter redux, 2012 is not setting up to be the GOP cakewalk some seem to think it will be.

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Sunday that he is not interested in running for the White House in 2012, even though he will be more visible as the new chairman of the Republican Governors Association.


“I don’t want to be president of the United States,” Perry said on "FOX News Sunday." Perry, a rising star in the conservative movement, said that he is more interested in sending more power back to the states, which would make his current job even more important.




But he does keep saying he does not want to be President




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  • 5 months later...



AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the longest-serving chief executive in the state's history and a politician who has never lost an election, said Friday he will consider seeking the Republican nomination for president.


The outspoken conservative, who for months said he wasn't interesting in running for the White House, said he will consider entering the race after the Texas Legislature adjourns Monday.


"I'm going to think about it," Perry said. "I think about a lot of things."


It was a stark reversal from his previous insistence that he would not seek the presidency, and one that could shake-up the GOP race. Perry would enter with unquestioned conservative bona fides and a proven fundraising record, adding a fresh voice to field narrowed by the decisions of Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels not to run.

Perry has been the center of a presidential buzz during the past week, kicked up as many Republicans lamented the remaining slate of candidates vying for the opportunity to challenge President Barack Obama. The talk increased last week after his speech to Republican insiders in Dallas won rave reviews. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh spent 20 minutes on his talk show a few days later espousing Perry's appeal as a candidate.

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Hey Tea Partyers, he balanced the Texas budget through spending cuts!


Folks, y'all are going to really enjoy Governor Goodhair, some of y'all in Illinois will especially appreciate the tresses.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 08:10 AM)
I want to see him go to D.C. and then threaten to Secede.


I guess if that's the best shot at him the Dems have, he's good to go. I wonder who he will pick as a running mate? He won't need Palin, how about Rubio? Rubio is from the south, that may hurt his chances on the ticket. Perry will probably need a midwest /north east coast guy.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 09:01 AM)
I guess if that's the best shot at him the Dems have, he's good to go. I wonder who he will pick as a running mate? He won't need Palin, how about Rubio? Rubio is from the south, that may hurt his chances on the ticket. Perry will probably need a midwest /north east coast guy.


Mitch Daniels

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Let me throw a name at you out there, and this person's toying with getting in the race. And there are some Republicans who are trying to convince this person to get in the race, and there is a lot of excitement attached to the possibility that this person will get in the race. Well, who do you think I'm talking about? You have a look on your face in there as though you know who I'm talking about. Texas Governor Rick Perry. Texas Governor Rick Perry is lurking out there, and he has the potential to light this up.


If Rick Perry decides to get in this, folks, then you can wipe away all the conventional wisdom that's out there heretofore and to date, 'cause it's a brand-new day, and it starts all over again. And the Republican elites do not like Rick Perry. The Republican elites do not like Rick Perry. (interruption) Who said endorsement? No, I'm not endorsing anybody here. Don't do that. Look, Drudge has the story that Rick Perry's being asked to consider and that he's thinking about it.


Found the Rush transcript



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