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  On 2/14/2019 at 4:28 AM, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

You're going to compare leaving your wife and kids to someone who was a sperm donor to a stranger and was asked to stay out of their lives before the kid was even born yet? What?!?!?!

Maybe the child won't want to be contacted by a stranger, who did nothing but donate sperm. He can write notes to the child, that's great, but he should keep them to himself until he is either approached by the mom or the child, and then show the kid evidence that he never forgot about them. But that's not really his call and it would be selfish to interject his life in to theirs when he was asked not to.

 My sister-in-law has a sperm donor father. She was raised from an infant by her mom's new man. She considers HIM her dad and it's the only dad she's ever known. She refers to her biological dad as "the sperm donor" and thinks it's weird and a bit creepy when he comments on her FB and Instagram posts about his biological grandchildren. That's as much interaction as she allows, and could care less about him.

 Just because SoxAce will have a biological child doesn't mean that the kid will even know he exists or even WANT him to contact him or her and try to interject themselves in to his or her life when convenient.


Chili u are a wise man IMO. You are Dr. Phil personified. I like your commentary.

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  On 2/26/2019 at 8:13 AM, Jack Parkman said:


Ok guys, I took your advice and removed anything relating to being on the spectrum from my dating profile. I've actually mustered up the guts to email a few ladies on a two different sites, but.....No dice. Still wondering what I could do differently. 


Patience man.  Dating is a grind and sometimes you just need the right timing to succeed.

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  On 2/28/2019 at 1:02 AM, SoxAce said:

UPDATE: She miscarried. Feel bad all in all, but lesson learned from me personally forever.


Idk if this is appropriate, but this is probably the best scenario for all involved, even though this chick will probably be scarred for life emotionally from the ordeal. 

On a bit of personal advice, if you're not planning on having kids or being in a long-term relationship, I'd consider a vasectomy. No reason to continue shooting a loaded gun. 

If I ever get to that point with a SO, I'm going to do it. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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  On 2/28/2019 at 12:12 PM, Kyyle23 said:

As an aside, if you have no intentions of ever having a child, maybe you want to consider the snip so you never have to trust that the girl is being honest or that the birth control doesn't fail


While I agree, you might want to freeze some swimmers just in case you ever change your mind. You are young enough that there is plenty of time to reverse your opinion on having kids.

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  On 2/28/2019 at 1:15 PM, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

While I agree, you might want to freeze some swimmers just in case you ever change your mind. You are young enough that there is plenty of time to reverse your opinion on having kids.


Nothing wrong with that either.  Just remove the responsibility from the other party when it comes to being safe.



and maybe hook up with someone you like lmao

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  On 2/28/2019 at 1:02 AM, SoxAce said:

UPDATE: She miscarried. Feel bad all in all, but lesson learned from me personally forever.


Good, that's what life is all about.  Learning from your mistakes and not committing them again.

Wrap your shit up son.

Edited by pettie4sox
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  On 3/2/2019 at 4:32 AM, SoxAce said:

Screwing somebody you don't like? Saw alot of it in college. To be fair, we actually did like each other in the beginning lol. Was just afterwards it was just strictly platonic and nothing else.


Haha nah, I was just making a joke about the exact opposite.  People have one night stands with people they don’t know/don’t like all the time, not sure why this would be a surprise to anyone. Unfortunately for poor Kyle he gets to hear far too many of my dumb stories so that’s why I was quoting him.

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