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So this is kind of new territory for me cause I'm usually not about being locked down with 1 girl, I like to have my fun and be done with it for the most part. But every few years there's a girl that comes along that I actually can see myself with and pretty much drives me up a wall, and that's where I am now.


So here's my dilemma: I've been back in the burbs for about two months now and have been playing on this coed softball team. Met this girl who went to my high school and graduated my year but I really never knew her while we were there. Anyways, this chick is exactly 100 percent my type when it comes to looks, just perfect to me. Well we have a lot of the same friends so the last 2 weeks we've hung out a few times with the whole group. Well last night, not really sure what exactly happened(I was drunk and I'm sure she was too, making this whole thing more complicated) but stuff did indeed happen between us and it wasn't really too surprising cause we do flirt a lot but things just haven't happened before. Here's the problem, I don't even have this girls phone number and I really have no clue how to follow up on this now, sending a facebook message would be so incredibly lame so I don't want to do that but I wont see her for another week and I really don't want to wait that long to see what the deal is, especially because the next time I see her will be our softball game.


To add to that, the whole being in the same group of friends thing can really make this awkward. If I do make this move and she's not interested then things could get real weird when we're all hanging out and I really don't want that to happen either. So to sum s*** up, I have no idea what the f*** to do.


Just needed to get that off my chest.

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Yeah I'd definitely say wait it out until the next softball game (and get her number!) As for being in the same group of friends, you're right that it could get really weird and awkward, not going to lie there. The two questions you have to ask yourself are this: 1. Is she interested? (Sounds like she is). 2. Is trying to make a move, and the potential of being with her, worth the risk of making things awkward with the other friends? If the answers to both of those are yes in your mind, I'd say go for it.

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Well have you sent her facebook messages before? Or are you talking about just looking her up randomly and sending her one?


If you're friends with her on facebook, i don't think it's lame to say "How does a movie one night this week sound (I would have called, but you're unlisted)"


Girls like guys who court them. As long as you're not pushy about it, and you insert some humor into it, they usually react fairly well.


But yeah, if this means adding her as a friend, then asking her, well, you may want to wait until the next game.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 10:05 AM)
Does she have a phone number on her facebook page?



OMIGOSH!! DO NOT lurk her page for her number! I have had someone do that to me before and he's now one of my "blocked listers" lol ..Just wait ..you don't wanna seem too into her, or she will get bored with you. If you know for sure that you'll be seeing her again, just be patient and act cool about it.

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QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 01:24 PM)
OMIGOSH!! DO NOT lurk her page for her number! I have had someone do that to me before and he's now one of my "blocked listers" lol ..Just wait ..you don't wanna seem too into her, or she will get bored with you. If you know for sure that you'll be seeing her again, just be patient and act cool about it.

(note to self...stop trying to break into Bren's facebook page for her phone #...)

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QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 11:24 AM)
OMIGOSH!! DO NOT lurk her page for her number! I have had someone do that to me before and he's now one of my "blocked listers" lol ..Just wait ..you don't wanna seem too into her, or she will get bored with you. If you know for sure that you'll be seeing her again, just be patient and act cool about it.

Hah, Bren...I get what you're saying about stalking her page for info...but they drunkenly made out in a bar. Isn't the cat out of the bag a bit in terms of "seeming too in to her"?


Hah, these games people play are so ridiculous...

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 10:28 AM)
Hah, Bren...I get what you're saying about stalking her page for info...but they drunkenly made out in a bar. Isn't the cat out of the bag a bit in terms of "seeming too in to her"?


Hah, these games people play are so ridiculous...



NO, that just means they were drunk! LOL ..We have all made out (drunkenly) with a friend or someone we knew ...wait ...haven't we?!?! haha


It's not games, it's just not wanting to seem too eager. It's ok to let her know he likes her, but I would hate for him to come on too strong and freak her right the hell out!

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QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 12:36 PM)
NO, that just means they were drunk! LOL ..We have all made out (drunkenly) with a friend or someone we knew ...wait ...haven't we?!?! haha


It's not games, it's just not wanting to seem too eager. It's ok to let her know he likes her, but I would hate for him to come on too strong and freak her right the hell out!

Oh boy...not to sound like the wise old man here, but the bs that goes on in your early twenties....too funny.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 10:39 AM)
Oh boy...not to sound like the wise old man here, but the bs that goes on in your early twenties....too funny.



I'm in my mid twenties thank you very much!! LOL


I know it's all bs ..if Chase and I hadn't been too scared to show any real emotion in the beginning ..we wouldn't have 2 weeks of wasted time wondering what the hell was going on! LOL ...I wouldn't have wanted him to be all creepy and needy, but if I had just come out and said that he liked me and wanted more, I would have been completely thrilled! :)

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QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 11:50 AM)
I'm in my mid twenties thank you very much!! LOL


I know it's all bs ..if Chase and I hadn't been too scared to show any real emotion in the beginning ..we wouldn't have 2 weeks of wasted time wondering what the hell was going on! LOL ...I wouldn't have wanted him to be all creepy and needy, but if I had just come out and said that he liked me and wanted more, I would have been completely thrilled! :)

And that's just it...I think when you really like someone, or someone really likes you, it doesn't really matter how you act as long as it is within reason.


I think people start to understand that more if they have the unfortunate experience of still dating in their thirties (like me)...you just figure "why do I even care? If they like me, they'll like me...and if not, f*** 'em."

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 12:02 PM)
Well have you sent her facebook messages before? Or are you talking about just looking her up randomly and sending her one?


If you're friends with her on facebook, i don't think it's lame to say "How does a movie one night this week sound (I would have called, but you're unlisted)"


Girls like guys who court them. As long as you're not pushy about it, and you insert some humor into it, they usually react fairly well.


But yeah, if this means adding her as a friend, then asking her, well, you may want to wait until the next game.

I agree with shack. This is different from just meeting a chick for the first time, getting her number and waiting a week to call. There's kind of a history here already. You've gone out a few times...flirted some...and even though you didn't hang out....you've known each other since HS. If you're friends with her on fb, there's nothing wrong with messaging her tomorrow.

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 12:43 PM)
Ask one of your mutual friends for her number. Not only will you get it, but she will hear you asked for it and went the extra mile.

Yeah, I was thinking about this too. If you can get it without having to turn into Sherlock Holmes, probably not a big deal. But if you have enlist the help of Dr. Watson just to track it down, it may look like you're trying a bit too hard.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 12:28 PM)
Hah, Bren...I get what you're saying about stalking her page for info...but they drunkenly made out in a bar. Isn't the cat out of the bag a bit in terms of "seeming too in to her"?


Hah, these games people play are so ridiculous...

That's actually not what happened, we went out to a bar but the other stuff happened when we got back to one of our friends house to hang out and drink some more. I feel this situation would be much easier if I just knew exactly how drunk she was ha. It would also probably help if I remembered everything that went down so ya, I'm quite a winner. The thing is, I actually believe she was the one who made the first move last night but once again, memory is a tad bit hazy so who knows.


And Rock, that was another thing I was definitely going to do at some point anyways and just shoot her a text about something other than "us" so she at least has my number and what not. Besides that though, I guess I'm going to go with the wait and see approach, even though waiting for this crap to sort itself out is going to drive me nuts.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 01:46 PM)
Yeah, I was thinking about this too. If you can get it without having to turn into Sherlock Holmes, probably not a big deal. But if you have enlist the help of Dr. Watson just to track it down, it may look like you're trying a bit too hard.

It wouldn't take much work at all, just one phone call/text to a friend.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 02:12 PM)
It wouldn't take much work at all, just one phone call/text to a friend.

I still say wait until the game. It's only a few days away and you don't risk anything that way. It's not like she's going to fall in love with someone in the meantime and go elope.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 02:14 PM)
I still say wait until the game. It's only a few days away and you don't risk anything that way. It's not like she's going to fall in love with someone in the meantime and go elope.

No, but she may think it is common for him to randomly make out with chicks when he is drunk and not follow up on it (and whether or not that is the case, he doesn't want her to think that).


I'd get her number from the friend, if it is indeed easy to get. Text her and say "Hey, got your number from so and so, hope that's cool. Wanted to see if you wanted to grab a drink and see a movie, because I didn't want to wait all the way until Monday to see you again."


I think that shows that you are interested, will take the initiative, are confident, but not a creepster.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 02:14 PM)
I still say wait until the game. It's only a few days away and you don't risk anything that way. It's not like she's going to fall in love with someone in the meantime and go elope.

I think she would appreciate that he went to look for it. He's the hunter after all. After you hook her, thats when you back away to make her crazy.

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