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QUOTE (Tuna @ Jul 21, 2013 -> 03:44 PM)
You can't go from one extreme to the other, it will make you look like a complete asshole. Be nice, but not overly nice. Don't ask her out or mention what you did for her. Don't go out of your way to be a jerk and don't go out of your way to be nice. Walk that line for a week or two and see how it goes.


Well, she texted me this morning and I have yet to reply. It's been about 20 hours now since I texted her, which is a record for us, as silly as that sounds.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 21, 2013 -> 05:03 PM)
Dude. Don't leave a girl hanging on a text longer than a few hours unless you never want to be with her again.

Oh nonsense...she totally freaked on him over something that was so not the end of he world...let her suffer a bit too

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Dude. Don't leave a girl hanging on a text longer than a few hours unless you never want to be with her again.

I put girls on ice literally all the time. I hate texting though, I cannot remember the last time I initiated some text relay with anyone other than my mother.


Chillhead, if I could impart one little piece of wisdom on you is that once you've got a girl who claims to be willing to have sex with you but "just not tonight", she either wants you to be aggressive in that moment and take it (if you place a lot of value in your freedom avoid this, a legally dubious idea) or, more likely, she's playing a game.


The game is pretty simple, back the f*** off and make her come to you. Be busy, or at least claim to be, next time she wants to do something. Keep her at arms length a little. Engage her? sure. Talk to her? Duh. But lay off for a little bit. She wants to make sure you aren't going to be coming on too strong, which of course you f***ing did (lol).


You win the game about a week later when she's literally begging for it and you're in a position of power to govern the relationship going forward.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jul 21, 2013 -> 08:30 PM)
I put girls on ice literally all the time. I hate texting though, I cannot remember the last time I initiated some text relay with anyone other than my mother.


Chillhead, if I could impart one little piece of wisdom on you is that once you've got a girl who claims to be willing to have sex with you but "just not tonight", she either wants you to be aggressive in that moment and take it (if you place a lot of value in your freedom avoid this, a legally dubious idea) or, more likely, she's playing a game.


The game is pretty simple, back the f*** off and make her come to you. Be busy, or at least claim to be, next time she wants to do something. Keep her at arms length a little. Engage her? sure. Talk to her? Duh. But lay off for a little bit. She wants to make sure you aren't going to be coming on too strong, which of course you f***ing did (lol).


You win the game about a week later when she's literally begging for it and you're in a position of power to govern the relationship going forward.


Gaaah, see the irratating part here is that I only came on strong because I got fooled by the carnie! Like I've said I had no interest in asking her out. Not that I wouldn't WANT to date her eventually, but that was not even a thought in my head until she mentioned "this is my boyfriend" to the carnie, which completely threw me off and I obviously misinterpreted what she was doing when she said that. I never meant to ask her out, I just did it because I thought she was expecting it.


Now, unless you mean even leaving a rose on her car that said "Have a great day!", is also coming on too strong, then fine, I'll cop to that one as a mistake, but like I said, I asked for reassurances from female friends before I went through with it, and they all loved it, so maybe we all messed up on that one in some way.


Anyway, it's now 23 hours of isolation. lol. This next update is going to sound really dumb and childish, but f*** it, it's the technological age we live in, and we are both young adults.....


A couple hours ago she tweeted "Anyone want to play with me?". At the moment I was talking to one of my roommates, and she told me I should *favorite* the tweet, but not reply to it. Basically acknowledging that I saw that she wanted to hang out with someone, but it wasn't important enough for me to text her or ask to hang out. Sounded kind of dickish to me, but I trust her and she was adamant about this, so I begrudgingly went ahead with it. Not sure what the result of that will be. 3 hours later, it hasn't warranted a text or anything, so who knows.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 20, 2013 -> 10:25 PM)
She's 18, will be 19 in September. I just turned 23 a couple weeks ago.


And I get the slowing down thing, like I said, I too am not ready to date this girl either, I just didn't want to disappoint her, so I rushed myself in to it for her benefit. Obviously I f***ed up because I read that situation wrong. I did text her a couple days ago telling her what happened, and how I messed up and I told her I am sorry for misreading in to it. I've been very openly sorry about what happened, and I am 100% ready to be back to normal. She, however, is the one who seems to be still stuck or "freightened" as you put it. Our texting is very far and few between, maybe 10-15 texts a day, and it's because I have to start every conversation. A large part of me wants to just "ignore" her in a way so it doesn't sound like I am being pushy, but the other part of me has overheard her telling someone she loves when guys give her attention, so I don't want her to think I no longer care. It's tough.


And another factoid I should mention is that I go back to college in 3-4 weeks. It's the reason I need to LOCK THIS s*** DOWN before I go away, because once I am 3 hours away, it will be a miracle if I can get her on board then. So I am thinking I really got about 2 weeks here to seal the deal before she will start telling herself "Ah, well he is leaving anyway, it's not worth it". The only good news here is that I graduate in December, so it will only be 4 months away, and my best friend has already told her that he will drive her down for a weekend whenever she wants to see me and party and whatnot.


I've been out of the game for a while, but I think you should just back away from her now. You will be gone for 5 months for college, she's barely 19 so she's not about to leave and marry somebody tomorrow. Enjoy your last semester at school and worry about it when you get back. From your descriptions of her, it doesn't sound like you already think she is the one, play it slowly.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 21, 2013 -> 11:09 PM)
Well, she texted me this morning and I have yet to reply. It's been about 20 hours now since I texted her, which is a record for us, as silly as that sounds.

Awesome. Correct play.


QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 12:30 AM)
I put girls on ice literally all the time. I hate texting though, I cannot remember the last time I initiated some text relay with anyone other than my mother.


Chillhead, if I could impart one little piece of wisdom on you is that once you've got a girl who claims to be willing to have sex with you but "just not tonight", she either wants you to be aggressive in that moment and take it (if you place a lot of value in your freedom avoid this, a legally dubious idea) or, more likely, she's playing a game.


The game is pretty simple, back the f*** off and make her come to you. Be busy, or at least claim to be, next time she wants to do something. Keep her at arms length a little. Engage her? sure. Talk to her? Duh. But lay off for a little bit. She wants to make sure you aren't going to be coming on too strong, which of course you f***ing did (lol).


You win the game about a week later when she's literally begging for it and you're in a position of power to govern the relationship going forward.

Good call by Duke IMO.


QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 02:10 AM)
Gaaah, see the irratating part here is that I only came on strong because I got fooled by the carnie! Like I've said I had no interest in asking her out. Not that I wouldn't WANT to date her eventually, but that was not even a thought in my head until she mentioned "this is my boyfriend" to the carnie, which completely threw me off and I obviously misinterpreted what she was doing when she said that. I never meant to ask her out, I just did it because I thought she was expecting it.


Now, unless you mean even leaving a rose on her car that said "Have a great day!", is also coming on too strong, then fine, I'll cop to that one as a mistake, but like I said, I asked for reassurances from female friends before I went through with it, and they all loved it, so maybe we all messed up on that one in some way.


Anyway, it's now 23 hours of isolation. lol. This next update is going to sound really dumb and childish, but f*** it, it's the technological age we live in, and we are both young adults.....


A couple hours ago she tweeted "Anyone want to play with me?". At the moment I was talking to one of my roommates, and she told me I should *favorite* the tweet, but not reply to it. Basically acknowledging that I saw that she wanted to hang out with someone, but it wasn't important enough for me to text her or ask to hang out. Sounded kind of dickish to me, but I trust her and she was adamant about this, so I begrudgingly went ahead with it. Not sure what the result of that will be. 3 hours later, it hasn't warranted a text or anything, so who knows.


Judging from today's developments, it looks like she already wants attention back from you. I'd continue to play it cool, play it slow, and keep doing what you are doing. I agree with favoriting the tweet rather than responding to it. Nice nice move.


That is crazy about the carnival incident. I can see how that screwed this all up. You'd think she would have said something to you about why she called you her "boyfriend" right after you two were away from the carnie guy. That was s***ty of her. I can definitely see how you'd think she was telling the truth there.Too bad you didn't figure it out immediately and ask her, 'Good job getting rid of that guy by saying I'm your boyfriend.'

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 02:44 AM)
Dude, you didn't want to date her just fool around with her. Stop being sexually frustrated with this girl and go get your dick wet.


He's got to wait on that, at least for a bit. The rose thing screwed that up, at least temporarily.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 21, 2013 -> 09:46 PM)
He's got to wait on that, at least for a bit. The rose thing screwed that up, at least temporarily.

Meant with another girl, this one is over for him. Girl is 19, she isn't mature enough to get over it.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 03:51 AM)
Meant with another girl, this one is over for him. Girl is 19, she isn't mature enough to get over it.


Ah, good point. I could see just forgetting about this one until/unless she basically jumps him wanting sex. Seems like she still has interest otherwise she wouldn't text him at all.

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Gaaah, see the irratating part here is that I only came on strong because I got fooled by the carnie! Like I've said I had no interest in asking her out. Not that I wouldn't WANT to date her eventually, but that was not even a thought in my head until she mentioned "this is my boyfriend" to the carnie, which completely threw me off and I obviously misinterpreted what she was doing when she said that. I never meant to ask her out, I just did it because I thought she was expecting it.


Now, unless you mean even leaving a rose on her car that said "Have a great day!", is also coming on too strong, then fine, I'll cop to that one as a mistake, but like I said, I asked for reassurances from female friends before I went through with it, and they all loved it, so maybe we all messed up on that one in some way.


Anyway, it's now 23 hours of isolation. lol. This next update is going to sound really dumb and childish, but f*** it, it's the technological age we live in, and we are both young adults.....


A couple hours ago she tweeted "Anyone want to play with me?". At the moment I was talking to one of my roommates, and she told me I should *favorite* the tweet, but not reply to it. Basically acknowledging that I saw that she wanted to hang out with someone, but it wasn't important enough for me to text her or ask to hang out. Sounded kind of dickish to me, but I trust her and she was adamant about this, so I begrudgingly went ahead with it. Not sure what the result of that will be. 3 hours later, it hasn't warranted a text or anything, so who knows.

We all make mistakes, I've made tons of mistakes. Some of them with girls I've really cared about and been seeing for months exclusively where I got put in a situation I had no how to handle correctly until irreparable damage had been already been done and I blew it. Live and learn.


I dont listen to female friends anymore. I dont know what it is but they always, ALWAYS seem to be wrong. I think it might have a lot to do with the way I ask them for advice, I'll often skip pieces of information and manipulate them into confirming my ideas and telling what I want to hear. They also never seem to give any sort of harsh truths, they kinda say what they think will make you happy because they want to be happy and you're usually only too happy to oblige.


I personally think you got carried away thinking with your dick, and thinking with your cock is always at its worst when you dont even realize you're doing it. You'd been chasing this girl, doing mostly a good job and right when you're knocking on the door everything falls apart. Happens to just about everyone out there in the game at some time or another. You think to yourself "well I got that close, cant give up now" when the reality is you were never that close to begin with or you've been sent directly to jail without passing Go and without collecting your $200. Your dick will tell you that you really like this girl, that it could work out, that you have to get this done before you leave for college in a few weeks. Wrangle that motherf***er in, he'll only get you into trouble.


And yea, social media has made things weird. I've just chosen to ignore that entire world and I go pretty far advertising how little I pay attention to what's said publicly on the internet. You dont know who the intended audience is, you start second-guessing, overthinking, and !kablooey! you're finished. Some guys clean up with Facebook, Twitter, all that other s***--I dont understand how they do it but they do it. The key thing to remember is you dont have to step into that arena if you dont want to, a lot of girls (in fact, almost all girls I've noticed) really dig a guy who looks at social networking disdainfully and choose not to participate in it.

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I asked a high-school favor of a mutual friend of ours. This girl Jess, whom I have been friends with since we were kids, met Jasmine at that party last week. Her and Jasmine hit it off and they now text each other. Jess agreed to do some recon for me and text Jazzy tomorrow asking what is going on with the two of us, and try to give me a damn clue as to what Jazzy is thinking. I honestly have no idea at this point, but it's driving me nuts.


Also, my buddy just invited me to the Sox game tomorrow. I need to leave the station at 3:15 tomorrow, about 15 mins before Jasmine would arrive. DukeNukeEm, Greg, and anyone else that condones freezing her out will enjoy that. Now I won't even SEE her at work tomorrow at all! That could really get her thinking about me if she ends up being bored at work without me to text and look at.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 05:37 AM)
I asked a high-school favor of a mutual friend of ours. This girl Jess, whom I have been friends with since we were kids, met Jasmine at that party last week. Her and Jasmine hit it off and they now text each other. Jess agreed to do some recon for me and text Jazzy tomorrow asking what is going on with the two of us, and try to give me a damn clue as to what Jazzy is thinking. I honestly have no idea at this point, but it's driving me nuts.


Also, my buddy just invited me to the Sox game tomorrow. I need to leave the station at 3:15 tomorrow, about 15 mins before Jasmine would arrive. DukeNukeEm, Greg, and anyone else that condones freezing her out will enjoy that. Now I won't even SEE her at work tomorrow at all! That could really get her thinking about me if she ends up being bored at work without me to text and look at.


Nice, don't return her texts from the game. Then the next day at work if she asks just say you were so busy into the game you didn't do much texting.

Or send her one text in reply like, 'this Sox game is amazing. lotta fun.'

The recon girl might give you some valuable information.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 22, 2013 -> 12:57 AM)
Nice, don't return her texts from the game. Then the next day at work if she asks just say you were so busy into the game you didn't do much texting.

Or send her one text in reply like, 'this Sox game is amazing. lotta fun.'

The recon girl might give you some valuable information.


I'm hoping I get valuable info.


I certainly won't be texting "this Sox game is amazing. Lotta fun." Because 1) Sox will probably lose, lol, and 2) I'm not about that "look how much fun I am having! Be jealous of me!" type angle here. I'd rather tweet something like that, not directly try to throw something in her face.


In fact, speaking of tweeting things about having fun, after rarely tweeting at all this week, I mean like maybe 3 times this week, she just shot off about 5 tweets in the past hour. Wondering if that's a cry for attention, or just me looking WAY to far in to it and it's just a random occurrence.

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Man Joe, it sounds like you dug yourself into a giant hole. You gotta be more smooth than that especially since the girl is 19 years old. I don't know about you but 19 year old usually aren't the brightest and maturest around.


I would be cordial with her but that's about it. Wait until she grows up a little bit before pursuing that. You're going back to college too. Temptation up the ying yang. Being strapped down with a girl will only be trouble.



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Updates for anyone still following this saga.....



I'd say I came out ahead today overall. Some bad news, but mostly good news I'd say.


My girl Jess did some recon for me. Texted her saying "Joe came by and bought a rose from me last week. How are you guys doing?" or something to that effect. She replied... "Yeah, he put it on my car. :)"


End of convo.


So at that point I'm pumped. I'm back in this thing. Then......


I get a text from Jazzy saying "Sending Jess to do your dirty work, huh?". I replied yes, I asked Jess to find out what is going on, because I clearly have no idea. She then proceeded to tell me it was shady of me and if I wanted to know I should ask her myself. I explained to her that her lack of texting and short responses didn't seem very inviting to have a real conversation, plus she wouldn't hang out with me this weekend, so I couldn't talk to her in person. We then went back and forth texting a bit before she sent me a kind of s***ty text saying "I wasn't dicking you around, I worked 57 hours last week. I had a day off and I spent said day at f***ing Warped tour. I love talking to you, but it's not my first priority. I texted you yesterday and you didn't respond...soo..."


Now I am like, f*** this s***, I'm not replying. I do my show at 2, get off the air at 3 and get out of the station by 3:15, before she even showed up. Luckily no one at work questioned why I needed to leave early, so when she arrived and presumably asked where I was, no one knew why. I wanted her to think maybe it was because I was avoiding her. Seemed like a good idea. She texted me about an hour later saying "Where are you?". My buddy told me not to even respond. Let her stew on it, and then snapchat her a pic of US Cellular when we walk in to the game. So that's what I did. Sometime after the game around 10 I get a response from her saying she was out with friends playing laser tag. I said "Nice. How was the show today?", blah blah blah, making small talk. Then in the middle of the convo she says "Movie night tomorrow?". I play it off. "That's cool".


I think I'm back baby! Hopefully tomorrow goes well at work and when she comes over and we will be back to normal. Good to know that her main issue w/ us dating was me going back to school, considering that was MY main issue with us dating as well.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 06:36 AM)
Updates for anyone still following this saga.....



I'd say I came out ahead today overall. Some bad news, but mostly good news I'd say.


My girl Jess did some recon for me. Texted her saying "Joe came by and bought a rose from me last week. How are you guys doing?" or something to that effect. She replied... "Yeah, he put it on my car. :) "


End of convo.


So at that point I'm pumped. I'm back in this thing. Then......


I get a text from Jazzy saying "Sending Jess to do your dirty work, huh?". I replied yes, I asked Jess to find out what is going on, because I clearly have no idea. She then proceeded to tell me it was shady of me and if I wanted to know I should ask her myself. I explained to her that her lack of texting and short responses didn't seem very inviting to have a real conversation, plus she wouldn't hang out with me this weekend, so I couldn't talk to her in person. We then went back and forth texting a bit before she sent me a kind of s***ty text saying "I wasn't dicking you around, I worked 57 hours last week. I had a day off and I spent said day at f***ing Warped tour. I love talking to you, but it's not my first priority. I texted you yesterday and you didn't respond...soo..."


Now I am like, f*** this s***, I'm not replying. I do my show at 2, get off the air at 3 and get out of the station by 3:15, before she even showed up. Luckily no one at work questioned why I needed to leave early, so when she arrived and presumably asked where I was, no one knew why. I wanted her to think maybe it was because I was avoiding her. Seemed like a good idea. She texted me about an hour later saying "Where are you?". My buddy told me not to even respond. Let her stew on it, and then snapchat her a pic of US Cellular when we walk in to the game. So that's what I did. Sometime after the game around 10 I get a response from her saying she was out with friends playing laser tag. I said "Nice. How was the show today?", blah blah blah, making small talk. Then in the middle of the convo she says "Movie night tomorrow?". I play it off. "That's cool".


I think I'm back baby! Hopefully tomorrow goes well at work and when she comes over and we will be back to normal. Good to know that her main issue w/ us dating was me going back to school, considering that was MY main issue with us dating as well.


Man. I think she's crazy. What was all that crap about sending somebody to do your dirty work. Oh well, I think she's definitely not worth the trouble. Hate to say it, but if you want sex, get safe sex, but ultimately forget about this one. You're not even dating and it seemed like she wanted to fight with you when she said that crap about not responding to her text.

I may be mistaken, but this girl is way too drama filled at 19. Do the movie thing and sleep with her if you want, but she's not somebody to date IMO.

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One of the biggest tips has got to be, to stop texting. This goes for the human race. F***ing talk to one another verbally already, enough misinterpretation happens that way as is, but it is clearly the better route of the two. Attention spans have just gotten worse as the technology gets better. Currently there is now a pill that's being worked on that if you take it, it's like you have just worked out. Naturally, the intention is for this to only be used by those that have a debilitating illness. We all know this will not end up being the case. It's weak, pathetic even. All of these shortcuts are just biting our society in the ass.

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QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jul 20, 2013 -> 02:42 AM)
Ahh, once again I find myself in this thread for unhappy reasons. Last time it was a b**** named Jazmine who I wanted real bad one summer, she denied, then she wanted me real bad the next summer, I denied. Then, unexpectedly, she moved to New Mexico while I was at school with her *NEW* boyfriend of a couple months. She's a pretty dumb girl. That's what I get for dating a girl 2 years younger than me maybe?


Oh wait.


Now the *NEW* girl for me is named....wait for it.....Jasmine. With an S, not a Z. And she is how old....??.....4 years younger! Here we go again.


This relationship actually started off pretty fast and very well. She works at the place I am interning at this summer. I actually didn't realize she was so young, she looks and acts my age. After I realized I was interested in her, at least superficially, I started staying later at work so we could hang out in the studio for 2 hours a day. We ended up flirting a LOT from across the room, while the show was going on. Constantly looking up at each other for reactions to stuff and smiling uncontrollably. Then at some point she got my number from someone at work, and texted me that she had a friend back out on her for a weekend show she hosts, and asked if I wanted to sit in the studio with her. Her reasoning was because of how funny I am, an obvious flirting comment. The Hawks were playing that night in the Stanley Cup Finals, so naturally I declined and didn't hang w/ her. Maybe this worked to my advantage, because then she started texting me randomly, and especially during the 2-hour show we are both a part of in the afternoon (she does traffic and weather, I help produce). We then began texting I'd say every single day.


Then one weekend while my parents were out of town, I got the balls enough to ask her if she wanted to come over and dive in to Breaking Bad. It's my favorite show, I've mentioned how great it is to her multiple times, it was kind of an inside joke at this point. She agreed. I then invite her to spend the night if she soo choose to. She liked that idea. So on the first ever night we saw each other outside of work, and after knowing each other for maybe 2 weeks, we slept together in my bed. Now, I mean that in the most innocent sense. We SLEPT. No sex, no touching, no kissing, nothing. I didn't want to pull any moves this early, and I didn't want to scare her.


Fast forward 5 days and 2 more "hang outs" later, and we go to a friend's house for a party. She is underage, but we both got pretty drunk. I already locked down a bedroom at my friends house to crash, and she was down for it. After some rather "aggressive" make-out sessions, that including both of us getting handfuls of....each other....we once again slept together. She repeated to me many times, "I really wish we could f*** tonight. I want to so bad, but I don't want our first time to be when I'm wasted. But don't worry, we will have sex soon". I said fine, it wasn't a big deal to me.


That was last Thursday. Flash forward to this week. We go to the Carnival on Wednesday night. We are walking around meeting all of her friends, she is introducing me to them all, some of them are whispering in her ear like "this is the guy?" type stuff, which makes me think she has told her friends obviously. Then, we walk past a carnie that starts yelling stuff to us. She turns around and engages. He asks who I am, she says "This is my boyfriend". So right there, I am taken aback. I didn't realize we were doing that. I didn't know she thought we were dating. Immediately in my head I get nervous that I need to apparently "formally" ask her to date because she clearly thinks we are. This is where I get in to trouble.


So for the entire week I had been planning this adorable idea of going to surprise her at her other work (dessert/deli restaurant), and then leaving a single rose on her windshield that said "HAVE A GREAT DAY!" on the little note. I should have stuck w/ that idea. Instead, because of this "this is my boyfriend" revelation at the Carnival, I decided to switch up the card and instead have it say "Be my girlfriend?" with 2 check boxes that said "YES" or "HELLA YES". It's an inside joke w/ us, and the boxes were obviously a joke to pretend we middle school crushes. After clearing it with multiple female friends of mine, I went ahead w/ the plan on Thursday, yesterday. The plan backfired.


She sent me a text thanking me for the rose, but said she is not sure about the dating part. Said she must have been sending me mixed signals. I explained to her the thing w/ the Carnie and how it shocked me, which is why I changed the card around. She explained she did it only to get the carnie off her back. Makes sense, I just didn't put 2 and 2 together. f***ing idiot. So now I feel like I just got rejected, when I was only doing it because I thought she would be mad if I didn't do it. So she forced a hand I didn't want to play, and now I look like the idiot. f***ing s***.


So the rest of the day at work yesterday when she arrived was awkward, then today at work it was awkward. I mean, we can't even make eye contact, our texting conversations suck, and it has all gone to hell in 48 hours. My parents are currently out of town again, and I had planned for her to stay at least one of these nights, but now it is looking like she won't come at all. All her texts are 1 word answers that end the chat. I have to keep inventing new things to talk about, she'll reply, but they won't take the conversation anywhere. It's f***ing stressful.


Anyway, just wanted to rant. I'm in a s*** mood now, probably won't text her tomorrow unless she texts me first. I can't believe and incredibly sweet gesture that all my female friends loved and gushed over has now f***ed things up for me. I can't figure this one out. How do you go from heavy making out, grabbing each other, non-stop texting and sleeping together, promises of sex, to "I'm not sure right now" about dating.


I'll hang up and listen to your replies.


tl;dr version - I didn't want to ask a girl to be my girlfriend, misread a signal, asked a girl to date out of guilt, got rejected, now I look like the dumb one, relationship is heavy danger.

Young love is hilarious. We've all been there. Still doesn't make the above any less hilarious.


Move along, plenty of babes out there.

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One of the biggest tips has got to be, to stop texting. This goes for the human race. F***ing talk to one another verbally already, enough misinterpretation happens that way as is, but it is clearly the better route of the two. Attention spans have just gotten worse as the technology gets better. Currently there is now a pill that's being worked on that if you take it, it's like you have just worked out. Naturally, the intention is for this to only be used by those that have a debilitating illness. We all know this will not end up being the case. It's weak, pathetic even. All of these shortcuts are just biting our society in the ass.


I have to point out that it's at least a little bit ironic coming from somebody who just took the first six keys on the keyboard as his screenname.

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QUOTE (elamins @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 04:59 AM)
Gr of almost 3yrs called it off yesterday sayin she fell out of love and the connection was gone. Ouch


Sorry to hear that. That hurts like a b****. Do what you need to move on, and do so quickly. I let mine stew for about 9 months and drank heavily. Probably wasn't the healthiest, but it was fun.


QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 23, 2013 -> 08:34 AM)
I have to point out that it's at least a little bit ironic coming from somebody who just took the first six keys on the keyboard as his screenname.


My name isn't creative or anything but that's not really the point either. It's easily identifiable and relatable. That's the point of a name.

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