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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 15, 2010 -> 08:54 AM)
Illinois -7 @ Northwestern. WTF? I know they have a freshman QB making his first QB start, but really???

You don't understand. Persa is at least 85% of the offense. If Illinois loses, Zook really should be fired. I still think he's done a fair enough job to stay on board this year, but losing to a Persa-less NU would be dreadful.


QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 09:20 PM)
I like the jerseys too. Loved the combat uniforms from last year. The U ones look nice this year too. Too bad the team blows.

Yeah the pro combats are fantastic. I hope Mizzou can bring back theirs from last year. It was awesome.

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QUOTE (danman31 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 02:11 PM)
You don't understand. Persa is at least 85% of the offense. If Illinois loses, Zook really should be fired. I still think he's done a fair enough job to stay on board this year, but losing to a Persa-less NU would be dreadful.


I guess I see that, but I just don't think the Illini's recent performances command that much respect. I think the Minnesota loss would be much more of a reason to fire him than any lossess to NW or Fresno. Not making a bowl game again this year might be a reason to fire him, but then again it's Illinois football. Who else are you gonna get? With the athletes in place now, I think the future is looking up, I guess you might as well keep him.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 02:51 PM)
I guess I see that, but I just don't think the Illini's recent performances command that much respect. I think the Minnesota loss would be much more of a reason to fire him than any lossess to NW or Fresno. Not making a bowl game again this year might be a reason to fire him, but then again it's Illinois football. Who else are you gonna get? With the athletes in place now, I think the future is looking up, I guess you might as well keep him.


Chalk the Minnesota loss to the hangover effect from the tough loss at Michigan. Might even compare it to Va Tech's loss to James Madison after dropping a tough Monday night game against Boise.


I expect Illinois to bounce back this week.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 03:51 PM)
I guess I see that, but I just don't think the Illini's recent performances command that much respect. I think the Minnesota loss would be much more of a reason to fire him than any lossess to NW or Fresno. Not making a bowl game again this year might be a reason to fire him, but then again it's Illinois football. Who else are you gonna get? With the athletes in place now, I think the future is looking up, I guess you might as well keep him.

With the money tied up in Zook and his assistants, I don't see anyone going anywhere until those contracts expire.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 03:51 PM)
I guess I see that, but I just don't think the Illini's recent performances command that much respect. I think the Minnesota loss would be much more of a reason to fire him than any lossess to NW or Fresno. Not making a bowl game again this year might be a reason to fire him, but then again it's Illinois football. Who else are you gonna get? With the athletes in place now, I think the future is looking up, I guess you might as well keep him.

That's kind of how I feel. Even if Illinois flops, loses the next 2, and doesn't make a bowl game, I think Zook should get at least one more year. I mean, he really doesn't deserve another year, but they did make improvements this year, and with a lot of returning contributors, next year's team should be better. Furthermore, I think Petrino and Koenning are pretty solid Coordinators and would be even better with another year with these kids.

Edited by dasox24
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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 03:02 PM)
Chalk the Minnesota loss to the hangover effect from the tough loss at Michigan. Might even compare it to Va Tech's loss to James Madison after dropping a tough Monday night game against Boise.


I expect Illinois to bounce back this week.

Sorry, you're a 21 point favorite. I'm not chalking losing up to the hangover effect. It's f***ing Minnesota. Maybe they were down for the first half, but the offense was awesome in the 2nd half, and when the chips were down, the defense couldn't get the job done. I'm not making excuses for them, they just blew it. They didn't make plays when they needed to be made, that's all there is to it.

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QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 04:08 PM)
Question for the Wolverines and Illini on the board:


How are Molk and Pocic looking?


Molk is very good. He's the heart and soul of a greatly improved offensive line, one which actually has more than five players that can play. He's been banged up recently, but he's definitely a top level center in college.

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Some more about the Cam Newton situation.... Here is what I know with some opinion mixed in.


1. Three former Miss State players have accused Cecil Newton of asking for money, some directly more involved than others.

2. Bill Bell says he received text messages from Kenny Rogers requesting a payment schedule. I believe it was $80k the day after he signed, $30k 30 days later and another $50k 30 days after that. Or something close to those numbers.

3. Bell says he never spoke to Cecil Newton about money directly, only through Kenny Rogers, but Cecil was on three way calls when money was discussed.



Below are questions that jump out at me. That said, I am by no means making judgement and indicating anyone is guilty or innocent, just that some things still don't make sense. If Newton did in fact damand money (especially that much) then he should be punished to the extent allowed.


1. Why did all of this hit the media now? Who leaked it and why? The NCAA had requested financial records from Cecil Newton's church over a month before this came out. John Bond, the original source doesn't seem to be involved directly. So why are John Bond, Kenny Rogers and Bill Bell telling their stories to the media now? If all is true exactly as they say the timing doesn't ultimately matter, but I'm still wondering why now?

2. All three are Miss State alums/former players. Their story seems to be more organized now than 2 weeks ago when the story first broke. Seems slightly strange to me.

3. How did Bill Bell get involved if Miss State has never done anything like this before? Why would John bond tell Kenny Rogers to contact Bill Bell rather than just telling him to go f**k himself? Makes me wonder if the $$ amounts were smaller would he have made the payments?

4. What would give Cecil Newton the idea he could get that kind of money? He had been through the recruiting process before. If Florida did not give him/offer money or he did not ask for it then, what makes him think he could command money, let alone that amount after an arrest and leaving Florida for a JC? Hey my son just had a great year at junior college, I think I can make some money, just doesn't ring as rational thinking to me. Granted, no one has proven that Cecil Newton is rational either.

5. Kenny Rogers "job" is to help kids get placed in colleges. How do you make a living doing so without asking for money and taking a cut? Does he have a legit service where he sends videos to schools and networks with smaller colleges while charging the kid and their family money for the service? I haven't heard anything to that effect.

6. Has anyone considered that Kenny Rogers could have been out for himself and sought out Cecil Newton? Could Rogers have told Newton "I can get you money"? Could he have said "It doesn't have to be free this time, I have the sources to get you paid"? If this is the case and Newton agreed that does not make him right, it just shifts some of the responsibility in the situation and contradicts the coordinated story from the three Miss State parties in this.

7. IF Rogers told Newton he could get him money and Newton indicated he would be open to it if he could do so would that still be considered solicitation since it did not originate with Newton?

8. Why did Miss State continue to recruit him? Would you not want to distance yourself from that?

9. When Miss State turned this in to the SEC office, they did not divulge all of the information. Why did they hold some back if this was such a big deal?

10. How did Cam get to Blinn JC? Who pushed him to that school and why? Apparently there are assistant coaching connections between Dan Mullen and Dennis Francione, whose son is the Blinn JC Head Coach. Does that mean anything in itself? No But was there anything else to it? Maybe, might be a stretch, but it crossed my mind.

11. Am I the only one that thinks it is strange that the only people talking about all of this are from Miss. State? Oklahoma recruited him and reported nothing strange about his recruitment. Auburn was alerted by the SEC about this, checked it out and felt okay recruiting him. Does that mean they paid for him or that no discussions about money existed? Cam coming out of Blinn was not the "superstar" recruit he was out of HS. It's been reported that Gene Chizik originally didn't want him and was prepared to go into the season with the QB's he had. Supposedly an assistant coach talked him into looking at and ultimately signing the kid. If that is true, would it not make it less likely that Auburn would get into the middle of something scandolous if it were there?

12. Is there any proof or indication that Cam Newton knew anything about it other than one anonymous Miss State assistant claiming Cam told him he wanted to go to Miss State but the money was too good elsewhere? Is Cam really that stupid? Possibly, but he had been through the recruiting process before so its not likely he would have slipped up and said something he shouldn't have?


All will eventually come out. Personally, I'd love it if none of this were true. I'd love for it to be discovered that Kenny Rogers was the instigator in all of this and that somehow info got out and they had to turn it on Newton and away from Miss State. I'm not holding my breath for that scenario however. But before I hang Cam Newton, I think its fair to think about the above situations. If there are legitimate answers that would likely lead us to a conclusion, would it not?


Sorry for the length.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 05:10 PM)
Pocic has been very solid at center for Illinois this year.



QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:38 PM)
Molk is very good. He's the heart and soul of a greatly improved offensive line, one which actually has more than five players that can play. He's been banged up recently, but he's definitely a top level center in college.


Thanks. They both went to my high school and I was just wondering how they were doing.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 08:12 PM)
As far as Cam being solicited, either way, if he took money, whether offered to him or not, he's still in violation. I do wonder though if Florida did give him money originally. They've been awfully quiet throughout this.


There is no doubt if money changed hands and landed in the hands or business interest (aka church) of Cecil Newton, then there is a major problem. At this point there has been nothing indicating that happened however. At most, to this point Cecil could be guilty of trying to get money from Miss State. He's playing at Auburn so obviously he didn't get money from them. If there's more, it hasn't come out yet.

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They will only use one end zone at Wrigley tommorrow. Whenever a team has the ball on offense, they will be driving towards the west end zone, towards home plate. They won't use the end zone in the outfield by the ivy. Thank god my seats are on the right goalline.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 19, 2010 -> 10:41 AM)


They will only use one end zone at Wrigley tommorrow. Whenever a team has the ball on offense, they will be driving towards the west end zone, towards home plate. They won't use the end zone in the outfield by the ivy. Thank god my seats are on the right goalline.

Well, this was a rather embarrassing failure.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 19, 2010 -> 10:54 AM)
Well, this was a rather embarrassing failure.


I'll say. Like most things associated with the f***ing Cubs.


I thought they "studied" this in advance? WTF.



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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 10:52 PM)


It's possible Auburn did pay Newton. But this stuff has been going around the past few days. It's a combination of old news and stuff Alabama fans dug up and posted on Bama message boards. It is far from credible.


For example, do you really think it would be public knowledge that the FBI has wiretaps of conversations to turn into the NCAA? Do you think the FBI is releasing that info? Hell no. The NCAA doesn't say squat about pending investigations, so who would know? It's all conjecture and not based on factual knowledge.

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