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Bobby Jenks.


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What do I predict?


He's a top tier closer in 5 years. A fastball that reaches the high 90s/low 100/s and he has a killer curve? Sounds like closer material to me.


As a starter, he would be good for maybe half a year, then he'd throw out his arm. But as a closer, it would be a completely different story.

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I saw the piece as well and it certainly appears he's got all the talent in the world to become a stud big leaguer. If he can shake off his other problems, I'm guessing you'll see him in 2-3 years as a nasty addition to someone's bullpen, most likely Anaheim's if they've stuck with him this long...

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Its a shame such talent has to be wasted like that...

I saw the piece on Sportscenter, and I agree with you on that it's such a waste of talent when someone with that kind of "stuff," has those kind of problems.

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