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Greatest little league moment...


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Back in the day the team would supply bats, and I fell in love with this one that my team had. My coach jokingly promised me that if we repeated our championship then he would give it to me.


Went 6 for 8 in a three game series to win that championship, including 2 triples. Only had 8 official ABs because the first game I went 2-3 with those two triples, they walked me the rest of the way.


That same week we had an allstar game and blasted a homerun to take the lead.



Two years later, we played at a park that was a rectangle with two fields at opposite corners (Ridgeland Park in Oak Park if anyone knows it). This was a conversation my mom and dad had:


Mom (really excited): He hit it on the infield!

Dad: Umm, why is that so exciting?

Mom: I mean, the other field's infield, he walked to a homerun!

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Half of my top-right front tooth is fake, dating back to when I was about eight years-old or so. I was playing my first level of little league, where we actually had pitchers. I hit a HR, and I came in after rounding the bases and kissed the bat in celebration. The bat was aluminum, and my tooth shattered in half.


The tooth actually died out a few years back, and I ended up having at a root canal on it at about 20 years-old.

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As a 9-year old, I caught a screaming line drive out to right field. You always had the s***ty kids play the outfield and the good kids play the infield, and the team we were playing was incredibly good, and as such were hitting bullets to the outfield all day long and getting triples and homers because the girls we had out there sucked. So, even though the score was about 10-2, I told my dad to move me from SS to RF. Next inning, sure as s***, a kid hits a screamer out to right. He started running assuming it was going to be another huge hit, and it ended up in my glove. Threw it back in like I was king s***.


Oh, and throughout the ages of 12-15, I never had a home run. I had the same coach two years in a row, and I actually became one of his better players by the end of the second year, and he knew I had never had a homer, though he knew I did have a bit of power (sidenote: in the playoffs that year, we lost our first game. Our coach came up to us and said "you guys are talented, but you played terrible and I don't know what to do to motivate you. Don't take it so seriously and have fun. It's a game. Come back here tomorrow night and be ready to play." So after the speech, we went and played jackball, and I won by hitting like 3-4 out of the park and a few to the fence. The next afternoon, we did the same thing, and our coach came and pitched/actually played with us, and I hit another couple out. We had to win our next 4 (double elimination tournament, and we were 0-1) and, spoiler alert, we won our next 4). Anyways, final at bat of my Pony League career, I hit a ball to the left center gap. Their left fielder was slow and their center fielder was playing shallow. As I rounded second, I saw my coach giving me the green light to go, and just as I was about to round third for home, he put up the brakes. The cutoff throw was on the money, and their shortstop, who was also a pitcher, had the best arm in the league, and I would have been dead at home.


So that sucked.

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Got a hit off Cesar Carillo (SD pitcher who was just sick back then... I think I was like 0-20 before that hit though he was like 2 years older too) I believe I was 10 or 11 (though my team lost the W.S. a year later and we were the heavy favorites :() but I won the W.S. at age 13/14 couple years years later as the leadoff/2 hole hitter. :) Best feeling of my young life at the time (still got the shirt and the trophy FYI.


Got a couple High School moments too, but thats another day.

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I made it into the Southtown little league write-ups twice. Once for a sprinting shoestring catch in left field that saved a couple runs, and then for the only homerun I ever hit in little league that helped us clinch a playoff spot.


The outfield catch was wild because I normally played 2B and didn't have a ton of outfield experience running routes, but I got a good read on the ball off the bat and just hauled ass to get to where the ball was headed and caught it about three inches off he ground. The homerun was fun because I was the small, speedy, singles/doubles leadoff hitter and out of the blue I just totally crushed this ball and sent it into the middle of the infield of the ball field on the opposite side of the park.

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I have a couple that are really good and really bad..


The good first.. I hit 5 homeruns (over the fence) in 4 games during little league allstars when i was like 12-13 and then about the same time in a different league I pitched a 6 inning CG shutout giving up 1 hit and striking out 13..


And sadly, the same all stars tournament where I hit the homeruns I pretty much cost us the game and got us eliminated when we were tied in the bottom of the last inning (2 outs, bases loaded) and I missed a pop fly in CF.. I didn't even drop it, I just completely whiffed on it.. after that moment I could never play baseball again, like I literally just lost it due to that.. I remember going into high school I was the only freshman who didn't have to try out and was already on the team but that didn't really matter because after I missed that pop fly I just could never play at the same level I used to..


And then in that other league they had a traveling team that I tried out for and made and one game the bases where loaded and the guy hit the ball to me in CF and I raced back and slammed into the fence, missed the ball, and my cleat got stuck in the fence and they got an inside the park grand slam.. in a different game I was pitching and gave up a grand slam and a solo homer in one inning.. the coach came to take me out and said "sometimes you're a bug, sometimes you're a windshield"

Edited by T R U
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I never played little league, but I have a softball moment. I was playing for the Coast Guard team in a tournament in Juneau, AK. I was the extra hitter in the first game and went 3 for 3 with a single, double, and an inside the park HR. The HR was worth 3 runs, and we ended up winning by 2. I was the MVP. The coach left me as the EH in the second game. I went 2 for 3 with a single and a triple. I ended up scoring the winning run.


That was all good, but my favorite moment was last fall when my son (who was almost 7) pitched for the first time. He struck out the side and only walked one. I know, it's only Pinto, but man was I proud.

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Traveling team, league championship game, one out, bases loaded, me a .275 hitter. I was too slow to move out of the way of an inside pitch and got plunked. Umpire rules I moved into the pitch (I did), does not award me the base. I didn't even know that was a rule. Two pitches later I crush one that drops in just over the shortstop's head.

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I took a fastball to the jaw with bases loaded. Which scored the go ahead run in the playoffs. It was totally worth it. It really hurt though.


I won most improved player of the year award the first year I played little league. That was cool.


My team won the championship the last year I played. I went out on top.

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I was the biggest kid on my team (robusto in Spanish, husky in English), but I was also the fastest. I couldn't hit a lick, but I always found a way on base, drawing walks or leaning into pitches. I occasionally roped one to centerfield. I stole 20 plus bases one season. My greatest moment came in a weeknight, mid season game. We were the visiting team, even though it was a large complex of about 10 teams that rotated as home or away. It was our last at bat, we had two outs and the bases loaded, the score was 4-3 in our opponent's favor. My Albert Belle/Fernando Vina moment was soon to occur. I was on second base, with a short lead. The batter hit a routine grounder to shortstop. The shortstop for the other team was an old school chum of mine who I hadn't seen in a while. He didn't seem to realize that I played to win the game. He fielded the ball cleanly and turned to tag me. That night he learned a lesson in knowing the rules of a game. He held his glove to his chest, but I continued to run full speed right at him. I was on the ground, I looked up to see my third base coach telling me to get up an run to third. I looked back before I got up and saw the shortstop rolling around on the ground crying. The ball was a few feet away from him. I advanced to third base and the runner on third scored to tie the game 4-4. The shortstop, still boo hooing, was helped off the field by his teammates and coaches, while the head coach of the other team argued with the homeplate umpire fruitlessly. We didn't score again that inning, but in extras, we piled on the runs, with a final score of 16-4. Needless to say, I got the game ball for my momentum changing clutch play.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 18, 2010 -> 09:33 AM)
I took a fastball to the jaw with bases loaded. Which scored the go ahead run in the playoffs. It was totally worth it. It really hurt though.


I won most improved player of the year award the first year I played little league. That was cool.


My team won the championship the last year I played. I went out on top.




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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 18, 2010 -> 08:33 AM)
I took a fastball to the jaw with bases loaded. Which scored the go ahead run in the playoffs. It was totally worth it. It really hurt though.


I won most improved player of the year award the first year I played little league. That was cool.


My team won the championship the last year I played. I went out on top.


I was looking and hoping to get hit. No way I wanted to be up in that situation.

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