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Cotts Tonight

Rex Hudler

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5 walks tonight, That's why I don't think Cotts is ready for the majors.


Yes he had 9k's but 5 walks in the ML for a guy who doesn't throw that hard is not good. He would get pounded

Josh, I don't think you can look at it exactly that way. Like MSF said, two of the five were in the 8th inning where it seems he was laboring after giving up a leadoff hit.


If he would have come out after the 7th inning and his line was 7 IP 0 H 0 R 3 BB 9 K, would you complain then? I definitely think he is ready if the Sox call on him.

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Of course not Just saying. I hope he and Reed get september callups

Reed will not get a September callup. It is too early for them to start his service time clock and expose him to options. Cotts may get the call sooner than later.

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Reed will not get a September callup.  It is too early for them to start his service time clock and expose him to options.  Cotts may get the call sooner than later.

and in the situation that we are in, we may have no choice but to go with the hot arm.

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I definitely think he is ready if the Sox call on him.


Amen. But the $64,000 question is will the Sox call on him to pitch next Saturday in Seattle? Or will it be Danny Wright?? Or a pitcher we'll trade for this week???


After tonight, I'd vote Cotts in a landslide.

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Amen.  But the $64,000 question is will the Sox call on him to pitch next Saturday in Seattle?  Or will it be Danny Wright??  Or a pitcher we'll trade for this week???


After tonight, I'd vote Cotts in a landslide.

wright would be the likely choice if he hasn't struggle as much as he has. i wish he was pitching like he was last yr but oh well.


on the surface, i think cotts will be the one if we don't make a trade.

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I would love to see Cotts come up, that is if he is ready. I don't want to see him up too early. I'm not as worried about the fact that he could get rocked, which I don't think he would, but I'd be more worried if we called him up and he got shelled, then we'd have to start using our options on him because he'd be on the 40-man roster.

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Ah dammit! I just remembered that Danny has always "done well" pitching at SafeCo going into this year, I think that was where his first start this season was. I don't think he faired to well, but I'm sure for that reason(that he pitched well in the past) alone that he will get that start.

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Ah dammit! I just remembered that Danny has always "done well" pitching at SafeCo going into this year, I think that was where his first start this season was. I don't think he faired to well, but I'm sure for that reason(that he pitched well in the past) alone that he will get that start.

It'll sure be nice to watch Cotts pitch against the M's but hes not ready. I really dont think one start in the majors will hurt him but you never know these days, I'd rather have Wright up here ready to prove himself again.

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I'll take the left up in the rotation, I've already seen what Wright can do, and can't do...don't need to see him IN Seattle, 1st start back up, it could be REAL bad.

Why is everyone scared of Seattle? Their offense has been struggling mightily and overall they have been on a decline.

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I do not think that seattle is much of a threat.. They are on a decline and the white sox have a far better offense then the mariners even with our struggles.. We are starting to get going and I think we have been scoring like 6 runs a game since the break..


Your tellin me if we bring up Cotts to pitch about 5 innings that he is gonna give up more than six runs? They have never seen him before so i think he could do pretty well..


And besides, why not take a chance on our lone futures game represenative.. I think he would do a good job and why not let him get a little taste.. if he struggles, let him get a little more work in the minors and next year make him the number 5 man..


This is all if we dont trade for a 5 starter, if we trade keep him down

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it was three years ago this month that Buehrle was promoted from Birmingham to pitch for the Sox. Saw his first game against Milwaukee at Comiskey. He handled his job pretty well, but except for three games he pitched in middle relief in 2000. Helped him get his confidence for 2001.


Seattle might be struggling a bit offensively, but it's asking a ton of a young pitcher to deliver against veteran hitters such as Ichiro, Boone, Edgar and Olerud ON THE ROAD.


Cotts might be the right guy, but I don't think Safeco is the right spot.

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If its just one start, Cotts shouldn't be the guy cause you'd start his service time only to send him back down. Right now he isn't on the 40 man roster so there is no point in putting him on it unless he's gonna be up for the long haul.


If thats the case then Danny Graves would be a perfect fit. He could start if necessary (if Cotts really struggles) or he could become a great reliever again (and close if necessary; I'd say the Reds will unload him considering he made 5 mill this year). I don't think he'd have much trade value and to me he'd be an awesome pickup.

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it was three years ago this month that Buehrle was promoted from Birmingham to pitch for the Sox. Saw his first game against Milwaukee at Comiskey. He handled his job pretty well, but except for three games he pitched in middle relief in 2000. Helped him get his confidence for 2001.


Seattle might be struggling a bit offensively, but it's asking a ton of a young pitcher to deliver against veteran hitters such as Ichiro, Boone, Edgar and Olerud ON THE ROAD.


Cotts might be the right guy, but I don't think Safeco is the right spot.

I think against the Mariners its not good to bring in a guy that has control problems. They will beat up on a kid that gives up walks, etc.


I do think Cotts could contribute.

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Ah dammit! I just remembered that Danny has always "done well" pitching at SafeCo going into this year, I think that was where his first start this season was. I don't think he faired to well, but I'm sure for that reason(that he pitched well in the past) alone that he will get that start.

Damn I'm good :angry:


Taking the fifth: The White Sox need a fifth starter this Saturday in Seattle, and Danny Wright could get that honor. Wright, who has struggled with a strained ligament in his right elbow and ineffectiveness on the mound all season, hurled a complete-game victory Saturday for Triple-A Charlotte.


Wright has a 1-3 record with a 4.78 earned run average for the Knights.


"Danny did a nice job in his last outing," Williams said of Wright. "He is a candidate to take that fifth spot Saturday."


Manuel pointed to Wright's success against Seattle as a boost to his chances. Wright has an ERA right around 3.00 in Safeco Field.


:puke 54 footer back at it...

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