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First all Gay Highschool


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Gay and Lesbian schools are kind of viewed the same way "alternative" schools are. Or at least have been. Many of these schools that already exist are there to give a protected environment to those who have had trouble in school and couldn't function in their school. I don't know the details about the school per se, the articles are fairly vague... but it seems like Milk High will be more magnet school and less about being gay. Just gay-friendly... and whats wrong about creating an atmosphere where those 14 and 15 year olds who do know that they like boys can be honest about it without worrying about getting beat up at every corner?


Oh yeah, they do have Nerd Schools in New York. What do you think Bronx Science is?

Kids at 14 or 15 usually dont know what they like. The last thing they need is to be influenced to become or be gay.........let kids go through their teen years and figure out who they are on their own.

Thank-f***ing-you. Exactly what I was trying to say in my post. :cheers

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Gay and Lesbian schools are kind of viewed the same way "alternative" schools are. Or at least have been. Many of these schools that already exist are there to give a protected environment to those who have had trouble in school and couldn't function in their school. I don't know the details about the school per se, the articles are fairly vague... but it seems like Milk High will be more magnet school and less about being gay. Just gay-friendly... and whats wrong about creating an atmosphere where those 14 and 15 year olds who do know that they like boys can be honest about it without worrying about getting beat up at every corner?


Oh yeah, they do have Nerd Schools in New York. What do you think Bronx Science is?

Kids at 14 or 15 usually dont know what they like. The last thing they need is to be influenced to become or be gay.........let kids go through their teen years and figure out who they are on their own.

bull s*** supreme


have you read any studies of sexual/gender development in youth?


The field is rich if one looks into the literature.


Remember, you life isn't the same as everyone else's life.


Many kids know at that age.


And it is impossible to "influence" someone to be gay as it is impossible to "influence" someone to be straight. One is what they are. The scientifica/biological literature on that has been posted here before.


Not all 14 and 15s know their orientaton - some still struggle - but many, many do - of course this moves ius out of the realm of the "opinon of clugerbmr" and into actual academic and scociological and psycholoigcal empirical worlds of research.


Rather than ridicule what you don't want to understand, look up the stats on nationwide violence aganst teens done by peers in high schools over orientation issues - the numbers will astound -


and instead of ridicule, maybe suggest what you will do to make the world a better place so that gay bashing and anti-gay violence will cease

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I think this is a good option for people that would like to have this.


We have alternative education for special ed kids, alternative education for gifted students.


Taking education classes in UIUC, we were talking about how students can be alienated in the classroom and how this can effect their grades. Enter tangent. We had a woman who had done vast research in Hawaii [she was a native Hawaiian] about the grades of native Hawaiians compared to other kids in the school. She noticed that there were few, if any, native Hawaiian teachers in the school or even in the higher up positions in the school. The subject matter also did not even touch upon the native Hawaiian culture which alienated them further. They could not find identity and thusly their grades suffered. When some changes were made and more native Hawaiian teachers were hired and the course work changed a bit to encompass Hawaiian culture etc., their grades rose significantly. But remember, the heterosexual white male is the most oppressed person on the face of the earth.


Lesbians, gays, transgendered, and bisexuals catch all sorts of hell for wanting to express emotions towards other people. We've been conditioned to fear the appearance of homosexuality and spend a great deal of our lives locking rigid "acceptable" gender roles that stifle self expression and end up making people "prove" their heterosexuality to everyone. The result...a crop of paranoid heterosexuals that tolerate as if homosexuality was a phase, acceptance as if it is to be simply either accepted or rejected and not appreciated as heterosexuality is, and outright repulsion.


While I think that the school is a good option for those that would feel more comfortable there, I find it sad that we have to create schools like this simply because of rampant homophobes that make their lives living hell. And that is good that they named the school after Harvey Milk...at least one good thing came from the Twinkie defense.

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Theres another bad thing about this school. Lets say some homophobic psycho wants to shoot and kill a buncha gay people. He thinks wed be better off without him. At my school, hed have to find all the gay people (so hed probably have to go there to know which ones are gay) and then hed have to find em and kill em. By the time he does that tho, the cops will have shown up and gunned him down. At this gay school, he can show up kill the first 20 people he sees and he will have accomplished his goal. Or he could blow the place up. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel...

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Gay and Lesbian schools are kind of viewed the same way "alternative" schools are. Or at least have been. Many of these schools that already exist are there to give a protected environment to those who have had trouble in school and couldn't function in their school. I don't know the details about the school per se, the articles are fairly vague... but it seems like Milk High will be more magnet school and less about being gay. Just gay-friendly... and whats wrong about creating an atmosphere where those 14 and 15 year olds who do know that they like boys can be honest about it without worrying about getting beat up at every corner?


Oh yeah, they do have Nerd Schools in New York. What do you think Bronx Science is?

Kids at 14 or 15 usually dont know what they like. The last thing they need is to be influenced to become or be gay.........let kids go through their teen years and figure out who they are on their own.

bull s*** supreme


have you read any studies of sexual/gender development in youth?


The field is rich if one looks into the literature.


Remember, you life isn't the same as everyone else's life.


Many kids know at that age.


And it is impossible to "influence" someone to be gay as it is impossible to "influence" someone to be straight. One is what they are. The scientifica/biological literature on that has been posted here before.


Not all 14 and 15s know their orientaton - some still struggle - but many, many do - of course this moves ius out of the realm of the "opinon of clugerbmr" and into actual academic and scociological and psycholoigcal empirical worlds of research.


Rather than ridicule what you don't want to understand, look up the stats on nationwide violence aganst teens done by peers in high schools over orientation issues - the numbers will astound -


and instead of ridicule, maybe suggest what you will do to make the world a better place so that gay bashing and anti-gay violence will cease

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Omg how funny is that post. :lol: CW if you want to make the world a better place, the first thing you need to do is LOOK AT YOURSELF. You arent even close to making a difference. Get over your hypocrisy, bitterness, and judgemental behavior, and you might have a chance. UN f***ing believable how blind people are to their own flaws. :rolleyes:

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What's next? An all-Black HS? An all-Asian HS? A HS for bad spellers? An all-Overweight HS? Stop the f***ing madness. How are people and their differences ever going to be accepted if the minorities constantly try to distance themselves from the majority?


This all-Gay HS is a stupid idea.

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What's next? An all-Black HS? An all-Asian HS? A HS for bad spellers? An all-Overweight HS? Stop the f***ing madness. How are people and their differences ever going to be accepted if the minorities constantly try to distance themselves from the majority?


This all-Gay HS is a stupid idea.

So now Cub fans have somewhere to go to commiserate?

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UN f***ing believable how blind people are to their own flaws. :rolleyes:

Did you happen to look into a mirror while writing that?


And OldRoman, the school isn't going to have many students. There are lots of predominantly African American schools. What stops racist whackjobs from shooting them up?

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Did you happen to look into a mirror while writing that?


And OldRoman, the school isn't going to have many students.  There are lots of predominantly African American schools.  What stops racist whackjobs from shooting them up?

I know my flaws and correct them. Try it sometime.

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What's next? An all-Black HS? An all-Asian HS? A HS for bad spellers? An all-Overweight HS? Stop the f***ing madness. How are people and their differences ever going to be accepted if the minorities constantly try to distance themselves from the majority?


This all-Gay HS is a stupid idea.

You do an excellent job bashing it CK. Now any constructive solutions to the problem of heterosexual hatred of homosexuals that would alleviate the necessity for the creation of such a high school?

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Remember, you life isn't the same as everyone else's life.

Why don't you repeat that line in front of a mirror over and over until it soaks through your thick head? Just because you are a homosexual, that doesn't mean it's a natural or proper thing to be. I'm sure there are many studies that show that people who grow up to be gay had severe issues as children (whether it be physical/verbal/mental/drug abuse or some other kind of trauma such as sexual abuse) -- does that mean you were subject to any/all of those? Since there are studies about it, it must be true.


And I wonder what God would have to say about your lifestyle choice? I'd be curious to see how you justify breaking the Bible rule "thou shalt not be a pillow biter".

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Did you happen to look into a mirror while writing that?


And OldRoman, the school isn't going to have many students.  There are lots of predominantly African American schools.  What stops racist whackjobs from shooting them up?

Nothing stops him. All this idea does for someone like this is facilitate a mass murder. And makes gays feel like outcasts...

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Okay i have an idea. I have seen a selected few of you come on this board and CONTINOUSLY preach and b**** about the protection of homosexuals. Thats fine. However, NOT ONCE, have i seen one of you have the balls to say yes im a homosexual. If you want equality and protection, and claim its okay to be homosexual, why are you still hiding. Im very curious. :huh:

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Actually, the other day, a certain poster (I wont tell you who) was grilling another poster for use of the word f*****. He said at one point he was sick and tired of having insults hurled at him. Its indirect but it is an admission of gayness nonetheless...

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Actually, the other day, a certain poster (I wont tell you who) was grilling another poster for use of the word f*****. He said at one point he was sick and tired of having insults hurled at him. Its indirect but it is an admission of gayness nonetheless...

My point is why NOT BE DIRECT? I mean if its okay to be gay and they want equal rights, come outta the damn closet already.............

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I agree. I really dont like when someone runs from the truth. Youre gay, so just admit it. I lived in Spain and went to a Spanish school. I told everyone from day one that was American. I had been told Id take a lot of crap for that and I did. But then there were other Americans who tried to deny being American and I truly hated that. Some goofy albino redhead kid with this Texas accent (no Spaniard matches that description) saying "naw, Im Spanish!"Bullcrap you punk. Tell the truth. Those people were cowards who lied so others wouldnt give em crap. Pathetic...

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Okay i have an idea.  I have seen a selected few of you come on this board and CONTINOUSLY preach and b**** about the protection of homosexuals.  Thats fine. However, NOT ONCE, have i seen one of you have the balls to say yes im a homosexual.  If you want equality and protection, and claim its okay to be homosexual, why are you still hiding.  Im very curious. :huh:

Bmr, if I preach and b**** about the rainforest, would that make me a tree??


...sorry, that weak-ass joke was burning a hole in me....had to get it out...

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Bmr, if I preach and b**** about the rainforest, would that make me a tree??


...sorry, that weak-ass joke was burning a hole in me....had to get it out...

And if you were a tree, and you fell with nobody around, would it make a noise?

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What's next? An all-Black HS? An all-Asian HS? A HS for bad spellers? An all-Overweight HS? Stop the f***ing madness. How are people and their differences ever going to be accepted if the minorities constantly try to distance themselves from the majority?


This all-Gay HS is a stupid idea.

You do an excellent job bashing it CK. Now any constructive solutions to the problem of heterosexual hatred of homosexuals that would alleviate the necessity for the creation of such a high school?

Well I think younger generations are now kind of growing up in it. Homosexuals are now portrayed on tv (Don't know if thats good or bad cause I don't know if it tells gays to be stereotypical and they have to live there way or not; I guess it depends on that individual person). Either way its becoming more accepted.


This is something thats excited for a long long time, but has never really been mainstream until now so it is going to take time to be accepted. People aren't used to it. Most of the generations lived their hole lives thinking everyone they knew was straight. Hell, they didn't even think about it to be honest. So of course somethings and reactions are gonna be more rash then others cause they don't know about it.


It would almost be like being put to sleep for a thousand years to wake up and see that humans no longer have interourse with themselves but with Aliens. (Maybe this is a bad example), but the thing is you'd be shocked. I think for a while you'd be like what the hell is this. But if you have kids and stuff and they grow up AROUND it, then I'd assume they would get used to it.


I also think this school is bad if it means all gays are just going to go there. Don't isolate yourself cause if you feel you have to do that then your going to feel you have to do that for your whole life and I don't see what that solves. It just continues the same problem that is occuring now (Although I Think its really overhyped; I think now more people then not just don't care about your sexual allegiance, well depending on the state and area).


Now if its just for gays that are really getting picked on and mentally are out of whack then it is a good alternative. Still, I Think the best thing in life is to be in a diverse enviornment and deal with sucesses, failures, other groups, people, etc. Kids spend most of their lives at school and if they are in that undiverse place all their life then they form their own clicks and when they go out to the real world they are shocked and won't know how to deal with things, etc.

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