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Miguel Cabrera


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 08:35 AM)
The country is absolutely overrun with people who have such bad alcohol problems that it interferes with their work and they have to spend three months in a clinic? Really?

Let's be honest. The clinic he went to was to rehabilitate his image.


And yes, under the definition we are operating under, there are a whole s***load of alcoholics in this country. Who among us has never showed up to work hungover? Who among us has never stayed out later than anticipated and had a few more drinks than they should have on a night when they should have been home in bed?


Our culture celebrates alcohol in this country, and so unless you exhibit the most riduclous behavior in regards to drinking, no one really calls much attention to it. However, anytime someone DOES have an incident occur, such as a DUI, or something like Cabrera did, we all like to get on our high horses and condemn them and judge them. Meanwhile those same people are out getting plastered at happy hour on Thursday after work and showing up still drunk Friday morning at work.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 09:51 AM)
Let's be honest. The clinic he went to was to rehabilitate his image.


And yes, under the definition we are operating under, there are a whole s***load of alcoholics in this country. Who among us has never showed up to work hungover? Who among us has never stayed out later than anticipated and had a few more drinks than they should have on a night when they should have been home in bed?


Our culture celebrates alcohol in this country, and so unless you exhibit the most riduclous behavior in regards to drinking, no one really calls much attention to it. However, anytime someone DOES have an incident occur, such as a DUI, or something like Cabrera did, we all like to get on our high horses and condemn them and judge them. Meanwhile those same people are out getting plastered at happy hour on Thursday after work and showing up still drunk Friday morning at work.

First off, I did not condemn or judge anyone. I was pointing out the over-the-top nature of your post.


I understand the point you are trying to make - that we shouldn't judge without knowing all the details. I get that. But you have chosen to jump the shark in trying to make your point.


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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 09:51 AM)
Let's be honest. The clinic he went to was to rehabilitate his image.



However, anytime someone DOES have an incident occur, such as a DUI, or something like Cabrera did, we all like to get on our high horses and condemn them and judge them.


I don't think I've read any comments in this thread "condemning" anyone, even from those who have speculated that Cabrera is a likely alcoholic, which is certainly a reasonable presumption given his admission of an alcohol "problem" and his acknowleged stay in rehab (and I don't see that your speculation as to Cabrera's reason for that rehab is much different from anyone else's).


You are right, of course, that none of us can correctly diagnose Cabrera (or anyone else) as an alcoholic from afar, or based on the one incident last September. However, imo, labelling someone an alcholic should not be regarded as a condemnation or a judgment. Those labels merely perpetuate the stigma associated with the problem and contribute to an afflicted person's difficulty in admitting their condition, which is commonly regarded as essential to recovery. That difficulty is further compounded by the fact that denial is an inherent component and symptom of addiction. The fact of the matter is, the afflicted person is typically the last person to recognize, let alone admit to, a problem. When all is said and done, however, only that person can effectively make any meaningful pronouncement.

Edited by PlaySumFnJurny
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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 10:13 AM)
I mean, this thread did have a heavy air of the enthusiasm and righteousness you get from stories of a successful persons fall, I agree with iamshack on that.

I took that as having more to do with the fact that Cabrera is a Tiger who was nearly on the Sox. Contrast this thread with the one about Jenks

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QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 1, 2010 -> 09:39 PM)
The guy spent 3 months in a Florida treatment clinic, but he still denies that alcohol is an issue.


Detroit thinks it is; otherwise, why would they have a program set up for him while he's in Spring Training?


Hopefully, this program helps him with the addiction that he's denying.

Who knows. None of us personally know Miguel Cabrera, it might be possible the media oversensationalized the story. It's completely possible that Cabrera is really not an alcoholic and that he just got hammered drunk one night when he couldn't handle his liquor.


And the "rebab" thing seems to be nothing more than a public relations damage control move by the Detroit Tigers.

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