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Hawks national anthem... Disrespectful?

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QUOTE (Tex @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 01:55 PM)
I have never found it disrespectful. Althought, to be truthful, many in the crowd are just maiking noise for niose sake, and not out of any patriotic feeling. The event has become bigger than the anthem.


I have a hard time having my classes either recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge, or remaining silent. They also insist on talking instead of remaining silent during the moment of silence. That really annoys me.


I don't think there's any way you could prove something like that. It's your opinion.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 09:31 AM)
What do people think? To me it is the ultimate sign of respect to show your excitement and energy for the national anthem and the US flag. This is an arena that also cheers wildly anytime a member of our military is shown, so it isn't like they are just picking the anthem to be a part of.



Here's a little tip for the future: IGNORE MLIVE.

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i dont find it disrespectful at all. i, like most people here was taught to be quiet during the anthem since childhood and especially throughout my military career but man, few moments have brought a tear to my eye like the way my first hawks game since i'd been back from iraq and seeing everyone go crazy for the anthem and the flag. :headbang

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I was in the military, if that counts for anything (it doesn't and my opinion is no different than yours) but I don't see how it's disrespectful. If you refuse to stand, then yes, you're kind of an asshole, and you'll get flak for it, and deservedly so. At the same time, God Bless America is NOT the National Anthem and shouldn't get the same treatment. It's just a patriotic song, take it or leave it.


At Orioles home games, on the line "O say does that..." the crowd yells "O!" for the first syllable, I don't think that's disrespectful either but people from Boston and New York do... I wonder why

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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Mar 12, 2010 -> 10:12 AM)
lol just should do away with anthems before games

I wouldn't mind that frankly, but it's not worth pissing the people off that actually like hearing the anthem before every game ever.


QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 16, 2010 -> 07:17 PM)
At Orioles home games, on the line "O say does that..." the crowd yells "O!" for the first syllable, I don't think that's disrespectful either but people from Boston and New York do... I wonder why

A lot of teams have something like this. The Chiefs have the 'home of the chiefs' at the end of the anthem and the fans go nuts.

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The guy that wrote this garbage is just a jealous, whiny little Red Wings fan trying to be an attention whore. To his credit, he did get a lot of national attention for this opinion, but it's absolute, complete garbage. Anybody who has actually been to a Blackhawks game knows that the cheering is not at all disrespectful in the slightest. As far as i'm concerned, it's 100 times more respectful than standing there in silence like somebody just died as is the case during the anthem at just about every other event. I cannot believe this has even got as much attention as it has. The entire idea of the cheering is a combination of respect, patriotism, and excitement over the impending start of the game. I don't know what is more American than that. The good news is that politically correct to the extreme weenies like this guy will never get their way here, since the only way to stop this tradition is to not do the anthem.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 24, 2010 -> 02:45 AM)
The guy that wrote this garbage is just a jealous, whiny little Red Wings fan trying to be an attention whore. To his credit, he did get a lot of national attention for this opinion, but it's absolute, complete garbage. Anybody who has actually been to a Blackhawks game knows that the cheering is not at all disrespectful in the slightest. As far as i'm concerned, it's 100 times more respectful than standing there in silence like somebody just died as is the case during the anthem at just about every other event. I cannot believe this has even got as much attention as it has. The entire idea of the cheering is a combination of respect, patriotism, and excitement over the impending start of the game. I don't know what is more American than that. The good news is that politically correct to the extreme weenies like this guy will never get their way here, since the only way to stop this tradition is to not do the anthem.


Let's not get ridiculous here. You're only going to start an argument between all of the people in here who already agree that this writer is wrong.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Mar 24, 2010 -> 10:40 AM)
Let's not get ridiculous here. You're only going to start an argument between all of the people in here who already agree that this writer is wrong.


I really don't care if it starts an argument, because the other side has no argument. Anybody who thinks cheering something is in an way disrespectful is ridiculous. It's cheering! The ultimate expression of approval at a sporting event is cheering.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 24, 2010 -> 06:20 PM)
I really don't care if it starts an argument, because the other side has no argument. Anybody who thinks cheering something is in an way disrespectful is ridiculous. It's cheering! The ultimate expression of approval at a sporting event is cheering.


Yes, everyone is in agreement on that. I don't think a single person in this thread has said otherwise. I'm saying that you're going to make an argument where everyone already agrees by now stating that cheering during the anthem is more respectful than quietly standing with your hat over your heart. That's what I find ridiculous.

Edited by Milkman delivers
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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Mar 24, 2010 -> 06:36 PM)
Yes, everyone is in agreement on that. I don't think a single person in this thread has said otherwise. I'm saying that you're going to make an argument where everyone already agrees by now stating that cheering during the anthem is more respectful than quietly standing with your hat over your heart. That's what I find ridiculous.


Maybe not, but Hawks games have always been the only ones where I didn't find the anthem to be awkward.

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QUOTE (supernuke @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 12:31 PM)
I guess it all comes down to what an individual was taught about what being respectful means.

To each their own. You don't have to stand, you don't have to remove your hat, you can eat your nachos during it, or you can hoot and hollar and scream USA or GO HAWKS. It's your choice as a citizen of the country they are playing the anthem for. I personally stand and remove my hat, even put the hand over my heart, but to each their own.


The noise level increases when the song is winding down in anticipation of it being over and the game getting ready to start at all sporting events. Hawks games are just louder throughout the singing, but I think it is far less a patriotic roar in most cases and more of hey let's get fired up for "kickoff, tip off, face off, first pitch" etc. Also a really long version by the singer usually is greeted with groans almost as if saying c'mon let's get this meaningless ritual over and get to the game!

Edited by JuiceCruz16
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