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Oney Resigns; Tweets cause Sox soap opera


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Doesn't surprise me with him. Hell he ticked off alot of guys in the minors (promoted or teammate) as well. A couple of my friends I text every blue moon, who are in the minors now as pitchers, use to love facing him as he was an easy out, not to mention the last name.

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This whole Twitter thing is a joke. What does Ozzie use it for? To get s*** for free for his bum kids. Ozzie wants wrestling tickets, but they are too expensive? Days later Oney tweets he's in the front row for the WWE. Coincidence? Do you think he paid for those tickets? Do you think Oney Guillen has ever paid for anything on his own in his life? The answer to all those questions is no. There isn't a low level employee around that could go on twitter and get away with half the tweets he got away with and still have a job. If Ozzie wants to be a real good father, maybe he can defend his son in public, but in private he should let him know what he really is. Nothing.

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QUOTE (Springfield SoxFan @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 08:02 AM)
What is going to happen when the KW drafts Ozney Guillen in the next couple of years?


Of the three kids, doesn't it break down like this:


Ozzie Jr. : Not an idiot, does translation and Spanish broadcasts.


Ozney: Actually a good propsect(?)

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 08:14 AM)
Of the three kids, doesn't it break down like this:


Ozzie Jr. : Not an idiot, does translation and Spanish broadcasts.


Ozney: Actually a good propsect(?)


he has an awful, awful radio voice. have you ever heard him? yuck. he always sounds like he has a sore throat. if ozzie wasnt a coach or manager in mlb, they would be nothing

Edited by Melissa1334
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We all want the best for our children, to give them the things we never had growing up (if you come from that kind of background). Is it the right way to parent? Probably not, but it can certainly be debated. More often than not, the kid ends up spoiled and with questionable values. With that being said, how many of us have experimented with drugs in high school? or college? I don't understand why we're getting all high and mighty pointing out anyone's faults or character defects. Ok...the Guillen family has some issues, what family doesn't? The new title is fitting, this is all a soap opera. Ozzie isn't going to start intentionally throwing games out of revenge and everybody's jobs will be assessed at the end of the season based on the results. It is, as somebody already mentioned, bad form to break down people in the organization based on rumor.

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Ozzie has nothing to be upset about, his son chose TWITTER over the WHITE SOX...it was his decision get over it. If Ozzie wants to make the same choice let him terminate his contract so he can twitter all day long...my guess is the Sox are the only (or small handful) of organization(s) that would put up with Ozzie's antics and if Ozzie is smart he knows that.


Oney, grow up and get a real job without your Dad's help, grow out of his shadow into something that you made out of yourself.


I know if I was Tweeting bad things about my company I would be fired tomorrow.

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QUOTE (Marty34 @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 09:45 AM)
How many times has Cowley written that this has been the most boring camp ever? I say this is staged and that Oney will be the star of the TV show and it will launch his acting career. :-)


Exactly. Reality TV requires drama.. No drama = no viewers.


And when it doesn't exist, you have to create it.


That's my impression of the whole social media controversy this spring... artificially created drama for the purpose of the TV program.


I'm going to be so glad when the season starts, so we have something that is actually "real" to talk about.



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QUOTE (chiguy79 @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 09:58 AM)
Ozzie has nothing to be upset about, his son chose TWITTER over the WHITE SOX...it was his decision get over it. If Ozzie wants to make the same choice let him terminate his contract so he can twitter all day long...my guess is the Sox are the only (or small handful) of organization(s) that would put up with Ozzie's antics and if Ozzie is smart he knows that.


Oney, grow up and get a real job without your Dad's help, grow out of his shadow into something that you made out of yourself.


I know if I was Tweeting bad things about my company I would be fired tomorrow.


I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be unemployed after stunts like that.

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Ozney is actually a pretty good prospect from what I hear. As a person, he's just a normal type of guy. Definitely the most introverted of the three which is why you don't hear too much about him, but he just keeps it moving.


Ozzie Jr is a worker pretty much.


Oney is the most immature out of the three.


If you didn't want to hear about the drug allegations, that's fine. But one of the guys was a roomie of his for half a semester. Then he moved downtown and then after his freshman year quit all together. There's nothing wrong with him quiting school or anything. My point is that Oney has a lot of growing up to do from all accounts. Hopefully he gets it together and understands why the Sox made the decision they did regarding the website and twitter. You can't put your employer on blast and definitely can't put their business out in the open. And I have also heard he's ruffled a lot of feathers down in the minors. I hope that doesn't stop us from potentially drafting Ozney if we were thinking about taking him in the draft one day.

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QUOTE (chiguy79 @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 09:58 AM)
I know if I was Tweeting bad things about my company I would be fired tomorrow.


If you Tweeted a bad thing about your company you would be fired.


This is embarrassing for the Guillen family.

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The Washington thing is a much larger story than this.


This story is essentially Guillen quitting a job as a video guy in the scouting dept....whip dee doo....his criticizing the organization and thoughts on the team were nothing new.


He now needs to find a new hobby/job.


The Guillen KW thing will continue to be a story as it always has been this is nothing new. Any time Ozzie says we stink it is a reflection on KW.

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"I like face to face conversation or man to man way better than behind your back." per OneyRoberto's twitter


Why doesn't he give himself that advice. Unless he thinks talkin trash by twitter is manly.



I like what one dude sent him on twitter: "you don't even know how lucky you have it, try spending a day working in real life then see if u would still act like ur 12" per Jamie_Gums twitter


And he responds with some more helpfull advice that he should be directed towards himself: "Why don't u cry about it" per OneyRoberto twitter



This all falls on Ozzie for raising a spoiled brat like that.

Edited by jamesdiego
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QUOTE (jamesdiego @ Mar 20, 2010 -> 12:39 PM)
"I like face to face conversation or man to man way better than behind your back." per OneyRoberto's twitter


Why doesn't he give himself that advice. Unless he thinks talkin trash by twitter is manly.



I like what one dude sent him on twitter: "you don't even know how lucky you have it, try spending a day working in real life then see if u would still act like ur 12" per Jamie_Gums twitter


And he responds with some more helpfull advice that he should be directed towards himself: "Why don't u cry about it" per OneyRoberto twitter



This all falls on Ozzie for raising a spoiled brat like that.

yup, for condoning it all. theyre monsters that ozzie has created

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What a tremendous clusterf***!


Ozzie: You cannot tweet or talk bad about this team while you’re getting paid by this organization. And (oney) was getting paid by the Sox.


When will the madness end? Oh wait, it never f***ing got going in the first place.

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