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My hopes for the White Sox's reality show


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This is a completely serious thread, but I actually hope the White Sox's reality show becomes an unintentionally funny show done in a style that would make people think of "the Office".


Here's some things I'm hoping for:

*Confessionals with White Sox staff speaking their mind.


*Ozzie being himself in the White Sox office, which to me means he'll prolly be like Steve Carell's character in "the Office", saying inappropriate and politically-incorrect things, etc and being scolded for it.


*That we'll see many cringe-worthy moments with Ozzie being like Steve Carell's character, such as smiling awkwardly towards the camera while saying some awkwardly witty things, etc. And that he's totally unaware of how he's embarrassing other people.


*That we'll see many scenes of Kenny telling Ozzie "no" on various things Ozzie wants to do, similar to how Steve Carelll's character's superiors treated him in "The Office", such as telling him he can't have his "Party Planning Committe".


*That we'll see the drama with Oney, which I can see sort of being done with drama like in shows like "Miami Ink" and "LA Ink", but we'll see confessionals from Ozzie about why he thinks Oney should leave, similar to confessionals on "Survivor".


*That we'll see some Spring Training moments of White Sox players going to bars that would put even "Jersey Shore" at shame.


*Hopefully we'll see Reinsdorf being like, the guy that lets Ozzie goof off, much to Kenny's frustration. In fact, I can kind of see Reinsdorf being a little like the old dude on "Pawn Stars", except Reinsdorf will be much more laid back about Ozzie's cussing and won't have a cuss jar.


*That Ozzie will, at one point, say "That's what she said."


What else do you all hope to see? :)

Edited by SouthsideDon48
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