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GOP refuses to work past 2pm


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 09:53 PM)
Sure, when the shoe's on the other foot, it's ok.



QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 09:53 PM)
GMAFB. You people are sick.



Your ultra-conservative crusade is really turning into a tired act. Cantor's report of targeted violence was clearly a contrived farce. If you want people to take your arguments seriously, you will need to concede on some of the no brainers. I called out a friend for posting a b.s. story this week about Bush Jr. wiping Haitian cooties off his hand and onto Bill Clinton. I would hope you could do the same with Cantor's diversion.


Please, let's all try to start using common sense again.

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Like most politicians dive to the middle to get elected, Kap has dove to the right to keep things stirred up. :notworthy Relax and enjoy the show. It's like have Rush on steroids visiting everyday. :lolhitting

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QUOTE (Pants Rowland @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 11:20 PM)
Your ultra-conservative crusade is really turning into a tired act. Cantor's report of targeted violence was clearly a contrived farce. If you want people to take your arguments seriously, you will need to concede on some of the no brainers. I called out a friend for posting a b.s. story this week about Bush Jr. wiping Haitian cooties off his hand and onto Bill Clinton. I would hope you could do the same with Cantor's diversion.


Please, let's all try to start using common sense again.



QUOTE (Tex @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 10:03 AM)
Like most politicians dive to the middle to get elected, Kap has dove to the right to keep things stirred up. :notworthy Relax and enjoy the show. It's like have Rush on steroids visiting everyday. :lolhitting


No, you all, even after I made it clear, are trying to paint millions of people in a light that is simply not true. ALL "tea party people" condone violence and racism is about as stupid as ALL "Democrats" are communist. And some were "stupid" enough to go along with it. That's contrived and shameful.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 11:39 AM)
you all... are trying to paint millions of people in a light that is simply not true...


You mean like saying that a majority of Americans being against the healthcare bill equals the majority of Americans being against healthcare reform?


On the whole Tea Party issue, I understand that this movement is full of all kinds of people with the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" attitude. Since its inception the followers have proven to be from all sides of the political spectrum. The only thing they ALL seem to have in common is disillusionment and possibly unemployment.


However, in my opinion, the far right teabaggers appear to be getting the most publicity and are beginning to define the movement itself. We could blame the liberal media for this except Fox News seems to be giving them as much air time as anyone. Furthermore, when you invite Sarah Palin to be your keynote speaker, it makes it tougher to refute the notion that the Tea Party has turned into the Green Party for the right. I have also heard some say the invitation of Palin was a renegade act of and does not reflect the views of the national movement. I can concede such a point, but listening to interviews and seeing the hateful messages on banners at these rallies has me wondering whether this is a grass roots or nationalist movement. It is a fine line but I believe the Teabaggers have crossed it.


Can we all at least agree that the term "teabagger" still makes us snicker when we hear it? ;-)

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QUOTE (Pants Rowland @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 12:55 PM)
You mean like saying that a majority of Americans being against the healthcare bill equals the majority of Americans being against healthcare reform?


On the whole Tea Party issue, I understand that this movement is full of all kinds of people with the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" attitude. Since its inception the followers have proven to be from all sides of the political spectrum. The only thing they ALL seem to have in common is disillusionment and possibly unemployment.


However, in my opinion, the far right teabaggers appear to be getting the most publicity and are beginning to define the movement itself. We could blame the liberal media for this except Fox News seems to be giving them as much air time as anyone. Furthermore, when you invite Sarah Palin to be your keynote speaker, it makes it tougher to refute the notion that the Tea Party has turned into the Green Party for the right. I have also heard some say the invitation of Palin was a renegade act of and does not reflect the views of the national movement. I can concede such a point, but listening to interviews and seeing the hateful messages on banners at these rallies has me wondering whether this is a grass roots or nationalist movement. It is a fine line but I believe the Teabaggers have crossed it.


Can we all at least agree that the term "teabagger" still makes us snicker when we hear it? ;-)



Damn near any poll you read on this people wanted reform, but not the s*** we got. But, I'm ALWAYS wrong for saying this according to you all.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 05:12 AM)
Can you at least stop with the spitting thing? that did not happen. They have video all over the damn internet of the members walking thru that group and no chants of n*gger, no spitting, no nothing. Jessie Jackson Jr was himself video taping that whole exchange. if that stuff did happen, you KNOW that his race-baiting father would have been on the news before anyone could wipe it away.


As for the refusal to make a joint statement, the Dems want to place the blame squarely on the Tea partiers, while the Repubs don't. Both have condemned the actions and rightly so. But how many times have you heard about a noose at a black college, or racial slurs painted somewhere, and it turns out that they were done by the people who reported it (who were black). Not unheard of and in fact, quite common.


here's the video of the guy being "spat" on



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Tea Partiers right now fall into the same situation all the lefties who protest at the GOP convention and the WTO/G-20 protesters do. Yes, there is an overarching message and most people that show up are angry, and have reasons for going, but there are a lot of garbled messages and it isn't always coherent or unified. And then a lot of them make noise, and the noisest and most extreme ones make it on TV because that's what people talk about, and, well, because the major networks are shallow and stupid.

Edited by lostfan
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The closest thing there is to anything like that is the far left anarchists that are into sabotage, monkeywrenching, s*** like that. But they aren't all militant and violent like that (hell, they are mostly antiwar)

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i see you guys are in total panic mode.


just remember, half of these accusations are sketchy anyways. everyone wants to be the victim. helps raise money and rile up the base. gotta donate some money to save nancy pelosi / lindsey graham from the evil doers.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 06:25 PM)
In what way are "half" of them "sketchy"? They're all documented with the appropriate police reports.


where? what is? that video of the 'spitting'? it's laughable. what a bunch of babies this country is becoming. some fat loser yelled 'kill the bill' at him. who cares....

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you don't understand kap, strangesox.


If you criticize dbags for being dbags, kap reads it as everyone remotely related to the subject is dbags, including kap himself, so he turns it around and claims that YOU are the dbag for calling kap a dbag, all of which never happened.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 07:39 PM)
?thrown bricks and cut gaslines = baby?


eta keep making excuses for s***heads being s***heads. It really furthers the conservative cause.


no one is making excuses. s*** happens. the GOP HQ in Chicago had a brick thrown through it's window a couple years ago. I didn't care. crazy f***ers do this kind of s*** sometimes. happens no matter who is in office.



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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 04:47 PM)
here's the video of the guy being "spat" on



The guy is cupping his hands to yell at the guy, not spit on him. Perhaps he is guilty of spraying it instead of saying it, but that is not the same as spitting on someone. if that guy was hocking a loogey on him, he wouldn't be cupping his hands around his mouth. And where are the n*gger chants we heard about? Now where to be found.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 12:57 PM)
The guy is cupping his hands to yell at the guy, not spit on him. Perhaps he is guilty of spraying it instead of saying it, but that is not the same as spitting on someone. if that guy was hocking a loogey on him, he wouldn't be cupping his hands around his mouth. And where are the n*gger chants we heard about? Now where to be found.


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Mar 29, 2010 -> 11:57 AM)
The guy is cupping his hands to yell at the guy, not spit on him. Perhaps he is guilty of spraying it instead of saying it, but that is not the same as spitting on someone. if that guy was hocking a loogey on him, he wouldn't be cupping his hands around his mouth. And where are the n*gger chants we heard about? Now where to be found.


under this logic, my pregnant wife didn't fart on my favorite chair last night because I don't have it on tape.


I know she farted, i heard it and smelled it, but she won't admit it because she's too embarassed.

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