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The New Catholic Church Scandal


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:14 PM)
I'm surprised no one has really commented on the brewing Catholic priest scandal.


*awaits Balta to post several links to his posts on the topic*

Actually, I've been hesitating because I thought there had probably been enough venom spewed in this forum this week.

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Yeah, i mean, isn't this even worse, though, than Boston? They've found proof that Pope Benedict knew about the abuse and did nothing. And they continue to refuse to apologize or any effort to remove those from the church.


They are trying to build their congregation after "turning the page" after boston, this explodes. THE ONLY WAY to fix this is to show how serious the catholic church is on fixing it.


1. Using the countries local law enforcement

2. Letting priests marry.

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um...i guess i'll just say if you want to read about the church scandal go to



he's a good aggregator.


Personally, I guess I just don't want to discuss it much because it really makes me sick.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:13 PM)
um...i guess i'll just say if you want to read about the church scandal go to



he's a good aggregator.


Personally, I guess I just don't want to discuss it much because it really makes me sick.

Honestly I haven't read too much about it. Was just surprised it wasn't being discussed anywhere here since it seems to be quite a big issue.

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Yeah, well it's focused in Ireland and Germany. With a sidestory in NYT in Milwaukee of deaf children being molested in a closet by their priest, and the church ignoring them. ...f*** you are right this does need it's own thread.


I won't discuss much in it but i'll start it.

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Within the last month, new huge scandals have been uncovered in Ireland and Germany.


With Germany, of course, is the huge blockbuster news that Pope benedict knew of abuse going on in Germany, and handled it, well you can guess.


The NYT found abuse in the sixties of a priest molesting deaf children in a closet. He spoke sign language and was the reason the family brought their kids there. When the children grew up, they brought it to the church. It was ignored. They were yelled at.



Milwaukee story

The Vatican on Thursday defended its decision not to defrock a Wisconsin priest accused of sexually assaulting as many as 200 deaf boys from the 1950s to the 1970s and denounced what it called a "despicable" attempt to smear Pope Benedict XVI and his aides.


But Wisconsin advocates for victims of clergy sex abuse suggested the Vatican's handling of the case involving Father Lawrence Murphy - and revelations on similar cases in Europe - provide evidence of an institutional coverup that spanned decades and continents.


The national catholic reporter:


We now face the largest institutional crisis in centuries, possibly in church history.


The future pope knew:



The future Pope Benedict XVI was kept more closely apprised of a sexual abuse case in Germany than previous church statements have suggested, raising fresh questions about his handling of a scandal unfolding under his direct supervision before he rose to the top of the church’s hierarchy.


Pope May Be at Crossroads on Abuse, Forced to Reconcile Policy and Words (March 26, 2010)

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future pope and archbishop in Munich at the time, was copied on a memo that informed him that a priest, whom he had approved sending to therapy in 1980 to overcome pedophilia, would be returned to pastoral work within days of beginning psychiatric treatment. The priest was later convicted of molesting boys in another parish.


An irish bishop was removed. That has been the only position so far that I know has been removed.


A. Sullivan makes the case that it's because the church has chosen to view this as a sin and not a crime. But, with it now being a global crisis with the current popes hands red, action is being called upon.


I hope to see some serious reform. So far benedict has tinkered around the edges.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 11:49 AM)
Actually, I've been hesitating because I thought there had probably been enough venom spewed in this forum this week.


Don't stop now!

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2 years ago we visited the vatican and their new journalism/PR school they were putting in place. it appears they didn't follow any of the crap they spewed to us. This was the exact stuff we talked about, in crisis, would they serve as accurate liaisons for the church, or would they again close up. They took the Roger Ailes media to heart.

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Nice system they got there. If a priest abuses a child, you just move them to a different church. If people find out about it, you deny it and yell that people are attacking the church.


If Pope Benedict knew that childern were being molested in Germany and did nothing about it, than he should be held responsible for it.

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What kind of logic is it that they think they can just wait it out? IMO, a mass resignation would be GOOD for the church. You can't think things have changed when everyone who was responsible is still in charge.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:50 PM)
What kind of logic is it that they think they can just wait it out? IMO, a mass resignation would be GOOD for the church. You can't think things have changed when everyone who was responsible is still in charge.

The Catholic Church is slooooooooooow to change. And its slowly destroying them. Oh, and, given the reason its happening, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the people who run the church. It really sucks though, for practicing Catholics, and the good priests.


Wake the f*** up, dudes. Abusers get defrocked and turned over to the police without exception, priests should be allowed to marry, and allow women to be priests. Its just so obvious, but they are just so blinded by their weird little world in Rome.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:57 PM)
I've said it before, I'll say it again, people that f*** with kids like this should be castrated, without drugs, forced to sit through the pain, then shot in the face. Priest or no priest.

Who are you? Vic Mackey?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 12:57 PM)
I've said it before, I'll say it again, people that f*** with kids like this should be castrated, without drugs, forced to sit through the pain, then shot in the face. Priest or no priest.


Considering how many innocent people tend to be found guilty and locked up nowadays, there are gonna be a lot of unhappy, undeserving dickless faceless people out there

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 26, 2010 -> 01:23 PM)
Considering how many innocent people tend to be found guilty and locked up nowadays, there are gonna be a lot of unhappy, undeserving dickless faceless people out there


It continues to amaze me how peoples perception of "how many innocent" people this involves. It's an incredibly small percent.


And clearly such a punishment is for those that are, beyond a doubt, guilty.

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Per Andrew Sullivan


That's the Vatican's word - not mine - to describe Ratzinger's chairing of a meeting that decided to transfer a known and dangerous child-rapist to therapy and then on to further child-molestation as a priest. Money quote:

"Neither the Vatican nor the German archdiocese had previously mentioned in their statements that Cardinal Ratzinger was sent a memo relating to the reassignment of Father Hullermann. In his statement on Friday, Father Lombardi did not comment directly on the memo."

They can't handle this. So they won't. All they have now is denial.

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The Milwaukee priest was reassigned to the Diocese I now work in--so this has dominated local news for a while. It's notable because, essentially, Cardinal Ratzinger was aware of the coverup or abuse or something.


Here's a link to the story: Latest update

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