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Hijacking is still very much in vogue


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The Department of Homeland Security has told airlines and law enforcement agencies that al-Qaida may attempt new suicide hijackings sometime during the next few months. The vague warning came from information gleaned from interviews of at least one al-Qaida prisoner as well as intercepted communications, said one intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity. The information was developed in the last few weeks. "We continue to investigate this information to determine its level of credibility," said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security



If you were a terrorist what would deter you from continuing this activity?

All it really takes is for a terrorist mechanic to plant some sort of weapon on the plane before a clean terrorist boards. Do you really think it's that hard for a terrorist to both gain access to mechanics & masquerade as one?


Likewise the Pentagon bombing proved to the terrorists that not even the defense dept is not willing to shoot down a commerical airliner. So the terrorists have yet to even test the resolve of the US military to trade the lives of an airliner for the lives of a city.


Finally with the airline industry still suffering in the red, corner-cutting is almost a given right now make the airlines vulnerable.


The fallacy of the liberal/socialist in America is the belief that we can actually prevent these attacks. The reality is we can't. Muslim militancy is on the rise across the globe. The likelihood of 1 gaining employment in the airline industry is on the rise.

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