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Tuesday, July 29 game thread


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What the f*** White you f*****.


Someone assassinate him.

Uh oh, someones gonna rip you a new one for saying f*****...

Oh well, f***** is a commonly used word these days, like f***er and s***head, and b****. f***** is something you'd have to get used to if you find it offensive.

Last time I checked Rick White wasn't gay. Please expand your diction and find a new adjective.

So then if someones head isn't made out of s*** then you cannot use 's***head'?


If someone doesn't constantly have sex, then you can't use 'f***er'?


If someone isn't a female dog, than you can't use 'b****'?

Its that f***** is technically hating on gays. So when you use f***** to insult a player, its really hating on gays. Delete your post before cwsox finds it or your in trouble. We have gay posters too...

We also probably have posters who are criminals -- does that mean we shouldn't say bad things about them too? People have to live with the consequences of their choices -- and choosing to be gay is no different.


Anyway, it would be nice to add a few more runs and put this game out of reach.

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haha yeah, reading the game thread means I'm shadowing you like a jealous four year-old. In that case the whole site must be jealous.


I just like pointing out when you're full of s***, which is often.

No, you caustic little gnat, you go out of your way just to bring to light minor discrepancies. YOU were the only one who had a problem with my gloating, and then illogicaly assumed that everyone was pissed at me as well. This was not the case, and you trying to show a similarity between the words "bum" and "f*****" just shows how elastic you will make yourself to make me look like an imbecile.


Now please, sit down and go back to your corner you attention grabbing, moronic, waste of my God damn time.

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I like it too but, who do we have for right-handed relief now?  Flash...and um Flash?

Well, righties we have Ginter for mid-long relief, Gordon to close, and Koch to mop-up until he is right...then we have Schoenweis to mid-long relief, Wunsch as situational, and Marte to setup left-handed....I like that pen...and f*** Rick White...we can trade him to the Northern League for 2 packs of Sunflower seeds, and some infield chalk.

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I'm sure I didn't just read someone say "choosing to be gay."  Right up there with choosing to be human, choosing to be male, choosing to be blonde...


Come on...

I'm the one that said that. It's my OPINION that gayness is a lifestyle choice. Do you have evidence that proves otherwise?

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did you guys forget that there is a game on this is the game board.



we have a place for all this swearing and all

Hmmm, LDF...i gotta crack on you for quoting one thing, and discussing another...but alas, your point is made

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Lets get this game over with...We're still up 3 runs and the Royals are highfiving each other like they just secured a 3 run lead! Hey f***S, we're still up...Come on..1-2-3 inning in the 9th


I want to sweep these f***ers...BAD!!!

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Are you really...LaughingOutLoud???  :D

Ya know, everytime I say that, Im not really laughing. I think its funny but Im not laughing. I dont laugh at much. George Carlin and thats about it. Im amused in funny movies but I dont laugh. Im not depressed or anything. Just I dont laugh that much, altho sometimes I intentionally laugh to just make someone feel good about a joke they told or something. And then I laughed at my mom last nite when she was yelling at me. That didnt help things at all...

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