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You know. I got to watch Kane from a unique point of view at the Cubs/Sox game. I was on that rooftop with him right behind him. I watched a 21/22 year old kid, having a good time, not out of control, trying to meet girls. He was not out of control, he was not obnoxious, he was not crazed. He spent a lot of the game, scoping out girls, living in the moment taking a breather from a pretty interesting rollercoaster ride over the last 48 hours.


I can share some fun things.


The rooftop next door tried a few times to lure him over there. They pulled just about every hot chick they could, and when that didnt work. The owner just basically brought two girls up to the edge and told him he wanted him to party over there. Kane said, I am fine where I am at. Thanks though.


Kaner eventually picked out some pretty good looking dark haired girl with a blue shirt from the rooftop and had the bodyguard go and get him the intro. Watching him try to pick up this girl was pretty funny. In the end he was making pretty good progress before her friend tried to run a block on it. Kaners wingman didn't do his job.


I kind of felt bad for the guy. Lots of people being dbags trying to make sure that Patrick would sign or take a picture with him. Literally people screaming at him. Patrick, Patrick, here, right here. Over here Kaner. Look at me. Some chick started going off on him because she didn't like the fact that he was trying to pick up some other girl. Started with a rant on how none of these people are fans like she is. It was pretty comical. People trying to get based his security was funny as well.


I have some pictures I took today that I will post up here.


Funniest comment. Some chick that was from another state didn't know who he was. She says, Whats the big deal. I don't care who he is, he has a mullett. LMAO

Edited by southsideirish71
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Buff was just as sloshed as Kane was.


And I dont blame them one bit. They're 21. They've climbed the mountain top and won the hardest trophy to win in sports. And now they have the entire city at their beck and call.


I'd be doing the same damn thing.

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QUOTE (Nokona @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 11:54 PM)
I'd be doing the same damn thing.

I did the same thing, ha. Just got home 30 minutes ago for the first time since about noon on Wednesday, the city was just too much damn fun for all of this.

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I dont really care if he was drinking or not, but it does reflect upon Kane when hes acting like that. Maybe he doesn't care, which is perfectly fine, he wasn't doing anything illegal, but I just hope he knows that there are people who will judge him because of it. Now I did see Toews shotgun a beer as well, but most the guys weren't nearly as sloshed as Kane. If anything I have gained just a ton of respect for everything Toews is and does, and how he goes about his business and carries himself. IMO its been a while since I've seen an athlete so young that just gets it like Toews does.

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I think the people that are making a big deal about the drinking thing are prob. older and forgot how life is as a kid, this isnt a big deal and Im surprised that more than 1 person is making it out to be. On top of that as other posters said if you bring kids to a parade like this you have to know people are getting drunk in the crowds... its like the adults that bring their kids to rock concerts and are appalled that there are mosh pits...

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There is a huge difference in appropriate behavior when you are

  1. Partying in private with your friends
  2. Partying in public with your friends
  3. Representing your employer in front of 2,000,000 of their customers
You have convinced me that someone at twentyone can't figure that out. It is too advanced of a social skill. Here is a tip, when at a work function, if you are clueless as to appropriate behavior, look to management and your peers. Perhaps look to other people at similar functions to see how they handled themselves. Obviously there are some posters here that think they can act like it is a private party while at work. Best of luck to you.






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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 11:24 PM)
Kaner has issues with being a 21 year old drunken idiot at times. A LOT of 21 year olds have that problem, as anybody who has been to college (which is most of us) knows. He produces on the ice, and as long as the cab thing remains a one time incident, I can't sit here and tell him what to do with his spare time. Kaner wasn't the only one that seemd a bit tipsy today either.


Yeah, but he has to be held to a higher standard than most 21-year-olds. I'm not prosthelytizing and saying alcohol is sin, but when they are kids are involved, he's got to keep himself under control. He has all off-season to party and be wasted, and just spent the past two days doing such. Is it too much to ask for him to be sober for two hours while the entire Chicago spotlight in on him? I think not. When you become a public figure, and not a private person, you have to learn how to comport yourself in public.


QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 08:20 AM)
There is a huge difference in appropriate behavior when you are

  1. Partying in private with your friends
  2. Partying in public with your friends
  3. Representing your employer in front of 2,000,000 of their customers
You have convinced me that someone at twentyone can't figure that out. It is too advanced of a social skill. Here is a tip, when at a work function, if you are clueless as to appropriate behavior, look to management and your peers. Perhaps look to other people at similar functions to see how they handled themselves. Obviously there are some posters here that think they can act like it is a private party while at work. Best of luck to you.


Thank you.

Edited by maggsmaggs
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 10:47 PM)
I was thinking the same thing. He should have kept his s*** together today.


Hopefully, the right people have the right talk with him. He wasn't cool today. Not one bit.


But I bet he got a lot of ass.


All he had to do was to be cool with the entire world watching. The whole chugging bud light after bud light thing was just awful. Two hours. That's all he had to be under control for, and he couldn't even do that. It made me wonder if he has a serious problem.

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Eh, it didn't bother me.

He's 21 years old and he's got the world on a string.

This may never happen again, so why go all-out?

For parents, it's another "See, kids, athletes are NOT role models" moment.


Maybe I'd have tried to keep it together during the rally, but I can't say for sure because I never scored a Stanley Cup-winning goal at the same age I could legally drink alcohol. Knowing how I was at age 21 I'd have probably worn a bullet belt of beers onstage.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 08:27 AM)
All he had to do was to be cool with the entire world watching. The whole chugging bud light after bud light thing was just awful. Two hours. That's all he had to be under control for, and he couldn't even do that. It made me wonder if he has a serious problem.


Right. The cabbie incident, the shirtless limo incident—both of those happened on his own time, and this was a work function.


Patrick Kane is 21 years old and didn't go to college. Which developmentally puts him about age 19. Kaner's also worth about $31M more than most people his age, so he can buy and do pretty much whatever he wants.


I think he's a good kid who just really likes to party, but at this point I wish he could hold it together better. If I'm Rocky, Q, Stan Bowman, or Jonathan Toews, maybe it's time to talk.

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QUOTE (Drew @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 02:06 PM)
Right. The cabbie incident, the shirtless limo incident—both of those happened on his own time, and this was a work function.


Patrick Kane is 21 years old and didn't go to college. Which developmentally puts him about age 19. Kaner's also worth about $31M more than most people his age, so he can buy and do pretty much whatever he wants.


I think he's a good kid who just really likes to party, but at this point I wish he could hold it together better. If I'm Rocky, Q, Stan Bowman, or Jonathan Toews, maybe it's time to talk.

It's time to talk, but it's also entirely plausible that having "That talk" can backfire. Backfired with me.

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I think more people would have had a problem if Kane was acting like he was a 50 year old man and standing straight up with his hands to his side acting like a perfect gentleman.


This is why people love Kane. He is a fun loving 21 year old who is enjoying the hell out of his life right now.


Like another poster said, this is just older people being shocked by what the younger generations do and in reality, I am sure when they were Kane's age, their parents thought it was disgusting when they did things like getting drunk too.


Maybe in 30 years I will see people drinking on TV after they accomplished the biggest thing in their life and I will be upset too.

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I have a belief that there is really no legitimate reason for anyone to get drunk, ever... unless it's an accident (over drank and didnt know your limit). There's just no need for it.


If your definition of "fun" is going out and getting plastered and acting like a complete boob, then I have no ambition to hang out with you.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 02:50 PM)
I have a belief that there is really no legitimate reason for anyone to get drunk, ever... unless it's an accident (over drank and didnt know your limit). There's just no need for it.


If your definition of "fun" is going out and getting plastered and acting like a complete boob, then I have no ambition to hang out with you.

And that's your opinion. But its not going to stop me and most everyone else my age from having fun that way.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 03:09 PM)
And that's your opinion. But its not going to stop me and most everyone else my age from having fun that way.


I agree with this... fun is different for everyone else and this is what fun is for Kane, if I was a parent my kid would know that he/she should have the mentality of Kane ON the ice, but not off it... If there's a role model you want kids to follow on the Hawks, tell them to watch Toews, he's the most level-headed 22 year old I've ever seen...


Also I thought that this video was awesome (if its been posted already, i didnt see it)


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I actually don't drink alcohol, but I am not going to hold it against some young hockey players because they did it after completing what is probably the greatest accomplishment of their lives. And I can't see how anybody is going to judge them for getting tipsy at such a time either.

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What made me laugh was that the media seemingly encouraged all the drinking the whole time. I heard so many jokes about how dehydrated they were and blah, blah, blah, so it definitely didn't concern the media very much. Kane definitely did not need to be that sloshed when he spoke at the rally, but whatever.


The Cup will be at Wrigley tommorrow night, should make the night much more fun while Floyd shuts s*** down. Seriously though, I really, really, really want the Sox to take that BP Cup. :lolhitting



After the 4 Hawks are on the Leno show Monday night, how many days until Chicago realizes they dont care about hockey until next May again???

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I would say we should create an off-season thread soon here, perhaps in the next couple of weeks when all the parting and appearances for the Hawks start dying down a bit. I would love to hear some of the views here from posters with our salary cap situation, who you would keep/trade, etc.. (Toews won the CS, which also kicks in another 1.3 mil added to the cap is worth noting too.... ouch though I know for sure noone would rather have it any other way)

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I do not think anyone is saying he doesn't deserve to knock back a few, hell get totally drunk and yell and scream all he wants, but, and try to stay with me, *not at the parade in front of 2,000,000 of your customers*. I find it hard to believe that so many people here believe that there is no difference between getting drunk with your buddies in private and getting drunk while your company is on display for the entire world to see. How long does he get a "I can be drunk anytime I want pass?"


The logic just escapes me.


Hey, his first kid was born so he started slamming beers at the hospital! It's a once in a lifetime thing, the greatest moment of his life. He's 21 or 25 or whatever. Let him celebrate!

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QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 08:20 AM)
There is a huge difference in appropriate behavior when you are

  1. Partying in private with your friends
  2. Partying in public with your friends
  3. Representing your employer in front of 2,000,000 of their customers
You have convinced me that someone at twentyone can't figure that out. It is too advanced of a social skill. Here is a tip, when at a work function, if you are clueless as to appropriate behavior, look to management and your peers. Perhaps look to other people at similar functions to see how they handled themselves. Obviously there are some posters here that think they can act like it is a private party while at work. Best of luck to you.


Wow, you must be a fun person.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 02:50 PM)
I have a belief that there is really no legitimate reason for anyone to get drunk, ever... unless it's an accident (over drank and didnt know your limit). There's just no need for it.


If your definition of "fun" is going out and getting plastered and acting like a complete boob, then I have no ambition to hang out with you.


I would say the vast majority of people (at least the single population) looks forward to going out and getting drunk on the weekends. Who do you hang out with?

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