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White Sox 4-1 on Monday and Wednesday.


BTW, what was the attendance tonight? Just curious. I didn't see it in the box score at MLB.com.


19,260. Hmmmm.....


Let's start a long winning streak. More wins on Tue, Thu, Fri, and Sat/Sun!! Go Sox!!


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This was like our season opening win, where it looked like the formula would work this year: pitching and good enough hitting.

Let's hope we can build on it and not do what we did after that equally impressive season opener.


Not meaning to be a negative nancy; great win tonight, though there would be another well deserved meltdown had we lost 5-4 cause we only got 7 hits tonight.

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Good win, those are the players that need to be in the line-up day in and day out. If Ozzie wants to tweak a little with the order that's fine, but IMO those are our best options for a good offense, in fact if Q and Beckham can turn it around a little it would help dramatically.

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