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Are the White Sox relevant? Is 2007-itis setting in?


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It's starting to feel that way.


This will be the biggest challenge for Brooks Boyer, and you've seen it in places like CLE, TOR, BALT, OAK, PITT, FLA, WASH...how can or do you motivate the fans who no longer believe in the organization to come back to baseball games and "trust" the organization again?


Is it only AND/OR just as simple as winning being the best and simplest promotion?


The way I look at this is simple. You've seen this board go through the steps of AA in the last two weeks. We were fighting through the denial stage, now it seems like a sort of "acceptance" phase is going on where people are deliberately starting to tune out the White Sox and disengaging. Is that just a defense mechanism from years of being a Sox fan, a "protective" mechanism not to invest too much in something?


I know it's cherry-picking, but this organization hasn't been "good" for 3 out of the last 4 years...at least it's starting to look that way, yes?


All those young fans who started following the White Sox in 05 and 06...they have moved on and already have other/better entertainment options for their money. The economic situation is also a big issue for many of us as fans in terms of buying season tickets or how many games we can afford to go to. It's kind of a "perfect storm" turning agains the White Sox...the Twins' new ballpark/keeping Mauer, etc., it just almost feels hopeless, like in 2007 all over again. That team at least started "decently" and didn't collapse until mid-season. Then you had Andy Gonzalez/Owens/Fields/Wasserman all playing...that was sort of interesting to follow. Even though, at the time, only Fields seemed like he was a legitimate prospect.


There's very little interesting or compelling about this team, it's flat-out boring. Not just becuase of the record. It was kind of the same case last year. Part of it's the lack of offense, there's just something hard to put your finger on. I still get excited to follow each game, but with each loss...it gets harder and harder to convince myself the "raw materials" are there to make a go of it this year.


Maybe the Mitchell injury and the fact that Viciedo's not the monster (yet) I thought I would has been what most bugs me. I was so excited when we signed that kid, I thought he would be our version of Miguel Cabrera. He still might be, but it's not looking good at the moment. I guess we just have to be patient. Another thread offers many compelling reasons why Danks isn't going to make it...then you have the fact that our best player might be the one we have the least chance of keeping in the future, John Danks. KW and the FO aren't sold on Flowers as a game strategist or working with a veteran pitching staff...half the scouts think he won't stick at catcher and another group feels his swing is too long and he's another Borchard/Fields with a higher OBP. Where does that leave us? HUDSON?


I guess the ONLY reason I take heart is that we are playing in the ALCD. In the East, we'd be abandoning the board like the TITANIC I suppose.


If nothing else, DET is losing money faster than they can print out new idiotic contracts and trade away Jackson/Granderson (although Austin Jackson has outfperformed expectations so far)...CLE has totally lost the faith of its fans, no matter how good their minor league system, that team's a good 2 years away....and they will start feeling the pressure of contracts for Sizemore, Peralta, Wood, Hafner. I never worry about KC. Maybe I should. But Hillman's just a so-so manager (at best) and their bullpen has been even more of a leaky seive than CLE. That said, they're at least hitting .300 or so and very fun to watch or follow even though you expect them to blow every lead unless the game actually gets to SORIA.


I guess I'll just have to hold on to my hopes for Beckham, Hudson, Flowers and then Mitchell making a complete recovery (being able to replace Pierre in 2012)...and knowing we're probably going to wind up going through a stretch possibly as tough as the late 80's and late 90's in terms of once against becoming an irrelevant franchise to most of the baseball world. Which is what hurts the most. And this happened despite our acquisitions of Ramirez/Quentin/Floyd/Danks/Peavy/Rios. There's talent there...it just doesn't seem capable of coming together and gelling until it's too late, I'm afraid.

Edited by caulfield12
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caulfield could you please stop with your daily doom and gloom threads? We all know the team is struggling, everyone is pissed. We dont need you showing every single connection to every single sox team that struggled in the past 50 years, every day.

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Give me a good reason to feel optimistic, then I'll stop...I guess everyone can just tune out and stop caring.


Probably what will happen to most posters here if this season continues like this...the only thing to be excited about will be trade threads and following the minor leagues. That's okay I guess.


If you want me to stop being honest, maybe I should stop posting altogether.


I looked through all the past White Sox teams because I really WANTED to find a reason to believe. It's just that there is very little in our club history to support that belief, unfortunately.


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So we needed two seperate threads for you to compare to the 2007 team? Let me be crystal clear, Im not asking you to stop posting, nor will I ask you to stop posting. But you reiterate the same thing multiple times in different threads a lot. All I am asking right now, is to contain it to one thread.


And the way I responded first didnt really come off the way I intended, and for that I apologize. You make a lot of conversation on this site that is valued, and I dont want you to stop that.

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So we needed two seperate threads for you to compare to the 2007 team? Let me be crystal clear, Im not asking you to stop posting, nor will I ask you to stop posting. But you reiterate the same thing multiple times in different threads a lot. All I am asking right now, is to contain it to one thread.


^^^^ This. Please.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 10:55 AM)
I can't believe how many people feel this team is "irrelevant", "done", "sucks", or whatever adjective you want to use, yet are still here obsessing about it. Why waste your time?


I think its cause the white sox at this point are like a mother-in-law, you dread having to see them, but at the end of the day they will always be a part of your life.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 10:55 AM)
I can't believe how many people feel this team is "irrelevant", "done", "sucks", or whatever adjective you want to use, yet are still here obsessing about it. Why waste your time?

This. A thread should be created where all this kind of talk goes, because I'm simply tired of reading the single threads about it.


As for the team being relevant. It's simple, the long-time fans will always be there. The bandwagon fans will be back with a lot of success.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 11:39 AM)
caulfield could you please stop with your daily doom and gloom threads? We all know the team is struggling, everyone is pissed. We dont need you showing every single connection to every single sox team that struggled in the past 50 years, every day.



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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 11:53 AM)

It's mid April and this board is pretty much a ghost town. There's hardly any conversation going on in the Pale Hose Forum and he happens to be a very good writer that I enjoy reading. Should we only allow people to post who are complete cheerleaders? If so, the board will go days without any activity.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 10:33 AM)
Maybe the Mitchell injury and the fact that Viciedo's not the monster (yet) I thought I would has been what most bugs me. I was so excited when we signed that kid, I thought he would be our version of Miguel Cabrera. He still might be, but it's not looking good at the moment.

Well, that was your first mistake.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 10:55 AM)
I can't believe how many people feel this team is "irrelevant", "done", "sucks", or whatever adjective you want to use, yet are still here obsessing about it. Why waste your time?


Because all of us have invested a lot of time and energy into this franchise, and such a reaction is perfectly natural. If we can't obsess here, then what's the point of message boards devoted to the fanaticism of a professional sports team?

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 10:39 AM)
caulfield could you please stop with your daily doom and gloom threads? We all know the team is struggling, everyone is pissed. We dont need you showing every single connection to every single sox team that struggled in the past 50 years, every day.

Easy big fella...

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 11:52 AM)
This is a message board. The team sucks right now and there isn't being much posted on the board anyway. If you don't like his threads then ignore them.


Sez the guy who gets pissy when anything but Democratic cheerleading is in the Democrats thread...

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 12:57 PM)
It's mid April and this board is pretty much a ghost town. There's hardly any conversation going on in the Pale Hose Forum and he happens to be a very good writer that I enjoy reading. Should we only allow people to post who are complete cheerleaders? If so, the board will go days without any activity.

Really, this is your definition of a ghost town?

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 12:57 PM)
It's mid April and this board is pretty much a ghost town. There's hardly any conversation going on in the Pale Hose Forum and he happens to be a very good writer that I enjoy reading. Should we only allow people to post who are complete cheerleaders? If so, the board will go days without any activity.


Yes because that is the only other possible option...


But if you're fine with the constant negativity all the time pretty much not matter what, then by all means I apologize. There's a reason this place doesnt have the discussion it once used to.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 11:57 AM)
It's mid April and this board is pretty much a ghost town. There's hardly any conversation going on in the Pale Hose Forum and he happens to be a very good writer that I enjoy reading. Should we only allow people to post who are complete cheerleaders? If so, the board will go days without any activity.



I clarified my point, I never told him to stop posting, just to keep the same thought in one thread, not start multiple threads with the same idea. Thats all.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 01:18 PM)
I clarified my point, I never told him to stop posting, just to keep the same thought in one thread, not start multiple threads with the same idea. Thats all.

I'm inclinded to agree with this. Negativity is fine, but unless we're expressing a unique opinion it can go in some of the threads that have already been created about similiar topics.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 01:19 PM)
The problem isn't negativity. The problem is thread-bombing PHT with daily threads that have different titles but offer the same meandering stream of consciousness that leads to bizarre comparisons that make no sense.

Are you saying this sitiuation doesn't remind you of the current socio-economic conditions of Northern Ireland? :D

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2010 -> 12:12 PM)
Sez the guy who gets pissy when anything but Democratic cheerleading is in the Democrats thread...


There's a specific sub-forum created for Democratic bashing. Not so with the Sox.


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You would think it would be better to send me a private message...instead of making indirect (and in this case, direct) comments in chat and in various threads.


I don't think I have ever once commented on someone's posting style in my life. It's a message board, for God's sake. Nor have I ever put anyone on ignore in my life, at chisox.com, wsi.com or here. I appreciate hearing the opinions of every White Sox fan, even the ones who call into Rongey's post-game show in a drunken haze. I take that back. I make fun of Dick Allen for talking about Orlando Cabrera "almost" resigning with the White Sox and also discussing the financial issue consistently, but that's what he is interested in, so even when someone is predictable...it doesn't mean they should be tuned out, drawn-and-quartered or pilloried.


Bob Dylan did a funny parody of me once, I congratulated him on his efforts. I should share with everyone what he wrote (via PM), but I wouldn't do that without his permission. It would only spark more argument and sniping back and forth.


We're all adults here. Hopefully.

Edited by caulfield12
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