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Arizona requires you to carry your papers


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 08:09 AM)
I was worried about this for years. But here's the counterpoint...and it's one I can't avoid...can you cite a single example anywhere of this actually happening?


This is just a random story I found Balta...but I've seen things like this on local news time and time again:




Nobody's actually saying some are "terrorists"...but where there's smoke there's fire.

Edited by Wanne
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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 01:02 PM)
Enforce the law assholes.


1 dead , 2 critical. Blood on your hands. f*** these people. Throw their asses out of the country. Of course the douche survives the crash.




Serious question while acknowledging this is not a good thing...if I were to post every time that a citizen of the U.S. kills someone and argue to throw all U.S. citizens out of the country, wouldn't that be the same logic?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:09 PM)
Serious question while acknowledging this is not a good thing...if I were to post every time that a citizen of the U.S. kills someone and argue to throw all U.S. citizens out of the country, wouldn't that be the same logic?


I was about to say the same thing, actually. Which is kind of scary.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:09 PM)
Serious question while acknowledging this is not a good thing...if I were to post every time that a citizen of the U.S. kills someone and argue to throw all U.S. citizens out of the country, wouldn't that be the same logic?


well...not sure he meant that. But the logic is we are held accountable and to certain laws and standards while being a "guest" in other countries...which REQUIRE you to go through appropriate channels if you want to reside there. I'm sure other countries enforce this quite stringently...while the PC correct Amercian government coddles. The thing about that article was that he was a REPEAT offender! Really?!?! As I said before...my convos with the Asst. County Attorney were pretty sad hearing him say the our system is completely a joke when it comes to handling of these situations.


and a quick fyi:

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals. - The Washington Times.
Edited by Wanne
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QUOTE (Wanne @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 05:19 PM)
well...not sure he meant that. But the logic is we are held accountable and to certain laws and standards while being a "guest" in other countries...which REQUIRE you to go through appropriate channels if you want to reside there. I'm sure other countries enforce this quite stringently...while the PC correct Amercian government coddles. The thing about that article was that he was a REPEAT offender! Really?!?! As I said before...my convos with the Asst. County Attorney were pretty sad hearing him say the our system is completely a joke when it comes to handling of these situations.


and a quick fyi:


You think this is unique to america? There are few countries with borders or without borders that doesn't have this problem, they've had this problem in 2010, in 1910, in 1810, etc. etc.

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Actually, Mexico changed their law a few months ago to legalize undocumented immigration. I think the citation for that is somewhere earlier in this thread.


Here's the reality as I see it...if you guys are worried about criminals crossing the border...terrorists crossing the border, whatever...then "Deport them all!" is exactly the wrong solution. Why? A couple reasons.


First, I think we've proven over and over again that as long as there is demand for cheap imported labor that doesn't have to follow labor laws, people will find a way into the country to do that. We're spending enough money on the southern border right now that if we tried to spend 1/2 of it on health care for poor people there'd be a riot, and the only dent made in immigration is due to the crappy economy here and fewer jobs. Obama's spending $5 billion a year more than Bush on the southern border, arresting 100k more people on the southern border, but people just complain more.


Secondly...if you really put together something like Arizona's bill...what's going to happen. If people such as criminals or terrorists are genuinely able to still get around the $20 billion a year in fences you're creating and you can't stop them from getting in...the last thing you want to do is have the people around them scared to talk to the police. Los Angeles had to deal with this problem in teh 90's, they had such a problem with crime among the illegals in the city because the illegals were scared to talk to the police because they'd be deported. L.A. had to basically say the police wouldn't check immigration documents...because otherwise, anyone who wasn't going to murder someone was scared to report the murderer living next door.


If you want it safe and secure, you need a legal means to fill the demand for work. It's really that simple. If you're worried about terrorists crossing the border, you need to have a legal means by which 99.9% of the people crossing the border go through and have their ID checked. If you're worried about criminals crossing the border, you need to have everyone who wants to come in just to work able to come in legally.


You can't complain about criminals or terrorists or whatever crossing the border and then pretend that it's possible to stop it without a legalization plan.



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:15 PM)
LOL xenophobia in this thread



Yeah that's it. A known illegal with a history of dui kills someone and I'm xenophobic. GMAFB. Would you think the same if it were your relative.God forbid we offend anyone..or enforce the law...we may lose a vote or two.

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 02:18 PM)
Yeah that's it. A known illegal with a history of dui kills someone and I'm xenophobic. GMAFB. Would you think the same if it were your relative.God forbid we offend anyone..or enforce the law...we may lose a vote or two.

If a U.S. citizen killed your relative, would you want the U.S. evacuated of citizens?

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 01:18 PM)
Yeah that's it. A known illegal with a history of dui kills someone and I'm xenophobic. GMAFB. Would you think the same if it were your relative.God forbid we offend anyone..or enforce the law...we may lose a vote or two.


If by "these people" you meant repeat offenders, then please accept my apologies.


If by "these people" you meant illegal brown people, then LOL.

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QUOTE (KipWellsFan @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 03:03 PM)
So there is no actual proof that the Judge who ruled against Arizona, put out a press release? My lord, we have so little respect for those who make public service a part of their lives.


i don't respect her service or her outrageous press release and subsequent appearance on 'Hollywood Squares'. shameful actions from a so-called public servant.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 07:19 PM)
i don't respect her service or her outrageous press release and subsequent appearance on 'Hollywood Squares'. shameful actions from a so-called public servant.

I don't know how we can ask this any more explicitly.


What press release?

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 06:19 PM)
i don't respect her service or her outrageous press release and subsequent appearance on 'Hollywood Squares'. shameful actions from a so-called public servant.


Can you provide a source for these actions? I mean, I don't think it's commonplace for a judge to make press releases. You need a PR person in the first place don't you?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:32 PM)
You can't complain about criminals or terrorists or whatever crossing the border and then pretend that it's possible to stop it without a legalization plan.

You say this as if most of the people who want the borders enforced have NOT acknowledged that there is a need for a viable guest worker program, when in fact, we have. Time and time again it has been agreed that there needs to be a working guest worker program. So quit with these arguments where you make stuff up and everythign is all or nothing. It is exhausting. You argue like a 10 year old saying the same s*** over and over and changing the questions a little bit when you get answers you don't like. Are you perhaps a union negotiator? :lolhitting

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 11:23 PM)
You say this as if most of the people who want the borders enforced have NOT acknowledged that there is a need for a viable guest worker program, when in fact, we have. Time and time again it has been agreed that there needs to be a working guest worker program. So quit with these arguments where you make stuff up and everythign is all or nothing. It is exhausting. You argue like a 10 year old saying the same s*** over and over and changing the questions a little bit when you get answers you don't like. Are you perhaps a union negotiator? :lolhitting

GMAFB. If the hard-line Republicans had any interest in any sort of guest worker plan it would have been done under GWB.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 08:31 AM)
Come on, Balta. Hollywood Squares.

Usually though, a sarcastic reply tends to serve some purpose, and I'm not seeing how I'm made to look bad by saying it was her office putting out a press release rather than the U.S. marshalls office.

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  • 2 weeks later...

$600 million for additional border security. one of the few bipartisan acts we've seen in a while.






WASHINGTON — Determined to show a commitment to stopping the flow of illegal immigrants, the Senate convened a special session Thursday and passed a $600 million bill to put more agents and equipment along the Mexican border.


The voice vote in the nearly empty Senate chamber sends the legislation to President Barack Obama, who planned to sign it into law on Friday. Obama had urged Congress to channel more money toward border security amid complaints from states besieged by undocumented immigrants and illegal drug trafficking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Figure these studies might as well be highlighted somewhere, looking at the effect of immigration on the economy.

The analysis begins with the well-documented phenomenon that U.S.-born workers and immigrants tend to take different occupations....Because those born in the United States have relatively better English language skills, they tend to specialize in communication tasks. Immigrants tend to specialize in other tasks, such as manual labor. Just as in the standard concept of comparative advantage, this results in specialization and improved production efficiency.


If these patterns are driving the differences across states, then in states where immigration has been heavy, U.S.-born workers with less education should have shifted toward more communication-intensive jobs. Figure 3 shows exactly this....In states with a heavy concentration of less-educated immigrants, U.S.-born workers have migrated toward more communication-intensive occupations. Those jobs pay higher wages than manual jobs, so such a mechanism has stimulated the productivity of workers born in the United States and generated new employment opportunities.




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