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kieth foulke chimes in on williams - maybe we should get JB


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listen to what foulke ahs to say about KW and JB...its the usual KW stuff...basically that he's a little insecure whimp..but i really wish we would sign JB back..we need him


from the daily southtown


Frank Thomas, Jeff Liefer and Ray Durham have taken shots at Williams and a coaching staff that was labeled "hall monitors" by Durham. Foulke added his opinion to the mix.


"I definitely think we had some things going on between the staff and the players that were bush league," Foulke said.


"You had coaches and individuals tattling on the players. That's not a good thing. As far as the rest of the stuff that went, I'm with Oakland now, so I'm going to let it go."


Foulke did discuss how a team that won its division in 2000 couldn't duplicate that feat despite having the same key players for the most part.


"We've needed a team leader — someone to take charge and cut the (nonsense)," Foulke said. "I think we lost a couple of key players in the clubhouse with (former pitchers) Cal Eldred and James Baldwin.


"J.B. was the court jester, and Cal was the father figure. When we lost those guys, we lost some life. (The Sox) need to start handling things in a different way, but like I said, that's no longer my business."

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was that a different interview or did they change the quotes?


because I heard Foulke's interview and all that sounds familiar was the Eldred and Baldwin coments and how we need a leader. outside of that, he kept quiet on the team chemistry.


anyway, I wouldn't mind getting Baldwin back.


Billy Koch is a loose guy too though. always a joker and stuff. we can use a leader though.

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Originally posted by Molto

was that a different interview or did they change the quotes? 


because I heard Foulke's interview and all that sounds familiar was the Eldred and Baldwin coments and how we need a leader.  outside of that, he kept quiet on the team chemistry.


anyway, I wouldn't mind getting Baldwin back. 


Billy Koch is a loose guy too though.  always a joker and stuff. we can use a leader though.


When I was listening to Koch's interview thingy, there were a couple things that made me think that...the bullpen will be good next year. We don't need a little b**** like Foulke in there if that's how he feels. Koch will not only be a mean son of a b**** on the mound, but he could be a joker, a good one that is, in the bullpen.


And we get two minor leaguers in the deal...I am actually starting to like it, and think we are getting the better end of the deal....again, the only negative being losing Valentine.

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Originally posted by Molto


anyway, I wouldn't mind getting Baldwin back. 


I would, big time. At his best he never gave us more than 1/2 a season. Way too inconsistent. And if he is free now, that means that the Sox, LA with its brilliant GM Danny Evans, and Seattle have all sent him on.


Baggs and I disagree one this so I will start the countdown until he posts back about what a great guy JB is - I will miss the first season that we have when bags and I don't have a few laughs discussing JB!

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come on CW...dont you miss the hour long stroll from the pitchers mound to the dugout...the shaving cream pies in the face of players doing interviews...the afro..players ragging on him for the micheal jackson 80's music in the clubhouse???


mon CW...jb was da man!!!!!

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

  We don't need a little b**** like Foulke in there if that's how he feels.   


So KW and his minions playing "Secret Squirrel" and Pettis being a tattle-tale make Foulke the "little b****?" Thanks for enlightening me to this twisted interpretation of b****iness :mad:

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Well, Koch seems like a free spirit that will really help this clubhouse.


This was a good move and well, we'll see what happens. I don't think Keith stinks, but hey, Koch is good. When he develops a bit more control he will be utmost nasty, and the elite closer in baseball.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

baggs... bring back jb?? i would be for that but.. how about just getting rid of kw.. that would save us a ton of cash and we can go get a real gm and maybe a good solid #2 in the process along with a decient catcher........lol.........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

please do.. if they are like our ex- sox then im sure we will be happy to know our orginazation isnt the only one which sucks when it comes to the way they are treating their players.... if they are good comments then dont rub it in our faces.... we know we have a s***ty gm lol...we dont need to hear how glamourous someone elses is........lmao..........

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I'm gonna have some quotes to post you guys from what Karros is saying about the Dodgers organization and management. 


danny evans ought to be a hero to karros...he got rid of that piece of s*** sheffield...the guy who used to regularly bash karros in the press...

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Originally posted by Steff
Originally posted by witesoxfan

  We don't need a little b**** like Foulke in there if that's how he feels.



Why is Keith the "little b****"..?? :huh


Because of his comments that he just made....regarding the team and all. I don't care if the clubhouse is like that...if you want any respect at all, you don't make s***ty comments like that. Right now, I have little respect for Ray-Ray...and the only reason I have respect for Thomas is because he has the balls to say it while on the team, and now he has to come back to it(most likely anyways).


Trust me, I've always liked Keith as a pitcher...hell, he's been my second favorite White Sox player for a while...but those comments, much like Durham's, piss me off...that and the fact that he was never happy closing. If you are given a job by a team, then you accept it and do it happily. They aren't giving you the money to be unhappy about your job...if I got $4-6 million a year to pitch an inning or two a night, I would do it and I would do it happily, regardless of what the clubhouse or locker room is like.

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Here we go again! Baggio's gonna push his favorites on us again. We'll hear about Sean lowe soon and how Valentin should be at 1st batting leadoff, 2, 3, and 4. LOL!


I had to give you a little s*** there baggs.


I wouldnt mind JB back as long as Ritchie is gone. JB might have had an "overpowering force" or might have spoken up to KW . Once you're on the s*** list you're traded. I sure hope we lost the "Hall monitors". Where i come from, they kill rats!

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes

Here we go again! Baggio's gonna push his favorites on us again. We'll hear about Sean lowe soon and how Valentin should be at 1st batting leadoff, 2, 3, and 4. LOL!


I had to give you a little s*** there baggs. 


I wouldnt mind JB back as long as Ritchie is gone.  JB might have had an "overpowering force" or might have spoken up to KW . Once you're on the s*** list you're traded. I sure hope we lost the "Hall monitors". Where i come from, they kill rats!


hey as long as valentin is on SS and batting 2nd..im happy..lol

hall monitors suck!!!

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Dear Keith Foulke,

Hi, keith. You're a member of the Oakland A's. Shut the f*** up, thank you.



Mike Doyle


Dear James Baldwin,

Hi, JB. You're a f***ing horrible pitcher, and your slow walk off the mound is f***ing stupid. Eat a dick.



Mike Doyle

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Originally posted by witesoxfan
Originally posted by Steff
Originally posted by witesoxfan

  We don't need a little b**** like Foulke in there if that's how he feels.



Why is Keith the "little b****"..?? :huh


Because of his comments that he just made....regarding the team and all. I don't care if the clubhouse is like that...if you want any respect at all, you don't make s***ty comments like that. Right now, I have little respect for Ray-Ray...and the only reason I have respect for Thomas is because he has the balls to say it while on the team, and now he has to come back to it(most likely anyways).


Trust me, I've always liked Keith as a pitcher...hell, he's been my second favorite White Sox player for a while...but those comments, much like Durham's, piss me off...that and the fact that he was never happy closing. If you are given a job by a team, then you accept it and do it happily. They aren't giving you the money to be unhappy about your job...if I got $4-6 million a year to pitch an inning or two a night, I would do it and I would do it happily, regardless of what the clubhouse or locker room is like.


Too bad the problem with this team isn't players spouting off at the mouth after their traded. Considering Big Frank, Paul Konerko, Jose Valentin, Ray Durham, Keith Foulke and other current or former White Sox players have commented to the negative about KW's "hall monitor" practices, perhaps it is KW who has the problem. Perhaps KW is the "little b****." :mad:

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG


Dear James Baldwin,

  Hi, JB. You're a f***ing horrible pitcher, and your slow walk off the mound is f***ing stupid. Eat a dick.



                                      Mike Doyle


Kinda harsh considering JB didn't make the comments..... don't you think?

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by witesoxfan
Originally posted by Steff
Originally posted by witesoxfan

  We don't need a little b**** like Foulke in there if that's how he feels.



Why is Keith the "little b****"..?? :huh


Because of his comments that he just made....regarding the team and all. I don't care if the clubhouse is like that...if you want any respect at all, you don't make s***ty comments like that. Right now, I have little respect for Ray-Ray...and the only reason I have respect for Thomas is because he has the balls to say it while on the team, and now he has to come back to it(most likely anyways).


Trust me, I've always liked Keith as a pitcher...hell, he's been my second favorite White Sox player for a while...but those comments, much like Durham's, piss me off...that and the fact that he was never happy closing. If you are given a job by a team, then you accept it and do it happily. They aren't giving you the money to be unhappy about your job...if I got $4-6 million a year to pitch an inning or two a night, I would do it and I would do it happily, regardless of what the clubhouse or locker room is like.


Too bad the problem with this team isn't players spouting off at the mouth after their traded. Considering Big Frank, Paul Konerko, Jose Valentin, Ray Durham, Keith Foulke and other current or former White Sox players have commented to the negative about KW's "hall monitor" practices, perhaps it is KW who has the problem. Perhaps KW is the "little b****." :mad:


KW is also a little b****...I should have mentioned that. You are very right.


Foulke's on my s*** list now...and Durham is too, to a certain extent...he actually produced for us. With Foulke not being happy he was in the bullpen making $4 million pitching one or two innings at a time...that really pisses me off. Durham actually earned his money. Foulke didn't.

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Witesoxfan: I don't see what Keith Foulke said was so bad & I think you went way too far by calling Keith names.


What were the exact words Keith said that mad you so mad?


Cerbaho-WG: I don't think JB or Keith did anything to deserve all your profanity.


I loved the way JB did the Slow Walk off the mound & told him that at the SoxFest during a question & answer session one year. JB said he walked slow to conserve energy. Anyways I thought it was totally awesome & he cracked me up everytime he did the that WALK.


I hate having to get used to losing players that gave alot to the Sox & their fans & won't hate them just because they have a bad year or just aren't very good anymore.


JB & Keith are Good Guys. I think they loved the Sox & the fans, but didn't like how management treated them sometimes. They have the right to complain about management just as much as us fans except it might cost them their job when they complain.

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The same thing that Durham said, as well as Thomas...I haven't seen where Konerko or Valentin said it, but I assume they did...talking about the hall monitor buisness...it's bulls*** and all, but there are certain points when you don't go trashing an organization like that, especially when they are giving you $4 million a year for pitching an inning or two...maybe 6 innings a week. Not only that, but he wasn't happy closing and setting up, or he atleast wanted to start, which is the same thing as not wanting to close or setup, in my books. I would take $1 million to setup or close...because as I said before, you only pitch an inning or two per game that you pitch in(sometimes not even that) and some nights you don't even pitch at all. I just don't think anyone should trash an organization that just paid them $4 million for doing that. There are certain rights as players that you should follow.


What Durham said pissed me off too...just not as much. Durham worked hard and produced for the Sox, and he played many innings, giving 100% in each of them(most of the time anyways). He was a very good 1 or 2 hitter for us, wherever he batted in the lineup. Keith pitched an inning or two....do you see what I'm saying yet?


Trust me...I love(d) Keith as a pitcher...hell, he was born in South Dakota, my state...when I found that out, I was excited as hell...I believe he grew up elsewhere, but I thought that was neat. However, when players make comments like that, it pisses me off. Trust me, I am ready to be pissed off a whole hell of a lot in my lifetime.

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

The same thing that Durham said, as well as Thomas...I haven't seen where Konerko or Valentin said it, but I assume they did...talking about the hall monitor buisness...it's bulls*** and all, but there are certain points when you don't go trashing an organization like that, especially when they are giving you $4 million a year for pitching an inning or two...maybe 6 innings a week.  Not only that, but he wasn't happy closing and setting up, or he atleast wanted to start, which is the same thing as not wanting to close or setup, in my books.  I would take $1 million to setup or close...because as I said before, you only pitch an inning or two per game that you pitch in(sometimes not even that) and some nights you don't even pitch at all.  I just don't think anyone should trash an organization that just paid them $4 million for doing that.  There are certain rights as players that you should follow.


What Durham said pissed me off too...just not as much.  Durham worked hard and produced for the Sox, and he played many innings, giving 100% in each of them(most of the time anyways).  He was a very good 1 or 2 hitter for us, wherever he batted in the lineup.  Keith pitched an inning or two....do you see what I'm saying yet?


Trust me...I love(d) Keith as a pitcher...hell, he was born in South Dakota, my state...when I found that out, I was excited as hell...I believe he grew up elsewhere, but I thought that was neat.  However, when players make comments like that, it pisses me off.  Trust me, I am ready to be pissed off a whole hell of a lot in my lifetime.


why should those comments piss you off??.. as long as they are not lying or embellishing i have no problem with it...look waht foulke said...he thinks the sox need to go in different direction...maost of these guys are saying what they are to get it out in the open so maybe things will change for their teammates...i have no problem with them trashing the organization as you say if its the truth...


i dont care how much money a guy is paid..it doesnt mean he should stay loyal to an organization if he is not in agreement with the way they run business...thats how good people get sucked into doing immoral things..by not standing up and speaking their mind...it is a principle that this country was built on...

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I don't like hearing those comments, mainly because it makes me think twice about the organization.


Still, today and yesterday Erric Karros has been ripping Dan Evans and the Dodger organization.


This past season Karro's wife was pregnant and due to have a baby. Karros stayed back but the Dodgers asked him to come up to play the Giants(IN San Fran).


Well, Karros left his wife and flew up to play. The Dodgers then didn't play him that day.


Dan Evans and the Organization making remarks that he was complaining about not being able to play and that he rushed up to San Fran sooner then needed.


Those type of things got on Karros's nerves and when he left he didn't thank the current Dodger staff, but mentioned how much respect he has for Lasorda, O'Mallye, Fred Claire, etc.


Not too impressive, especially considering how much a class act Eric Karros is. This is Dan Evans, doesn't this sound like something so many people would whine about KW doing. Of course he's probably done things like this, not dealing with a kid or anything, but having snitches ain't much better.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I don't like hearing those comments, mainly because it makes me think twice about the organization.


This isn't the first time an ex-Sox player has trashed the Organization, the owner, or the GM. Right now, this Organization is run like a Bush League outfit. Has been for years. Perhaps people don't like what Durham and Foulke said because the truth hurts. :mad:

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