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QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:16 PM)
KW acquired players to play OZZIE BALL! During ST, Ozzie kept saying how much he loved this roster cause of versatility and speed. Almost everyone knew this approach wouldn't work, and it's quite obvious that the current roster can't compete. Thus, that's why the manager should be on the hot seat. If it was a bunch of power hitters that KW acquired, even though Ozzie said he wanted speedy guys, then KW would be more on the hot seat.



Yes, but Kenny did not aquire the best players. Of course Ozzie is going to say that. Do you think any manager tells the truth? He's probably thinking this is a horse s*** team.

Did Pierre, Tehan, Jones and Visquel really get you excited in the off season? They are all over the hill and one of them is from an organization where they do nothing but lose.

I get this feeling if Damon was on the team, he would probably be batting .210 or age would catch up.


It's time to start improving the minors. Sox don't like paying big money and experienced vets from other organizations just don't seem to pan out.


I don't think there is a manager that can fix this.


I do think it is time to fire Greg Walker. I doubt it will make much difference, but the feast and famine pattern has been going on too long. I don't know if it's his fault but a change is necessary for change's sake.

Edited by kitekrazy
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There's a difference between negativity and being realistic. It would be negative to say Peavy is going to lose 15 games and AJ is going to hit .210 this year. It's realistic to say this roster can't match up with Minnesota. It would take a few more major injuries for the Twins not to be a 90-win team. The Sox will not get there.

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Why KW is going nowhere, although with THIS past off-season, you can argue that perhaps he has fallen into the "third tier."


Ozzie Guillen, if you ranked all the managers if baseball 1-30, would be somewhere between 18-24 in IMO. Some would rank him 12-17 because of 2005 and 2008, but I personally am going more off 2nd half 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010. He did a great job in 2008, that team was held together with duct tape and baling wire, I'll give him that.



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QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:30 PM)
Yes, but Kenny did not aquire the best players. Of course Ozzie is going to say that. Do you think any manager tells the truth? He's probably thinking this is a horse s*** team.

Did Pierre, Tehan, Jones and Visquel really get you excited in the off season? They are all over the hill and one of them is from an organization where they do nothing but lose.

I get this feeling if Damon was on the team, he would probably be batting .210 or age would catch up.


It's time to start improving the minors. Sox don't like paying big money and experienced vets from other organizations just don't seem to pan out.


I don't think there is a manager that can fix this.


I do think it is time to fire Greg Walker. I doubt it will make much difference, but the feast and famine pattern has been going on too long. I don't know if it's his fault but a change is necessary for change's sake.


Man, I've been saying that for years.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 03:20 AM)
A lot of our guys are going to bounce back and there's still time to make up for this terrible start.


the amount of god damn times i've heard this the past decade is embarrassing.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:37 PM)
At this point, it can't hurt.


Walker needs to go. Is it his fault? Probably not. But there needs to be a change. We've seen in the past (2005 Indians) where a hitting coach is fired and the team as a whole starts hitting better.


Of course. there's probably no chance of that happening. We go through offensive slumps like this every single year it seems, and Walker is in spring training the next year.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:13 PM)
Whether the team can be rebuilt in short order is anybody's guess.


I don't think it can. Losing teams make trades out of desperation and seem to get the short end of the stick. Let this season tank.


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I don't think it can. Losing teams make trades out of desperation and seem to get the short end of the stick. Let this season tank.


Makes sense. Might have to take our lumps until around all star break when teams start making moves. At that point, maybe a trade can be made to address some of the lineup weaknesses without gutting our pitching staff. Hate to be Kenny.

Until then he should just ride this out, unless he wants to bring some guys up, rush 'em up from the minors.


As we ride it out, there's always the chance Beckham, Lexi, CQ get hot and we'll be at least a mediocre team. Oz should just shut up from now til all star break and let this thing play out in the dull fashion it deserves.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 03:56 AM)
I'm not saying I think it's likely, but I think it's still a possibility.


I take it you're already writing off the season then?


No...but god damn. Every season we've made the playoffs we started off hot. Every season we haven't, we started poor, and never really this poor...s***, in 2007 i'm pretty sure we made it over .500 and damn close to first place for a bit before our bullpen went crazy.


It's frustrating because you just feel like logic has no control. In the offseason as you beg and scream that you can't rely on these players that are not reliable. That you should run a team praying for career offensive years from players that aren't consistent...it's just embarrassing. At least the 2002-2004 teams could mash. The 2007 and likely 2010...ain't nothin f***ing fun about this s***.

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Of course the season isn't over. We've got 5+ months of.....this....to look forward to!

Ozzie needs to go, and soon. He appears to be managing to lose, perhaps due to residual anger over the issues with his son, twitter, etc.


We've all seen him manage with smarts and heart in the past.


He checked out mentally at the end of last year and this year he's long gone. That makes him incapable of motivating a team that needs to play over their heads to win consistently.

Many of his decisions are so obviously bad they appear to be sabotage. Why bust your butt as a player if your manager will just lose the game for you anyway?


I'd give the team to Joey Cora. He's everything Ozzie isn't, and we always seem to win when he fills in (just sayin').


Breaking up is hard to do, especially for the Sox. But a change is necessary--now, while the season is still salvageable.


Where would the Blackhawks be if they hadn't replaced the beloved Denis Savard after a mere 4 game losing streak last season?



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QUOTE (zenryan @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 10:48 PM)
Last week every 5 posts were coming from people saying its early and what not. Appears as if most of those posts are now gone.

And that's even with a weekend full of 9th inning wins.


I think even the most optimistic of Soxtalk members realize this team just isn't very good. I'm sure they'll eventually rebound, but for me, that 'rebound' is somewhere around .500. Is that what we're looking forward to, being in baseball hell year after year because our minor league system rarely produces contributing players and our current lineup will need a LOT of overhaul to compete again?


Personally, I'd love to tear this mess apart. I'll take a stretch of five bad years below .500. I'm still young, I can get through it. Yes, our payroll be horrendous; but if that stretch gives us the opportunity to rebuild from within, and help assemble a team the old fashioned way, when we begin winning, the people will come. The fanbase is there, even if they are fickle.


I know there's no one set way to win, but I'd like to be consistent with our teams -- instead of making the playoffs once every three years. And yes, I realize that one year got us a World Series. Personally, I'd like to see change; no more 'rebuilding on the fly' or however Williams may term it. Do it right -- begin with a high draft budget, no more following draft slot recommendations, and for God sakes, develop a few players from that talent pool in Latin America. We shouldn't have Carlos Lee as our last player of value from that area.



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know there's no one set way to win, but I'd like to be consistent with our teams -- instead of making the playoffs once every three years. And yes, I realize that one year got us a World Series. Personally, I'd like to see change; no more 'rebuilding on the fly' or however Williams may term it. Do it right -- begin with a high draft budget, no more following draft slot recommendations, and for God sakes, develop a few players from that talent pool in Latin America. We shouldn't have Carlos Lee as our last player of value from that area.


Five years is a long time to suck. The Sox looked like they were going to be a team that could at least contend every year. We still have a good pitching staff; it shouldn't take five years to come back. The team needs to ride this out until the all-star break, then make a couple good trades/acquisitions to start fixing the lineup.

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sorry to harp on this, but i just had whiskey...


There was an accusation that the people criticizing not picking up a power LH hitter this offseason was just a safeguard because if our players sucked we could say "i told you so" and if our players rocked we could just be like "oh well...this is great"


but i'm imagining you, flash tizzle, are the embodiment of the "i told you so" not bringing any pleasure to a fan who just wants to get to the playoffs. The "our scouting and minors are horrendous" was your calling card for years even as people tried to sell you that it was fine since we could trade them.

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He's none of the things that make Ozzie so bad of late.


He's one week of managing from being the same bum in many's eyes as Oz. He'll make the same pitching moves and have lineups with Pierre in it and Kotsay in it.


The next manage will have one advantage however. People may give him a free pass for a long time saying Ozzie screwed the team up so bad it'll take years to recover, etc.


Why can't our fans just accept Ozzie? Do the fans always have to be mad about something? We won it in '05. And we've made the playoffs since then. He's the same f***ing manager.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (bmags @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 11:25 PM)
sorry to harp on this, but i just had whiskey...


There was an accusation that the people criticizing not picking up a power LH hitter this offseason was just a safeguard because if our players sucked we could say "i told you so" and if our players rocked we could just be like "oh well...this is great"


but i'm imagining you, flash tizzle, are the embodiment of the "i told you so" not bringing any pleasure to a fan who just wants to get to the playoffs. The "our scouting and minors are horrendous" was your calling card for years even as people tried to sell you that it was fine since we could trade them.


Yes, to Tizzle's credit, he called out our horrendous scouting/drafting/system/ect back in 2006. Nobody wanted to listen (including me). We were coming off a championship. KW, Ozzie, Jerry, ect could do no wrong. We're paying dearly now for these nearly decade-long deficiencies.

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