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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 05:32 PM)
That doesn't change what I said, and you'll note I said that it only makes sense if Lebron is signed.


If the Bulls sign Lebron, that move clears their SF spot without a giant change in salary, gets them 2 players, and allows them to retain the MLE plus a small amount because they'd still be a little bit under the cap. You don't use the MLE up before signing the big name guy, you sign the big guy first, then you use the MLE to fill holes and you start working on extending Noah because you no longer care about paying the Luxury Tax.


No, you're missing the point Balta. You CAN'T sign Lebron and then still get the MLE. The MLE is only available to teams that are over the cap at the start of the off-season. THAT is why you can't just give away Deng for two overpaid role players, it's not going to be that easy to find a replacement. They're going to need SOMEONE else that can score, Lebron and Rose can't get 60 every night.


I suppose it's okay if you're getting Lebron and Deng is redundant anyways, but Gortat is a pretty bad contract to eat just to get Pietrus. Eventually, they'll need someone better than Pietrus, Hinrich or their draft pick to be their #3 scorer though, someone that can score 20 if one of them has an off-night. Noah and Gibson don't really have diverse enough offensive games for that role and Pietrus and Hinrich are mostly just jump-shooters.

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 03:55 PM)
Rumor of a possible Deng to Orlando trade. Bulls would get Mickael Pietrus and Marcin Gortat.


One of our employees told me he heard Gortat to the Bulls on Polish radio today. I just figured it was just Chicago's Polish population starting rumors about the one Pole in the league, LOL.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 08:39 PM)
Tell me about it. The Bulls could ink Joe Johnson right away if they wanted to and than still wait for LBJ/Bosh.

As I've been saying for over a month, the Bulls have zero interest in Joe Johnson.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 09:08 PM)
As I've been saying for over a month, the Bulls have zero interest in Joe Johnson.

Which simply isn't true. They like him. He's not a top priority though. He's worst case scenario if they can't draft or trade for a SG they like.


Also, it looks like Omer Asik will be in a Bulls uniform this season. He has been working out with the team at the Berto Center recently.

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I'm holding out hope that Lebron comes, and signs certainly seem to be pointing that way, but I'm also setting myself up for disappointment. At some point, you have to realize who is in charge and expect that we'll get Ron Mercer and Eddie Robinson again.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 11:35 PM)
I'm holding out hope that Lebron comes, and signs certainly seem to be pointing that way, but I'm also setting myself up for disappointment. At some point, you have to realize who is in charge and expect that we'll get Ron Mercer and Eddie Robinson again.

Ouch. Why bring that up? Just ouch.

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On Mike and Mike, Chris Bosh was on this morning.


Greeny asked something and Bosh said it was "interesting" if the Bulls could move Luol Deng because then they'd have 2 max FA room because then they could sign two guys. Greeny asked if it was alluding to playing with LeBron and Bosh said something along the lines of "We'll see."


Also, said Rose is Top 3 PG right now.


Things look good in Chitown.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 24, 2010 -> 07:57 AM)
I really think Bosh and James are coming if the Bulls can make room for 2 full boats. I'm still not sure how they'll do that though, and I think it'd be tough to get Bosh in a sign and trade. Of course, LeBron might come here anyways, but that'd help.

It would be amazing. Amazing!!!

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I would like to throw something out there that I have been thinking about, but no one really has mentioned...


How come no one is bringing up the possibility that this is just a game being played by LeBron in an attempt to better his and Cleveland's chances at getting back to the finals?


Let's assume that he has already decided to stay with Cleveland. What would be a better way to help out your own situation than to give false hope to Chicago and New York. If Chicago does trade Deng and/or Hinrich, they are a shell of a team with just Rose and Noah. New York is a pretty empty team as well.


Chicago is hoping to get LeBron, and so is New York. They sit this out and keep hoping to sign him, as other teams suck up the top free agents.


Now say Miami gets Bosh, Amare goes to the Knicks, and Wade stays in Miami.


LeBron's only competition is now Miami, Boston, and Orlando. I think that would be the best case scenario for him if he planned on staying in Cleveland. Chicago now has one of the lesser free agents, and lost Deng. They don't pose as much of a threat as if they were to keep Deng and sign amare or bosh. New York doesn't get the top flight free agents they were hoping to get, and with the rumors of Amare and Bosh wanting to go to the Heat, they would have been this good anyways...


Maybe this makes no sense, but it's something I've started to think about these past few days.


What better way to help your chances than to have teams think they have a chance for you and destroy their chances of getting better by waiting you out.


Hopefully you guys can explain why this makes ZERO sense, but to me right now it does, and is ruining my excitement for July 1st.

Edited by SexiAlexei
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 07:08 PM)
As I've been saying for over a month, the Bulls have zero interest in Joe Johnson.

Why do you say that. Seems like Johnson's camp indicates he wants the Bulls and the Bulls know Johnson would be a really good fit, they just don't want to give him a max deal.


according to sources,bulls will sign joe johnson to a 4year deal 60 million dolars,and tomorrow will try and most likely trade deng for more cap space,so to sign lebron,and also reinsdorf is willing to pay the luxury tax right now


Who knows how true the above is, but it is from a guy that is well respected over on Real GM. Clearly it is dependent on the Bulls clearing cap room today and being able to have the ability to offer a max deal after inking Johnson, but if the Bulls were able to get Johnson and James they'd have a pretty nice looking team.


Johnson gives the Bulls a nice 2 who can shoot the long ball.


Who knows if that is really there plan A or not. Bosh and Lebron is pretty sick too, but maybe they feel that Johnson is the better compliment to Lebron since LBJ can get points down low, plus the Bulls have Taj/Noah already.

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QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ Jun 24, 2010 -> 10:58 AM)
I would like to throw something out there that I have been thinking about, but no one really has mentioned...


How come no one is bringing up the possibility that this is just a game being played by LeBron in an attempt to better his and Cleveland's chances at getting back to the finals?


Let's assume that he has already decided to stay with Cleveland. What would be a better way to help out your own situation than to give false hope to Chicago and New York. If Chicago does trade Deng and/or Hinrich, they are a shell of a team with just Rose and Noah. New York is a pretty empty team as well.


Chicago is hoping to get LeBron, and so is New York. They sit this out and keep hoping to sign him, as other teams suck up the top free agents.


Now say Miami gets Bosh, Amare goes to the Knicks, and Bosh stays in Miami.


LeBron's only competition is now Miami, Boston, and Orlando. I think that would be the best case scenario for him if he planned on staying in Cleveland. Chicago now has one of the lesser free agents, and lost Deng. They don't pose as much of a threat as if they were to keep Deng and sign amare or bosh. New York doesn't get the top flight free agents they were hoping to get, and with the rumors of Amare and Bosh wanting to go to the Heat, they would have been this good anyways...


Maybe this makes no sense, but it's something I've started to think about these past few days.


What better way to help your chances than to have teams think they have a chance for you and destroy their chances of getting better by waiting you out.


Hopefully you guys can explain why this makes ZERO sense, but to me right now it does, and is ruining my excitement for July 1st.


I could actually see this scenario to a degree, it's not THAT crazy. The one reason I don't think that could be what is going on though is the Cavs firing everybody and then offering the world to Tom Izzo. I don't think the Cavs do all that if they secretly know LeBron is coming back.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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