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I received five emails about Obama being the first president to not attend ceremonies at Arlington on Memorial Day. :lolhitting He's the first Dem in a while to miss. Bush the Lesser missed one, Bush the Senior never attended at Arlington, and Reagan missed four of eight. Clinton attended all eight years.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 31, 2010 -> 10:00 AM)
He's going to Lincoln National Cemetery instead... seriously, what's the difference?


I will say this, he basically picked a convenient place close to where he was vacationing. That is kind of lame. I would prefer he be at Arlington, but it isn't as big a deal as some veterans groups are making it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 31, 2010 -> 01:23 PM)
No, it's an evil socialist America hating anti-constitution plot.



Once again, evil motherf***ing Republicans - how dare they even point this out?


For the record, IMO, him sending Biden is fine, as long as he doesn't step on his crank or open his mouth.

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He's still commemorating Memorial Day, just not at Arlington. Who decided it had to be at Arlington, when, and why? It's not like every president has done it that way for every Memorial Day there has been (I'm not sure of the year it started). There would be no faux outrage if the president was a Republican right now. It's really not even worth addressing actually.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 31, 2010 -> 02:11 PM)
He's still commemorating Memorial Day, just not at Arlington. Who decided it had to be at Arlington, when, and why? It's not like every president has done it that way for every Memorial Day there has been (I'm not sure of the year it started). There would be no faux outrage if the president was a Republican right now. It's really not even worth addressing actually.


The one reason it's a little tasteless is because he's on "vacation" in Chicago. FWIW, it's not worth the "outrage", but I can see why some consider it a bit tacky.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 31, 2010 -> 03:13 PM)
The one reason it's a little tasteless is because he's on "vacation" in Chicago. FWIW, it's not worth the "outrage", but I can see why some consider it a bit tacky.

True I guess but I would only be pissed off if he slept in, had a BBQ, and played some basketball and otherwise ignored the day.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 31, 2010 -> 02:35 PM)
I find it tasteless that it's somehow a dishonor to go to Lincoln National Cemetery instead of Arlington. Are the people buried there any less worth of memorializing?


I don't know if you're implying it, but I never said that speaking for myself. I said I can see why people would make it a point, but that I didn't consider it any "outrage".

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 31, 2010 -> 08:01 PM)
Going to Arlington (near DC, where the President generally is) isn't tasteless, but going to Lincoln (near Chicago, where Obama happens to be) is. Why?


It's not. But I can see where people could say it could be in that he's only "vacationing". As I said, there's a lot more things to get "outraged" about then this.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 31, 2010 -> 02:13 PM)
The one reason it's a little tasteless is because he's on "vacation" in Chicago. FWIW, it's not worth the "outrage", but I can see why some consider it a bit tacky.



QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 31, 2010 -> 08:03 PM)
It's not. But I can see where people could say it could be in that he's only "vacationing". As I said, there's a lot more things to get "outraged" about then this.


Why is it a little tasteless for him to go to Lincoln?


You've given sympathy to the idea that its tasteless, but you're just saying it's not tasteless enough to get outraged about. I can see where people say lots of dumb, irrational things to criticize someone they don't like; this is one of them. There's zero legitimacy to that point unless Arlington is somehow more important than Lincoln.




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Yeah, it's more convenient for him to go to Lincoln. But that only matters if:


a) veterans (and all the non-veterans) in Arlington are worth more than those in Lincoln (veterans only)




B) value of memorializing is based on inconvenience level of the President

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 31, 2010 -> 08:19 PM)
Why is it a little tasteless for him to go to Lincoln?


You've given sympathy to the idea that its tasteless, but you're just saying it's not tasteless enough to get outraged about. I can see where people say lots of dumb, irrational things to criticize someone they don't like; this is one of them. There's zero legitimacy to that point unless Arlington is somehow more important than Lincoln.



And read the last part of the post I posted right along with it. And then I even clarified it, again, and you're still trying to bait. Give it a rest.

Edited by kapkomet
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You said it was little tasteless but not enough to get upset about. I find that personally insulting. I buried my grandfather there in November.


Why is it a little tasteless? Or do you actually want to retract that statement and admit it was baseless and insulting to those with loved ones buried at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetary?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 08:34 PM)


You said it was little tasteless but not enough to get upset about. I find that personally insulting. I buried my grandfather there in November.


Why is it a little tasteless? Or do you actually want to retract that statement and admit it was baseless and insulting to those with loved ones buried at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetary?


You want my real answer, since all you're trying to do is bait here? It is a little tasteless because Barack Obama CHOSE to take a "vacation" during Memorial Day - and a hell of a lot of people place a great importance to our Commander in Chief being present and not just attending somewhere because it's up the road from his vacation spot. It doesn't diminish any soldier, so STOP putting words in my mouth. AGAIN, it is not because of where he went to commemorate any soldier, so stop trying to bait and stir up crap.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 08:47 PM)
That still doesn't make any damned sense. If Presidents typically are in DC and not on vacation, Arlington is closer than Lincoln. Is it therefore tasteless to go to Arlington and not somewhere further away?



Can you please, please stop making a mountain out of a molehill here? Please? I said that *I* didn't consider it to be anything bad... I said that it could be CONSIDERED tasteless BY SOME. Okay? I am not diminishing it at all, I am not saying that anyone deserves respect over another other then he chose to go on "vacation" over what many people consider to be a very strong symbol from our president - that action is PERHAPS somewhat tasteless. If he was attending the nation's business or representing our country in another capacity, fine, but it was "vacation" and very clearly stated as so, and that COULD BE CONSIDERED somewhat tasteless ... and I can see where some people might think that, which is exacly what I said in my first post. I'm done with this, I think I've been abundantly clear.

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