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You are Jerry Reinsdorf, you decide, who gawn?



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to see get fired?

    • Ozzie.
    • Kenny.
    • Both.
    • Neither.

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This has become an embarrassment to the White Sox organization. Let's put the rebuilding process aside.



One of them has to go. It's time for White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf to step in and decide which.


Read the article here.


If you were to make the decision who do you want to see gone?




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Ozzie, his family has been nothing but disrespectful to an organization that provided them with so much. I feel bad for Ozney getting involved in this, as he seems to be the classiest person in the family.

Edited by fathom
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I don't think anyone will go, nor do they need to. There's no point in making changes just to make changes, since at this point, the talent assembled is going to lose with or without Oz, Kenny, Cowley, et al. I know people are screaming for change but face it - there are no prospects knocking on the door right now save Hudson. The fanbase and members of this board will just have to be patient and see what Kenny can swing with the crap he has.


This year has basically been a disaster at all levels, what with the pitching implosion, the lousy defense, the predictably awful offense, the injuries and performance slides in the minors. Kenny might be a quick draw but overall the Sox organization is very slow moving and traditional, and you aren't likely to see any FO changes any time soon.

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I don't think Reinsdorf has to make a decision. I think Kenny needs to be given a new title (a la Paxson), and let Hahn take over. And with Ozzie, hopefully the Marlins, along with the Braves, will have a managerial opening and he is given the option to interview--and he gets one of the jobs. That's best case scenario next offseason.

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The entitlement of the Guillen family amazes me. They continue to bite the hand that feeds them. It's time for a parting of the ways.


Not me. The Guillens are rich. Rich folk feel entitled.

Kenny should lose this one. His son sucked and got eighth round? Oz's kid may suck but should have got the same round.

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Kenny needs to be a GM and Ozzie needs to be a manager. That's it. If Kenny gives Ozzie a team that Kenny believes will make a run at the pennant then everyone's in a good situation.


As for Guillen's family, who cares? People need to leave Oney alone already. He's not part of the organization and regardless what he says or does, neither the Sox FO nor Ozzie himself should ever be held responsible for explaining the actions of a young adult. The thing is, it appears Cowley and Oney are butt buddies and because of that everyone gets to hear this s***. But none of this should matter, and if the Sox were winning, I doubt any of it would. This is all only an issue because Kenny let Ozzie do his job which put Ozzie in a position where he would be forced to showcase the *worst* qualities he has as a manager instead of the better ones. Ozzie, with a good team, can do a great job managing a pitching staff, motivating players, and taking pressure off of players. On a horses*** team he's just a bad situational manager who is obsessed with impossible player archetypes.

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QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 8, 2010 -> 11:32 PM)
I don't think Reinsdorf has to make a decision. I think Kenny needs to be given a new title (a la Paxson), and let Hahn take over. And with Ozzie, hopefully the Marlins, along with the Braves, will have a managerial opening and he is given the option to interview--and he gets one of the jobs. That's best case scenario next offseason.


Kenny already is the Vice President, so I assume he never gets fired but stops being the GM at some point.

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Like Ozney is entitled to the same round as KW's kid? What world are you living in? Yes, KW Jr had no business going in the 6th round, but two wrongs don't make a right.


OK, then simply fire KW for the nepotism shown when his son, the stiff, was chosen in eighth round.

Kid sucks, nobody wanted him. Sox take him in 8th round. Bye bye Kenny for nepotism.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 9, 2010 -> 04:39 AM)
OK, then simply fire KW for the nepotism shown when his son, the stiff, was chosen in eighth round.

Kid sucks, nobody wanted him. Sox take him in 8th round. Bye bye Kenny for nepotism.


Well, and the money saved by taking KW Jr. also went to Jordan Danks, I believe.

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At the end of the day, it's nice to know that our Manager can seperate this home life from his work environment. It's nice of him to make sure that his employer knows that he's pissed off at it for not doing him a favor that he said he didn't want, actually going so far as to pay his son not to work for said employer in revenge for said unwanted favor, and then speaking about it in the media while his team flounders away their dignity. That's a man who deserves to keep his job. Can we just fire him already, so he, Ibis and the kids can take there Osbourne-esque reality show somewhere else?

Edited by Thunderbolt
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At the end of the day, it's nice to know that our Manager can seperate this home life from his work environment. It's nice of him to make sure that his employer knows that he's pissed off at it for not doing him a favor that he said he didn't want, actually going so far as to pay his son not to work for said employer in revenge for said unwanted favor, and then speaking about it in the media while his team flounders away their dignity. That's a man who deserves to keep his job. Can we just fire him already, so he, Ibis and the kids can take there Osbourne-esque reality show somewhere else?


Our manager is a rich former player with a huge ego. The Sox knew that when they hired him.

It's not like he needs the job.

The fire Oz rants really are as boring as my save Ozzie rants.

We know you hate him. People tell me to stop beating the dead horse. What about the Ozzie haters. Yes, we know, you feel he sucks in all regards.

Hopefully you guys will get your wish. The next manager will never say anything controversial (most don't) and it'll be back to the dull coachspeak many of you apparently so desire.

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It's not Ozzie's fault that this team sucks. Did anyone expect this team to contend? It's full of a lot of sorry ass players, and the ones who are good are not living up to it (save a few guys obviously).


If Ozzie made 100% of the correct moves this year, is this team still anywhere near .500? Probably not.


You can only play w/ the cards you are dealt. Ozzie was dealt a 2-7 off-suit.

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If anyone needs to go its Kenny


And yeah yeah, we all love him and think he should never lose his job because he lucked into a World Series Title in 05.. but this team we have right now is all him.. whether hes taking orders from Ozzie or not, he is the one who ultimately makes this roster..


And I am pretty sure that the current roster was not 100% him, and that's his own fault.. Honestly, what is Ozzie suppose to do? We have to start guys like Vizquel and Kotsay.. only a handful of guys are performing good or in line with career numbers, everyone else isn't even in decent territory.. its bad..


Kenny should have just put his foot down and done what he wanted, its not like Ozzie was going anywhere if he didn't get the players he wanted, hes already said he would never quit..

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