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Originally posted by RedPinStripes

That migth not work. For some stupid reason this server wont let you use it's own bandwidth. :( When mario or jason come around later i'm sure they can fix it for you. 


OK cool. BTW, I've decided that I want it as my avatar. I'll find something later for a sig. :)

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes

That migth not work. For some stupid reason this server wont let you use it's own bandwidth. :( When mario or jason come around later i'm sure they can fix it for you. 


whoa, better leave me out of this prediciment, I ain't touching this system and we all know why.

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He ain't a super mod anymore. His demotion was short lasted, lol.


Ya, the boards don't allow you to upload it and then use it as a sig. I don't know why, but I Guess its for bandwith purposes.


Anyway, the avatar is fine the way it is. If you want a sig, simply take the link from where you existingly got it and use that and I don't care where it comes from.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

What did I miss?


Last night when I signed on my avatar had completely changed. I was a skull on a black background that faded out and then the words "Remeber stealing bandwidth is a crime" would appear. It just kept repeating this. Now it's back to normal. Weird...

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I'm still seeing that sign.  I just thought for some reason you had that as your avatar, lol.


You want the whole I wrote code thing though.  I'll try to do something and then give you the link to put in your avatar.


For some reason it had to do with me having the pic on my hard drive. I deleted it and now I'm seeing the warning. Let me know what you can do to fix it.

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Originally posted by Iwritecode
Originally posted by RedPinStripes

nope. i see the warning.  funny. i see where it came from. lol


It's really weird. It looks just fine to me. The URL is the same too. The pic hasn't changed from the site I got it from either.


That's a trick certain website insert on their server so people dont stael bandwidith. The man is crafty!

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