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Dammit! that was entertainment!


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I was all for people shutting the f*** up, but I don't like the idea of locking threads. It is a temporary solution, it's not like people just all of a sudden forget what they were feeling. It will carry over into other threads.

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Damn I felt like I was watching Springer! :o


BTW, You go Apu! :headbang

ugh please don't encourage any of them.

Sorry I am an antagonist at heart... OK I am going to bed now.



LOL noone is or is capable of antagonizing me. My posts are my thoughts. Plain and simple. ;)

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Damn I felt like I was watching Springer! :o


BTW, You go Apu! :headbang

ugh please don't encourage any of them.

Sorry I am an antagonist at heart... OK I am going to bed now.



LOL noone is or is capable of antagonizing me. My posts are my thoughts. Plain and simple. ;)

I got no problem with that. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts :headbang



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sounds like a time to do a little rap!


Mr. Mathers, are you ready?


"where's my snare? I'm not getting any snare..."


music begins


Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?

I have, I've been protested and demonstrated against.

Picket signs for my wicked rhymes.

Look at the times.

Sick is the mind of the motha f***in' kid that's behind

all this commotion.

Emotions run deep as ocean's explodin.'

Tempers flaring from parents, just blow 'em off and keep goin.'

Not takin' nothin' from no one, give 'em hell long as I'm breathin.'

Keep kickin' ass in the mornin,' an' takin' names in the evening.

Leavem with a taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth.

See, they can trigger me but they never figure me out.

Look at me now, I bet ya probably sick of me now.

Ain't you mama, I'ma make you look so ridiculous now.

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i think a funnier and more appropriate line if you're gonna quote eminem would be:


I "Square Dance" cause I'm sick of rappin circles

around these clowns, stready tryin to call me out

It's like I'm listenin' to motherf***in dogs meow

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Guest hotsoxchick1

damn..... i dont usually read all the threads on here.. and espically the ones which involve politics ( cause its never good to mix politics and pleasure, and we all know talkin sox is always such a pleasure for me...lol)... and i dont usually take on the gay, antigay, or whatever you want to call them types of threads becasue to me it really doesnt matter what a person is, but moreso it matters who that person is inside that counts ....a few people im'd me to take a look at it and i must say ... i wish it wasnt closed becasue i have quite a few opinions of my own i would have liked to add.....so i guess ill add them here since theres no where else to add them......by no means does anyone have to out themselves or whatever to someone whos in a sense an annyomous person on a message board.....now if there was a personal type level realtionship there, i would prefer to know whats what up front.. but thats just me and part of the honesty thing in the relationship... i dont care what someone does in their personal lives...unless it directly effects me in some way or fashion...i support my friends no matter what.....if they are gay so be it.. if they choose to be outtted then so be it im supportive.. if they choose not to be outted then thats ok too.. but there comes a time when it will happen and all i can say is that i would support it.....as for some of the things that bmr said... i can kinda in a sense see where hes coming from in some of his comments....i can also see where cw and winodj are coming from too.........i sit in the middle here...would an all gay school be better for kids?? who the hell knows...i was raised old school in a time when the whole neighborhood watched us....if we did something wrong..someones mom caught us and beat our asses and then called our moms and when we went home we got our asses beat again.....i went to a catholic school for a while and the nuns beat our asses if we f***ed up....it taught us to be respectful in the long run.....back when i grew up being gay was not a highly talked about topic.....it is today though.. and its cool that people come out and say "hey this is me"...theres absoultely nothing wrong with it.........i dont think that forcing kids to go to an all gay school is a long term answer to the problem though.its kinda resorting back to the slave days and forcing blacks to sit in the back of the bus dont ya think????if everyone is ever going to be treated equal then they need to be intergrated and learn to live with eachother.. understand eachother... and be honest not only with themselves but everyone they have an effect on....thats just mho.......

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by no means does anyone have to out themselves or whatever to someone whos in a sense an annyomous person on a message board.....now if there was a personal type level realtionship there, i would prefer to know whats what up front..

says it well, as always, my beloved! :headbang :headbang :headbang :cheers :cheers :cheers

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