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window of opportunity

The Bones

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I don't want to start talking about next year because this year is far from over. But with that said, I keep hearing, or at least in the past i have heard, that this year could be the last year the sox contend for/in the playoffs. I can't quite understand why people would be saying this.


1.)We get most of our pitching staff back next year. Even if Colon leaves we still have Loaiza, Buehrle, Garland, and a hell of a lot of minor league pitching talent.

2.)Most of our position players are young and are not going to become free agents at the end of the season. The only possible problem areas are cf, 2b, and ss. I think rowand will be the cfer next year and he has shown he is capable. They could possibly re-sign alomar at 2b or use willie, or even aaron miles. ss is the only real problem then. Someone in the know please tell me if we have any minor league ss talent.

3.)I'm not an expert on this but, don't we have a pretty damn good farm system? Which allows us to either use our kids or acquire talent with them.

4.)Who else in our division is going to dominate next year. Aren't a lot of the twins going to become fa at the end of the season? Can the royals repeat their overachieving


Maybe i'm just an idiot and am listening to the wrong people, but has anyone else heard talk of this?


Here's to the White Sox dynasty for many years to come... :cheers

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Most of the talk regarding that this would be the last chance for them to contend was that if they didn't, after acquiring Colon and Koch, that JR would back up the truck and white flag it again. It seems they kicked it in gear just in the nick of time.

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Most of the talk regarding that this would be the last chance for them to contend was that if they didn't, after acquiring Colon and Koch, that JR would back up the truck and white flag it again.  It seems they kicked it in gear just in the nick of time.

Thank you. I thought that I must have missed something.

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