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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:14 PM)
OR, the should get a job/better job so the government doesn't have to provide everything for them. Again, what an AWFUL expectation.

Yup. Because you know what's ridiculously plentiful right now? Jobs! Not only that, good, better than Walmart jobs! They're all over the place. And you have to find those without using a computer too! That's totally simple!


Or maybe they could go back to college. But wait, they have to get through that with no computer and cell phone.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:15 PM)
Yup. Because you know what's ridiculously plentiful right now? Jobs! Not only that, good, better than Walmart jobs! They're all over the place.


Or maybe they could go back to college. But wait, they have to get through that with no computer and cell phone.


Oh god! What to do! Maybe use a computer lab?! Oh the humanity!!!!!!!!



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:19 PM)
Oh god! What to do! Maybe use a computer lab?! Oh the humanity!!!!!!!!

Well, good thing there's the time to spend a full day with the kids as well as working a full time minimum wage job and attending classes. How dare you not make your kids a nutritious dinner!

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:24 PM)
Well, good thing there's the time to spend a full day with the kids as well as working a full time minimum wage job and attending classes. How dare you not make your kids a nutritious dinner!


Hey guess what, life's a b****. You pay for what you get.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:32 PM)
Unless you decide to pay for a cell phone.


lol, you crack me up.


so you think it's wrong of me to judge a woman with a kid who pays 100 bucks a month towards her cell phone instead of spending a little more on quality food for her kid, or regardless of how much she pays, simply providing her kid with healthy food options instead of pre-processed crappy food because she's too busy and/or lazy?


I'm not saying the government should create a law banning these types of people from having cell phones or other luxury items. My point was you blame that individual for making that choice when her kid ends up obese and with health problems, you don't blame the government for not assisting them more or the food company for providing the unhealthy food OPTION.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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And my point in response is that it's you who are pretending that they actually have a choice.


You tried to outline the other things they could do...and basically it comes down to "Stop giving your kids TV and Cell phones", "Find a better job" and "stop being so lazy!" and sticking your hands in your ears when someone points out that working full time isn't exactly easy and that there aren't a whole lot of jobs available out there.


To me, this is a symptom of a cycle that is nearly impossible to break. To you, it's tough luck, here's a lecture and my scorn.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:11 PM)
Are you kidding? Have you bought groceries recently? Produce is incredibly cheap. You can spend 20 bucks and get a weeks full of produce pretty easily. It has nothing to do with the government. They're not forcing people to buy certain products. Lazy people choose to buy the convenient, pre-packaged products. It has nothing to do with the price.


That person isn't hypothetical. It's a pretty good chunk of the welfare recipients I've seen and worked with. Got no job (or have a s***ty job), their food and housing is paid for, but they got cell phones and tv's and other "necessities" that get them through life.


It's funny how the poorer the area, the more expensive produce becomes.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:43 PM)
And my point in response is that it's you who are pretending that they actually have a choice.


You tried to outline the other things they could do...and basically it comes down to "Stop giving your kids TV and Cell phones", "Find a better job" and "stop being so lazy!" and sticking your hands in your ears when someone points out that working full time isn't exactly easy and that there aren't a whole lot of jobs available out there.


To me, this is a symptom of a cycle that is nearly impossible to break. To you, it's tough luck, here's a lecture and my scorn.


And to you it's a defeatist mentality. Well, can't blame them for it, too tough to break out of it, now it's the government's responsibility.


They do have a choice. As I said earlier, produce is insanely cheap compared to these processed foods we're talking about. McDonalds doesn't have to be the only option (thanks Walmart!)


And yeah, jobs are tough right now, but there are PLENTY of available options to better your position in life. Go to a tech school, go back to a community college, do anything. Does it suck for some people? Sure. But there are ways. There are tons of programs/people out there to help. The government's help shouldn't be the expectation.

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But don't you dare think you need a computer or a cell phone to get through school. And cook those kids dinner!


And I have to ask...

There are tons of programs/people out there to help. The government's help shouldn't be the expectation.
Did you really just write that?


Who do you think puts those programs together? Jesus?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:49 PM)
But don't you dare think you need a computer or a cell phone to get through school. And cook those kids dinner!

And I have to ask...

Did you really just write that?


Who do you think puts those programs together? Jesus?


Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall. You don't even try to respond.


Christian groups and churches often offer their services. PRIVATE groups do as well. It doesn't have to be government groups.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:55 PM)
Christian groups and churches often offer their services. PRIVATE groups do as well. It doesn't have to be government groups.



So basically, your argument is that everyone should go to a religious school so that the government doesn't have to help.


Seriously...everything in terms of college aid in this country runs through the government. Even the private donations. And private contributions absolutely pale in terms of amount. And frankly...it should; the government has motivation to help people get through college to help improve society. Private groups don't, beyond the simple charity level.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:02 PM)


So basically, your argument is that everyone should go to a religious school so that the government doesn't have to help.


Seriously...everything in terms of college aid in this country runs through the government. Even the private donations. And private contributions absolutely pale in terms of amount.


Why are you narrowing it to that? I'm talking about everything involved in your hypothetical impossible life - day care services, food services, job placement services. So yeah, the government gives out/borrows money to allow people to pay for school, but the government doesn't have to provide everything else while they do it. YOU should be the one expected to do it on your own, but if not there are PRIVATE groups that can help too.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 07:11 PM)
Are you kidding? Have you bought groceries recently? Produce is incredibly cheap. You can spend 20 bucks and get a weeks full of produce pretty easily. It has nothing to do with the government. They're not forcing people to buy certain products. Lazy people choose to buy the convenient, pre-packaged products. It has nothing to do with the price.


That person isn't hypothetical. It's a pretty good chunk of the welfare recipients I've seen and worked with. Got no job (or have a s***ty job), their food and housing is paid for, but they got cell phones and tv's and other "necessities" that get them through life.


Produce is incredibly cheap compared to what. It also doesn't save like meat, grains, etc etc. I struggle to spend less than $160 a month and I'm a) buying for myself B) probably on a similar budget to these families. I'm a) buying for myself and B) probably on the same budget as a lot of these families. And I eat rice, beans, lime, onions tomatoes and 1 meat a week. This is not eating truffles.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 12:11 PM)
Are you kidding? Have you bought groceries recently? Produce is incredibly cheap. You can spend 20 bucks and get a weeks full of produce pretty easily. It has nothing to do with the government. They're not forcing people to buy certain products. Lazy people choose to buy the convenient, pre-packaged products. It has nothing to do with the price.


That person isn't hypothetical. It's a pretty good chunk of the welfare recipients I've seen and worked with. Got no job (or have a s***ty job), their food and housing is paid for, but they got cell phones and tv's and other "necessities" that get them through life.

When are you going to address the point that the government has encouraged the public, through it's FDA recommendations, it's bs food pyramid, it's plethora of horses*** inaccurate studies, it's subsidization of the same 5 crops which now make up the ingredients for some ridiculous percentage of everything that is carried in our supermarkets to generally become a nation of unhealthy, chronically ill people?


The sad thing is that it's been so ingrained into our being that people have no concept of what good health is. A few of you have likened the idea of not being fat to good health. As long as I am thin than I must be healthy! This is how idiotic we all have become.


Gee, I wonder why our healthcare system is in shambles?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:28 PM)
Produce is incredibly cheap compared to what. It also doesn't save like meat, grains, etc etc. I struggle to spend less than $160 a month



thats like $5 a day, so if you are eating 2 meals with that a day you're doing pretty good on the price side

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 02:12 PM)
Really, it boggles my mind that you think humans are capable of the effort you're requiring of them, and that you think people who don't do what you're demanding of them are lazy.


Really, it boggles my mind that you think the government should force people to be capable of any effort by giving these same people who exert no effort whatsoever to become anything more then some schmuck with their hand held out.


There's a difference between assistance and a nanny welfare state, and the nanny welfare state is obviously what you believe in, and it's disgusting.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 06:26 PM)
Really, it boggles my mind that you think the government should force people to be capable of any effort by giving these same people who exert no effort whatsoever to become anything more then some schmuck with their hand held out.


There's a difference between assistance and a nanny welfare state, and the nanny welfare state is obviously what you believe in, and it's disgusting.

The ironic part of this is that it was Nixon was the one who set this whole mess in motion with his programs to subsidize crops in an effort to lower food prices.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 08:12 PM)
The ironic part of this is that it was Nixon was the one who set this whole mess in motion with his programs to subsidize crops in an effort to lower food prices.


So? I'm not a party idealouge, unlike some.


At what point does the government intervention stop? Oh, I know... when everyone has equal pay, equal housing, equal health care, equal cars, equal number of gallons of water in the toilet boil, equal CFC lights in their houses, equal food, equal drinking water, equal retirement, equal rights (oh, wait a minute... our government doesn't give a s*** about that unless it benefits them...)

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 08:31 PM)
So? I'm not a party idealouge, unlike some.


At what point does the government intervention stop? Oh, I know... when everyone has equal pay, equal housing, equal health care, equal cars, equal number of gallons in the toilet boil, equal CFC lights in their houses, equal food, equal rights (oh, wait a minute... our government doesn't give a s*** about that unless it benefits them...)

I'm just pointing out that you can't blame this one on either the left or the right. This is has to do with our government getting into bed with the food industry and causing a huge mess that they are now refusing to admit they were entirely wrong about in the first place.


And you guys can say that we can just choose not to eat fast foods and everything will be wonderful. But the fact is that the very vast majority of our food supply is a bunch of processed artificial crap that is making us all chronically ill in the long run.


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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 08:38 PM)
I'm just pointing out that you can't blame this one on either the left or the right. This is has to do with our government getting into bed with the food industry and causing a huge mess that they are now refusing to admit they were entirely wrong about in the first place.


And you guys can say that we can just choose not to eat fast foods and everything will be wonderful. But the fact is that the very vast majority of our food supply is a bunch of processed artificial crap that is making us all chronically ill in the long run.



Can't disagree with the last point. It's a boondoggle...

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 08:55 PM)
For example, i'd like to see your reaction if we didn't subsidize dirty energies.


Where's the line? Where do you stop "subsidizing" things?


For the record, don't ...

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This is just a perfect example of what I'm talking about with these idiots....


The Not So Sweet Truth About Aspartame


Research is now indicating that sweeteners may actually cause people to gain weight because of a negative metabolic response," says Lippert. "They can also increase sweet cravings and alter our taste buds in terms of our 'threshold' for sweetness. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and Splenda is 600 times sweeter."
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