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July White Sox Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (YASNY @ Jul 24, 2010 -> 05:27 AM)
After not even viewing this site in weeks I decide to see what's going on. I start reading at page 21 of this thread and see two pages of bickering, sniping and name calling. Now I remember why I stopped coming on here.


Sad to see... your a very good poster Yas. Hate to see when guys like you, qwerty, be good, etc.. "take a break." Brings the site down quite a bit.

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I told you he was a troll. You don't necessarily have to intend on being a troll to be one. Sometimes these sort of things tend to have a way of happening, without knowledge of it. Whether it be, naivety, jejune, or whatever else you want to call it. Just because you don't know any better, doesn't make something right. What that is, is ignorance.


Greg, your donation, while a very kind gesture, and i'm sure everyone appreciates it, should never have been brought up. You are better than no one. Donation or not. Same thing goes for everyone. Point is, no one wants a gift, and then have that gift held over them, like they owe that person who gave said gift, the world. You give someone something, that's that, done story, to be forgotten except by those who it affected. You are not a bigger fan, or man, because of your gesture.



''I'm not baiting anybody.''


Great one, greg. One of the biggest lies i have ever heard in my life. How about the 11,334 times you have baited someone? Yadda, yadda, ''just put me on ignore qwerty''! What is the point? Nearly every single post you make is so far out there, that people cannot help but respond, so it would be a lost cause.


Generally greg, when someone is in the vast, and boy do i mean vast, minority, it means they are incorrect. As in not even close to the realm of being correct. This of course is not always the case. That is left to the absolute geniuses, those who are so ahead of their time, that others can't even comprehend what they mean. I'm gonna take a stab, and say that is not your particular case.


I'm just sick of the level of discussion being brought down further, and further, with you being the ring leader of your circus of clowns. Am i right about everything i just said? Without a doubt. Does nearly every single daily poster/visitor think otherwise? Highly doubtful. Was it mean... but most importantly honest? You bet.

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QUOTE (Springfield SoxFan @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 09:51 AM)
Did the Tigers catch a huge break with that Ordonez injury? Didn't he have another vesting options in his contract for like $18 million, was hoping that was exercised to put total pressure on the Tigers.



They did catch a break for financial considerations going forward. I am curious to see if they stand pat now given their recent glut of injuries or if they still attempt to make a big trade like what has been discussed(Lowell, Haren, etc).

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QUOTE (qwerty @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 03:39 AM)
I told you he was a troll. You don't necessarily have to intend on being a troll to be one. Sometimes these sort of things tend to have a way of happening, without knowledge of it. Whether it be, naivety, jejune, or whatever else you want to call it. Just because you don't know any better, doesn't make something right. What that is, is ignorance.


Greg, your donation, while a very kind gesture, and i'm sure everyone appreciates it, should never have been brought up. You are better than no one. Donation or not. Same thing goes for everyone. Point is, no one wants a gift, and then have that gift held over them, like they owe that person who gave said gift, the world. You give someone something, that's that, done story, to be forgotten except by those who it affected. You are not a bigger fan, or man, because of your gesture.



''I'm not baiting anybody.''


Great one, greg. One of the biggest lies i have ever heard in my life. How about the 11,334 times you have baited someone? Yadda, yadda, ''just put me on ignore qwerty''! What is the point? Nearly every single post you make is so far out there, that people cannot help but respond, so it would be a lost cause.


Generally greg, when someone is in the vast, and boy do i mean vast, minority, it means they are incorrect. As in not even close to the realm of being correct. This of course is not always the case. That is left to the absolute geniuses, those who are so ahead of their time, that others can't even comprehend what they mean. I'm gonna take a stab, and say that is not your particular case.


I'm just sick of the level of discussion being brought down further, and further, with you being the ring leader of your circus of clowns. Am i right about everything i just said? Without a doubt. Does nearly every single daily poster/visitor think otherwise? Highly doubtful. Was it mean... but most importantly honest? You bet.


Indeed. Greg is an absolute troll and is playing a bit with his posts, as I've said for a while now. If he hadn't made that "donation" to the site, I bet he'd be banned already.

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QUOTE (qwerty @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 03:39 AM)
I told you he was a troll. You don't necessarily have to intend on being a troll to be one. Sometimes these sort of things tend to have a way of happening, without knowledge of it. Whether it be, naivety, jejune, or whatever else you want to call it. Just because you don't know any better, doesn't make something right. What that is, is ignorance.


Greg, your donation, while a very kind gesture, and i'm sure everyone appreciates it, should never have been brought up. You are better than no one. Donation or not. Same thing goes for everyone. Point is, no one wants a gift, and then have that gift held over them, like they owe that person who gave said gift, the world. You give someone something, that's that, done story, to be forgotten except by those who it affected. You are not a bigger fan, or man, because of your gesture.



''I'm not baiting anybody.''


Great one, greg. One of the biggest lies i have ever heard in my life. How about the 11,334 times you have baited someone? Yadda, yadda, ''just put me on ignore qwerty''! What is the point? Nearly every single post you make is so far out there, that people cannot help but respond, so it would be a lost cause.


Generally greg, when someone is in the vast, and boy do i mean vast, minority, it means they are incorrect. As in not even close to the realm of being correct. This of course is not always the case. That is left to the absolute geniuses, those who are so ahead of their time, that others can't even comprehend what they mean. I'm gonna take a stab, and say that is not your particular case.


I'm just sick of the level of discussion being brought down further, and further, with you being the ring leader of your circus of clowns. Am i right about everything i just said? Without a doubt. Does nearly every single daily poster/visitor think otherwise? Highly doubtful. Was it mean... but most importantly honest? You bet.





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Does anyone think we are headed for a public relations distraction if KW pulls off a trade, maybe the Score is just trying to make a story but all morning on Hit and Run today they keep playing the clip that Ozzie does not want to make any trades and wants to go with the current roster. I believe play for today and try to win this year, but don't do anything crazy.

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QUOTE (Springfield SoxFan @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 02:27 PM)
Does anyone think we are headed for a public relations distraction if KW pulls off a trade, maybe the Score is just trying to make a story but all morning on Hit and Run today they keep playing the clip that Ozzie does not want to make any trades and wants to go with the current roster. I believe play for today and try to win this year, but don't do anything crazy.

Unless KW decides to go into selling mode while in first place, there's really no way that it's a public relations issue. Trying to improve the team...even if it doesn't work well...is good press.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 01:34 PM)
Unless KW decides to go into selling mode while in first place, there's really no way that it's a public relations issue. Trying to improve the team...even if it doesn't work well...is good press.

I agree but Ozzie seems so adamant, reminds me of the Thome situation at Sox fest, are these two not getting along etc........just don't want it to turn into a death spiral.

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I'm just sick of the level of discussion being brought down further, and further, with you being the ring leader of your circus of clowns. Am i right about everything i just said? Without a doubt. Does nearly every single daily poster/visitor think otherwise? Highly doubtful. Was it mean... but most importantly honest? You bet.


As far as mentioning the donation, I was pissed off. You ever get pissed off?


As far as your other statements, I don't even know what to say. I personally think that was a personal attack calling me a 'ring leader of my circus of clowns.'

My god.


And finally, I don't know what you are saying except you are smarter than me and better than me.

If you want everybody to always or most of the time agree with the "majority," fine, ban me.

Message boards are funny, a microosm of real life. And people with minority opinions often get trashed. I still say I don't bait anybody. I give my opinion.

If I get banned, fine, but I truly think your last post of the circle of clowns is worse than anything I've ever written. "Bringing the discussion down??" By disagreeing.

My god.


If I wanted to do a comprehensive study of posts on here (and I don't, it's a freaking message board, not a life and death thing) I could find many many posts that "bring the level of discussion down." If you post made you feel better about something, then it was a great one. You should have just pmed me and I'd pm you back rather than me have to defend myself on here and continue to "bring the level of discussion down."

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 23, 2010 -> 08:14 PM)
The problem is that you are forcing it into the conversation now, which is total bulls***. Asking "chw are you trying to build a case where if and when we lose the division we can all simply say, "It's Bobby Jenks' fault!""


followed by "Not flaming. Just asking"


followed by "Thats pretty f***ing stupid"


is starting a argument where there was none. How about you quit feeling like you have to defend every iota of Bobby Jenks being and start discussing other topics without feeling like you need to ask if people are subtly taking shots at Bobby. Or even better, being able to admit when Bobby f***s up and saying "You know what? He sucked tonite" and leave it at that.


There are overreactionary people that feel like a few bad outings dooms a player, and there are overreactionary people on the other end of the spectrum such as you that can never admit when a bad outing happens. Then there are the gray area people such as myself who can see the bigger picture and can understand that at some point either we have to s*** or get off the pot with jenks. The problem that I have with everything you have been saying is that everyone that doesnt worship the ground that Jenks walks on(such as yourself) is grouped into one big "insane messageboard people" list by you. If you havent noticed, Ozzie is starting to get a bit queasy with his closer as well and the message is out there that if he cannot get it done, there are two other big arms in the bullpen that can.



Ozzie should be queasy. Jenks has been consistently poor this year outside of June. His ERA was 5.00 in April, almost 8.00 in May and almost 10.00 in July. Last season he wasn't exactly stellar either, now he thinks just because he gets paid $7.5 million, he really doesn't have to prove himself, he already did 5 years ago.


I wonder who will be number 45 on the White Sox next year.


BTW, word is Detroit is hot for Adam Dunn now that Maggs is out.

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Ha, if Detroit gets Dunn, Sox fans will be in meltdown mode. In reality, the Tigers are in a great position to try and work out an extension with him if they trade for him. Personally, I feel the Tigers should be trying to beef up their pitching.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 03:03 PM)
Ha, if Detroit gets Dunn, Sox fans will be in meltdown mode. In reality, the Tigers are in a great position to try and work out an extension with him if they trade for him. Personally, I feel the Tigers should be trying to beef up their pitching.

totally agreed, Sox fans will melt down if that happens. KW will make a bold move this week but this development might have driven up the price.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 25, 2010 -> 03:03 PM)
Ha, if Detroit gets Dunn, Sox fans will be in meltdown mode. In reality, the Tigers are in a great position to try and work out an extension with him if they trade for him. Personally, I feel the Tigers should be trying to beef up their pitching.


I will celebrate if they get him. I hope they sell the whole farm to do it.

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