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Peavy Done for Year; Marquez Up


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so how serious is this? Best case is out until September, but will it have lingering effects? Can he come back from this 100% with a good chance of not having it happen again? How bad is it compared to TJ surgery?


Also, hopefully we don't have to see Marquez at all unless we are getting blown out or blowing the other team out. As for Hudson still a possibility for Sunday, how long does Marquez have to be up before we can send him back down?

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 03:27 PM)
From DeLuca: Detatched lat for Peavy likely means he's out till Sept. best-case. White Sox will pursue starter on trade market.


What? Why?



Yeah but wouldn't it be cool if KW swooped in and stole Cliff Lee? That would be a kick in the sack for the Twins.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:12 PM)
Sounds like this could have been avoided if they did an MRI after the KC start, but because the MRI a week before that came back clean, they decided not to do another one. At this point, hopefully he's fine for 2011. What pitchers have come back from this injury in the past?

No way. First of all, it was soreness that the pitcher himself said was like the kind any pitcher has regularly. Second, even if they did one, you have no idea if it was torn at that point, and if so, if it was even torn enough to see on an MRI. You are making a huge leap here.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 09:17 PM)
No way. First of all, it was soreness that the pitcher himself said was like the kind any pitcher has regularly. Second, even if they did one, you have no idea if it was torn at that point, and if so, if it was even torn enough to see on an MRI. You are making a huge leap here.


Peavy said he knew he had tweaked something in there his last start, and was going to try and pitch through it. The MRI would have likely shown more fluid in that area, etc. I'm not blaming the Sox at all, rather saying it's bad luck more than anything.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:12 PM)
Sounds like this could have been avoided if they did an MRI after the KC start, but because the MRI a week before that came back clean, they decided not to do another one. At this point, hopefully he's fine for 2011. What pitchers have come back from this injury in the past?

I just hope its nothing that will effect his mechanics. The worse thing that can happen is him trying to overcompensate with his arm, and then we are headed down a spiral slope.


Hopefully everything turns out good. I know from a players standpoint, you want to come back ASAP, but it might not be a bad idea just to say wait till next year, and take every precaution to get him at a full 100% for next season. We have too much money invested in him, we gotta take every precaution possible.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 09:22 PM)
I just hope its nothing that will effect his mechanics. The worse thing that can happen is him trying to overcompensate with his arm, and then we are headed down a spiral slope.


Hopefully everything turns out good. I know from a players standpoint, you want to come back ASAP, but it might not be a bad idea just to say wait till next year, and take every precaution to get him at a full 100% for next season. We have too much money invested in him, we gotta take every precaution possible.


Yep, hopefully everything is good to go for next year. It seems very unlikely he can recover, and then get arm strength built up, before the season is over.

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Yeah I was thinking about the mechanics bit yesterday after I heard it was a lat muscle.


But at that point, I thought it might have been a couple of weeks to a month and that maybe he would rush himself back.


Not the case with this one IMO.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 10:12 PM)
Sounds like this could have been avoided if they did an MRI after the KC start, but because the MRI a week before that came back clean, they decided not to do another one. At this point, hopefully he's fine for 2011. What pitchers have come back from this injury in the past?



Agreed. Sounds like he is done for 2010

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QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:12 PM)
Sounds like this could have been avoided if they did an MRI after the KC start, but because the MRI a week before that came back clean, they decided not to do another one. At this point, hopefully he's fine for 2011. What pitchers have come back from this injury in the past?


I don't think so. This is in a different area than the usual "fluid" in the shoulder. It's not part of the same area really. This type of thing may be hidden as a "bicep tendon inflammation". Because it's so deep to all the other tissues, you wouldn't really see this specially on an MRI.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:14 PM)
so how serious is this? Best case is out until September, but will it have lingering effects? Can he come back from this 100% with a good chance of not having it happen again? How bad is it compared to TJ surgery?


Also, hopefully we don't have to see Marquez at all unless we are getting blown out or blowing the other team out. As for Hudson still a possibility for Sunday, how long does Marquez have to be up before we can send him back down?


He should be able to come back 100% without lingering effects. It's a tendon re-attachment not a reconstruction. It's pretty straight forward. Just like with th Mitchell surgery, we'll know if it was a rupture from the bone or a mid substance tear when they give the length of rehab estimate. If they say 2-6 months it's a straight forward reattachment and there won't be any lingering problems. If they say up to 9 months then it's a different story.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:42 PM)
He should be able to come back 100% without lingering effects. It's a tendon re-attachment not a reconstruction. It's pretty straight forward. Just like with th Mitchell surgery, we'll know if it was a rupture from the bone or a mid substance tear when they give the length of rehab estimate. If they say 2-6 months it's a straight forward reattachment and there won't be any lingering problems. If they say up to 9 months then it's a different story.

Ok thanks, hopefully he'll be able to come back and be as good as new for 2011.

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QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:21 PM)
I think of Tommy Harris detaching his hamstring from the bone and this doesn't make me feel good, not for this year or next.


It's nowhere near that bad. The hamstring needs to take the weight and load of such a big person that it is a big problem. The lat is an accelerator of the arm during the pitching motion. While it's important, it doesn't take the stress that the decelerators do.


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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 7, 2010 -> 04:22 PM)
I just hope its nothing that will effect his mechanics. The worse thing that can happen is him trying to overcompensate with his arm, and then we are headed down a spiral slope.


Hopefully everything turns out good. I know from a players standpoint, you want to come back ASAP, but it might not be a bad idea just to say wait till next year, and take every precaution to get him at a full 100% for next season. We have too much money invested in him, we gotta take every precaution possible.


It shouldn't effect it much. The shoulder will be structurally intact. If fact, while the surgeon is in there, he or she will probably tighten the joint up a bit using a thermal device and he may come out better off.


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One article has him going to see Andrews and Yocum. Those are two of the most highly regarded shoulder physicians in the nation. If they can't figure it out, no one will. Just ask Yocum he'll tell you that.

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