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White Sox Trade Catch-All


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QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 08:47 AM)
If they add Bautista like the si article mentions, Werth becomes expendable.

That's rather preposterous. Utley (they're best player) is out until September and f***ing Greg Dobbs and Cody Ransom will be filling in until then. It'd make a bit more sense to acquire Bautista, play him at 3B and keep their best current hitter around (Werth) so that they can stay in the race until Utley's return. Swapping Werth for Bautista is a lateral move akin to (as Balta pointed out) the Cliff Lee deal.

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Their outfield now is, Ibanez/Dominic Brown (PHI top prospect)/Werth. They would be swapping MLBs HR leader who is more affordable and under team control for Werth who is a FA in the offseason. It's been made clear they need to free payroll with all the additions and new contract for Howard rollins and the money due to Halladay.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 09:54 AM)
That's rather preposterous. Utley (they're best player) is out until September and f***ing Greg Dobbs and Cody Ransom will be filling in until then. It'd make a bit more sense to acquire Bautista, play him at 3B and keep their best current hitter around (Werth) so that they can stay in the race until Utley's return. Swapping Werth for Bautista is a lateral move akin to (as Balta pointed out) the Cliff Lee deal.

Unless they got something they really liked back for Werth. It could kinda make sense since Werth is a FA at the end of this year, but man, that'd be some crazy dealin's by the Phils.

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QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 09:10 AM)
Their outfield now is, Ibanez/Dominic Brown (PHI top prospect)/Werth. They would be swapping MLBs HR leader who is more affordable and under team control for Werth who is a FA in the offseason. It's been made clear they need to free payroll with all the additions and new contract for Howard rollins and the money due to Halladay.



Not to mention, the Phillies have practically emptied their farm systems the last few years and would probably love to restock some prospects.


Another thing that would play into this is that with Utley out and both Ibanez and Werth's HR numbers being way down this year, adding Bautista to supplement the HRs would appeal to them IMO.

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QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 09:26 AM)
Not to mention, the Phillies have practically emptied their farm systems the last few years and would probably love to restock some prospects.

That's the same reasoning behind the Cliff Lee trade, it's a solid plan for the future but it's a tough sell for a contending team especially one that doesn't currently hold a playoff position.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 11:23 AM)
I'm trying to search twitter for ANY hint at who KW is going after, but I cant find anything.

I think there's really a key phenomenon happening here...when people are proven to be wrong about something, they don't suffer any downside, but there's a huge reward for being first out of the gate, so you throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks.

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#mlb #white sox Sox GM Kenny Williams, the king of the trade deadline, is quietly exploring possibility of acquring Brett Myers from Astros 1 minute ago via web


Man, it would really suck having such a piece of s*** on the ballclub. Can we please avoid players that I'm forced to actively root against?

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 10:52 AM)


#mlb #white sox Sox GM Kenny Williams, the king of the trade deadline, is quietly exploring possibility of acquring Brett Myers from Astros 1 minute ago via web


Man, it would really suck having such a piece of s*** on the ballclub. Can we please avoid players that I'm forced to actively root against?


But Brett Myers has a 3.10 ERA and a 3.52 FIP...


I guess you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

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Myers is a real prick, however, I will admit, he has good stuff. I still dont' like the idea of having a jag on our team. But if it meant we are able to move Huddy for a big bat and than get Myers for the right price, I might be able to live with it.


But geeze, Myers is such a piece of s*** and we have such a likeable ball club.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 10:55 AM)
Myers is a real prick, however, I will admit, he has good stuff. I still dont' like the idea of having a jag on our team. But if it meant we are able to move Huddy for a big bat and than get Myers for the right price, I might be able to live with it.


But geeze, Myers is such a piece of s*** and we have such a likeable ball club.


If Myers is good, nobody will say anything.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 10:58 AM)
Ick. Hate giving away games like that.


Yup, definitely sucks. But at least we know something will go down.


The good news is that Fister is going against the Twins today and Felix is going tomorrow.

Edited by chw42
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QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 11:03 AM)
Has he had more than the one incident and was it as violent as it is being portrayed here? I thought there was an incident but did he beat the crap of her or was there an altercation?


This is the street corner in Boston right?


If Hudson goes, it has to be for a pitcher.


It was one incident. Still, the guy just seems like a total ass hole. He played prank on Kyle Kendrick saying he got traded to Japan. The weird thing is that the entire clubhouse and front office was in on it.

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