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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 03:44 PM)
I find it absurd that people were mocking his great catch and saying negative things about a guy absolutely on fire and a team on fire.

People are still b****ing in every game thread about the lineup when the lineup is posted. It's a lineup that has helped the team to a 25-5 stretch.

Folks, this is team is on the most impressive single stretch in team history. Quentin has had an absolutely incredible stretch and people are ragging his defense? WTF.


I'm not saying negative posts aren't good. Today upon reading this thread, however, I wasn't in the mood for one with the team and the subject of the negativity SO f***ING HOT!!!


To be honest with you, it gets a little tiring if all we talk about is how awesome Carlos Quentin is at hitting and forget any of his weaknesses. So if Quentin starts hitting like he did earlier in the year and the team starts sucking, only then we can b**** about Carlos' shortcomings?


What kind of logic is that? Carlos Quentin can hit .500 for the rest of the year, if he still sucks on defense, then we should be able to talk about how he sucks on defense, because it has to do with the success of this team. If Quentin was playing gold glove defense out there instead of Jermaine Dye/Brad Hawpe defense, you wouldn't hear a word out of us about his defense.


You act like as if we HATE these players and want to bash them for one reason or another. That's definitely not the case, we want to maximize their contributions to the team and we want to think about ways of how they can maximize their talents. In the case of Quentin, DHing might be a good idea given his injury history and bad defense.

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And about the lineup b****ing...


There's always the issue of looking into the future. The pitching won't keep this up all year long, I hope they do, but it's most likely not going to happen.


So when the pitching starts leveling out, you need a good lineup out there to maximize your offense. Ozzie fails to do that on a consistent basis. The 25-5 run is due to the pitching more than the offense. Now if this streak was totally due to the offense and Ozzie was running out his lineups out there while succeeding, once again, nobody will say a word.


I don't hate the team, some of the people who complain about things don't hate the team. We're "negative" for a legitimate reason.

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And on a side note, people whine about the lineups in most game threads because Ozzie still makes questionable lineups most of the time.


I find that statement laughable. There are only so many people to choose from to make up a lineup on this offensively-challenged team (except on nights it hits four home runs in one inning). If he plays Jones, somebody b****es. He plays the other option Kotsay and somebody b****es. Or bats Kotsay too high.

Not everybody can bat ninth, folks.

I know ... I know ... Ozzie wanted this roster of players. On and on.

People wanted Oz fired the night he sat both Rios and Paulie, even though we won the game

and the next day a "rested" Rios and Paulie helped us win another game.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:05 PM)
I find that statement laughable. There are only so many people to choose from to make up a lineup on this offensively-challenged team (except on nights it hits four home runs in one inning). If he plays Jones, somebody b****es. He plays the other option Kotsay and somebody b****es. Or bats Kotsay too high.

Not everybody can bat ninth, folks.

I know ... I know ... Ozzie wanted this roster of players. On and on.

People wanted Oz fired the night he sat both Rios and Paulie, even though we won the game

and the next day a "rested" Rios and Paulie helped us win another game.

Perfect example: Pierre's career numbers vs Lilly are the best on our team yet Ozzie benched him. Luckily he brought him in the 9th to get the only hit off Lilly.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:05 PM)
I find that statement laughable. There are only so many people to choose from to make up a lineup on this offensively-challenged team (except on nights it hits four home runs in one inning). If he plays Jones, somebody b****es. He plays the other option Kotsay and somebody b****es. Or bats Kotsay too high.

Not everybody can bat ninth, folks.

I know ... I know ... Ozzie wanted this roster of players. On and on.

People wanted Oz fired the night he sat both Rios and Paulie, even though we won the game

and the next day a "rested" Rios and Paulie helped us win another game.


We only won that game because Jake Peavy threw a shutout, lmao. If he hadn't, I don't know if we win that game.


And the next day, anybody could have hit John Lannan, he's now in the minors.


I also don't know about Rios, since he still went into a swoon after he got that rest.



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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:07 PM)
Perfect example: Pierre's career numbers vs Lilly are the best on our team yet Ozzie benched him. Luckily he brought him in the 9th to get the only hit off Lilly.

I almost think Ozzie plans this stuff out so he could look smart, haha.



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We only won that game because Jake Peavy threw a shutout, lmao. If he hadn't, I don't know if we win that game.


And the next day, anybody could have hit John Lannan, he's now in the minors.


No offense, I think what you just wrote is downright laughable.

Yeah we only won ... because.

And "anybody" can hit so and so.

We won both games and arguably the guys that rested the one day did well the next day.

Ozzie was crucified even though he said Rios was tired and Konerko needed a day off or vice versa, I forget.


As far as overall b****ing about the lineup every day, my point is no matter who you throw out there on this roster, you can b****. The overall roster is not hit-friendly. And yes, you can immediately come back and say, "Who wanted that roster? Ozzie!"


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:18 PM)
No offense, I think what you just wrote is downright laughable.

Yeah we only won ... because.

And "anybody" can hit so and so.

We won both games and arguably the guys that rested the one day did well the next day.

Ozzie was crucified even though he said Rios was tired and Konerko needed a day off or vice versa, I forget.


As far as overall b****ing about the lineup every day, my point is no matter who you throw out there on this roster, you can b****. The overall roster is not hit-friendly. And yes, you can immediately come back and say, "Who wanted that roster? Ozzie!"


How is that laughable? Jake Peavy threw a shutout, he threw one his best game as a White Sox. Without his performance and some good infield defense behind him, they probably lose that game. You talked like Ozzie won that game for us by resting both Rios and Konerko while giving no credit to the guy who shut the other team out. The fact that he left Peavy out there to dry with a AAA lineup when Peavy had complained about arm issues is f***ing sad, real supportive managing.


What Ozzie could have done is rest one guy on one day and the other on the next. By getting rid of the ONLY positive offensive contributors on your team on that day is almost offensive suicide. Seriously, go look at that lineup again. Nobody had an OPS above .800, the only guy that was remotely close was Andruw Jones and he was in the midst of a huge cold streak.



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Without his performance and some good infield defense behind him, they probably lose that game.


Uh, don't guys in the lineup also play defense??

You want to talk Peavy? Yes he was great as well. I didn't include him as part of the lineup. He also deserves credit.

You mentioned the defense? Uh, the guys in the lineup were the ones who played the defense.


You also are insane for insinuating Ozzie mistreated Peavy by leaving him in the game. WTF? Oh I re-read it and guess you meant he caused Peavy mental anguish by playing such lousy players that day.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:38 PM)
Uh, don't guys in the lineup also play defense??

You want to talk Peavy? Yes he was great as well. I didn't include him as part of the lineup. He also deserves credit.

You mentioned the defense? Uh, the guys in the lineup were the ones who played the defense.


You also are insane for insinuating Ozzie mistreated Peavy by leaving him in the game. WTF?


I'm not saying he left Peavy in too long, I'm saying he literally told Peavy to throw a shutout or lose by throwing out that AAA lineup to support him.


And on that day, Beckham, Vizquel, and Alexei made some nice plays, they're usually regulars anyways, so that had nothing to do with lineup making.


Greg, all of this b****ing from you is becoming contradictory.


You're blaming us for b****ing by b****ing at us. See how this doesn't work out?

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they're usually regulars anyways, so that had nothing to do with lineup making.


So the bad "lineup" b****ing daily comes down to Jones and Kotsay and if he rests somebody like Rios on a given day.

There are just so many options when the roster is full of bad hitters.

Yes, Ozzie wanted that roster (I added it for you).

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To be honest with you, it gets a little tiring if all we talk about is how awesome Carlos Quentin is at hitting and forget any of his weaknesses. So if Quentin starts hitting like he did earlier in the year and the team starts sucking, only then we can b**** about Carlos' shortcomings?


What kind of logic is that? Carlos Quentin can hit .500 for the rest of the year, if he still sucks on defense, then we should be able to talk about how he sucks on defense, because it has to do with the success of this team.


What kind of logic is that?

The team is 25-5 and and you want to talk about the defense of a guy who is ON FIRE? That's not very logical to me.

I think it "gets a little tiring" to nitpick at this present time.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:44 PM)
So the bad "lineup" b****ing daily comes down to Jones and Kotsay and if he rests somebody like Rios on a given day.

There are just so many options when the roster is full of bad hitters.

Yes, Ozzie wanted that roster (I added it for you).


You're also forgetting about the batting order, which is of utter importance. Remember when Ozzie hit Rios BEHIND Kotsay? That was laughable. I agree that there's not much on this team in terms of good offense, there really hasn't been many cases of a guy who should play every day but is getting blocked by so and so (Viciedo might become that guy soon).


A lot of the b****ing about this team has come from Ozzie hitting Mark Kotsay 5th, or batting Mark Kotsay 6th on almost a regular basis. People are pissed off that it's not Jim Thome, who is having a hell of a year up in Minnesota. But even if you gave Ozzie a bunch of good players, I don't know if he can create the best lineup. You should take a look at the stats of our leadoff man, our second place hitter, our DH, they're some pretty bad numbers.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:50 PM)
What kind of logic is that?

The team is 25-5 and and you want to talk about the defense of a guy who is ON FIRE? That's not very logical to me.

I think it "gets a little tiring" to nitpick at this present time.


What if I told you that they could be 26-4 or 27-3 had they had a good defender out in right field?


I hate how you're using the team's accomplishments as a crutch to defend somebody's weaknesses.


You don't see me complaining about Alexei Ramirez's defense do you? I've actually applauded it numerous times. You can't start b****ing about something when the team is losing, but the minute the team starts winning, every flaw disappears from your mind, or so it seems. What happens when the team starts playing worse again? Are you going to remember all those flaws again and start b****ing? That makes you seem extremely bipolar and ignorant.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 10:50 PM)
What kind of logic is that?

The team is 25-5 and and you want to talk about the defense of a guy who is ON FIRE? That's not very logical to me.

I think it "gets a little tiring" to nitpick at this present time.


Want to nitpick? With our pitching, this team could easily be 28-2 over the last 30 games if not for 3 horrific offensive performances against KC, Texas, and the Cubs. We scored 2 runs combined in those 3 games, I believe against Larew, Hunter, and Lilly. There's definitely room for improvement with this team, especially offensively.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 10:44 PM)
So the bad "lineup" b****ing daily comes down to Jones and Kotsay and if he rests somebody like Rios on a given day.

There are just so many options when the roster is full of bad hitters.

Yes, Ozzie wanted that roster (I added it for you).


Greg, who's to say that sitting Rios so frequently didn't contribute to his minor slump? Sure seems like he swung the bat better this last week when he played every day.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:54 PM)
Like I said, not everybody can bat ninth.


Like you said, it was Ozzie's choice to build this team. And since he chose Mark Kotsay over Jim Thome, people are going to be mad.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 03:58 PM)
To be honest with you, it gets a little tiring if all we talk about is how awesome Carlos Quentin is at hitting and forget any of his weaknesses. So if Quentin starts hitting like he did earlier in the year and the team starts sucking, only then we can b**** about Carlos' shortcomings?


What kind of logic is that? Carlos Quentin can hit .500 for the rest of the year, if he still sucks on defense, then we should be able to talk about how he sucks on defense, because it has to do with the success of this team. If Quentin was playing gold glove defense out there instead of Jermaine Dye/Brad Hawpe defense, you wouldn't hear a word out of us about his defense.


You act like as if we HATE these players and want to bash them for one reason or another. That's definitely not the case, we want to maximize their contributions to the team and we want to think about ways of how they can maximize their talents. In the case of Quentin, DHing might be a good idea given his injury history and bad defense.


I am not tired of talking about how awesome Carlos is hitting!!


Seriously the board is for discussing all things good and bad so we can talk about his 2hrs a game or his defense. But I do find it odd that so many are focusing on the poor defense over the monster hitting where in contrast the vast majority on here talk about how great Peavy was pitching and ignore the fact that he was downright awful early in the year. Why a guy who hasn't even been on the team for a full season gets a free pass and so much love is beyond me.

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Greg, who's to say that sitting Rios so frequently didn't contribute to his minor slump? Sure seems like he swung the bat better this last week when he played every day.


That's a good question.

You know what? I'm not down on the field. I don't know who is "tired" or who needs a day off or if a guy is beat down or what? I am cynical by nature, but I do trust a proven baseball guy like Ozzie on that most of the time, even though I don't understand why Juan Pierre never gets tired and needs a day off. Some people act like Ozzie is a buffoon. The guy has been in baseball a f***ing long time.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 10:00 PM)
That's a good question.

You know what? I'm not down on the field. I don't know who is "tired" or who needs a day off or if a guy is beat down or what? I am cynical by nature, but I do trust a proven baseball guy like Ozzie on that most of the time, even though I don't understand why Juan Pierre never gets tired and needs a day off. Some people act like Ozzie is a buffoon. The guy has been in baseball a f***ing long time.


So has Joe Morgan, and he's dumber than s***.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 04:50 PM)
What kind of logic is that?

The team is 25-5 and and you want to talk about the defense of a guy who is ON FIRE? That's not very logical to me.

I think it "gets a little tiring" to nitpick at this present time.




i gave up these "discussions" years ago. Some posters just aren't happy unless they're complaining about something even during the good times. They'll always point out the weaknesses or bad pints just so everything isn't positive.


This isn't a shot at anyone poster, there will just always be that type of poster. They have every right to post those views just remember you will never convince them that it's ok to be positve and not always point out whatever negative they can find.

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