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Chris Sale Promoted to AAA Charlotte


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Purely speculating here....but what if the Sox decide that now that Peavy is out for the year, The Sox will trade Hudson at the July 31st deadline for a bat, and then Sale will get promoted, and slide into the 5th spot on the rotation.


I mean, our best minor league chip has got to be Hudson, and I would think that since Sale is projected to make it to the Sox in August anyway, they might have him be the 5th starter, and maybe just limit him to 70-80 pitches, and have Tony Pena piggyback his starts. So maybe Sale goes 4-5 innings each start, and then Pena covers the other 2-3 innings. Just an idea, but it seems that Hudson is out best chip to get a big bat.

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QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 09:31 PM)
That's not going to happen with Sale. Not a chance in hell he starts a game for the Sox this year.

Why say that? They already stated that they want him in the majors, it's not asinine for a college STARTER to make a START when they promote him to the big leagues, lol.

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QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 09:55 PM)
He's not even going to be stretched out enough in the minors to start in the majors. Don't be daft. If he comes up, he'll be a situational lefty reliever. That's his role in 2010. In 2011, he'll start.

You don't have to be stretched out to go 5 frigging innings, look at Tony Pena this season. Being daft is assuming that, if they trade Hudson, the next best starting prospect in our system wouldn't make a start or two.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 12:34 AM)
Really? Torres just gets passed up like that? I understand Hudson passing him due to the track record from last year, but Sale's pitched like 2 innings as a pro.


Ok, scratch what I said earlier.


Torres and Sale would battle it out for the 5th spot, but I think Torres gets traded along with Hudson (he'd be a good 5th starter for an NL team we'd trade with)

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QUOTE (Knackattack @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 11:59 PM)
You don't have to be stretched out to go 5 frigging innings, look at Tony Pena this season. Being daft is assuming that, if they trade Hudson, the next best starting prospect in our system wouldn't make a start or two.


They'll abuse Pena that way, he's done it before. They won't do that with a recent first round pick of which they are planning on limiting the innings. Do you think they would do that to Putz, Thornton or Jenks?

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:02 AM)
They'll abuse Pena that way, he's done it before. They won't do that with a recent first round pick of which they are planning on limiting the innings. Do you think they would do that to Putz, Thornton or Jenks?


I don't see how it's so far fetched to ask a guy who is a starting pitcher to give you 70-80 pitches maximum, which is what I said. Will he go 7-8 innings? No. But I thin there is definitely a possibility that Hudson gets traded for a bat, and Sale becomes out 5th starter on a strict pitch limit with Pena pigging backing his starts. I mean, if he makes the final 10 starts of the season or so out of the 5th spot, and is on a strict pitch count, I can't see him having more than 55-60 innings from when he made his debut in late June to the beginning of October. That's not a lot at all.

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Really? Torres just gets passed up like that? I understand Hudson passing him due to the track record from last year, but Sale's pitched like 2 innings as a pro.



QUOTE (ptatc @ Jul 13, 2010 -> 10:02 PM)
They'll abuse Pena that way, he's done it before. They won't do that with a recent first round pick of which they are planning on limiting the innings. Do you think they would do that to Putz, Thornton or Jenks?

Well right, of course they wouldn't do that to Putz or any of the 'pen guys who have been doing that for YEARS, but Sale is just months removed from starting on a regular schedule, which is why he would be able to start atm.

Edited by Knackattack
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Kid hasn't pitched one game in AAA yet and people are already wanting to slide him into our rotation in a pennant race (70+ pitches, 70-80 innings be damned) while the sox said all along they want to protect his arm since he pitched alot of stressful innings in college. (and I won't even go into the potential bust factor)



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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jul 14, 2010 -> 01:59 AM)
Kid hasn't pitched one game in AAA yet and people are already wanting to slide him into our rotation in a pennant race (70+ pitches, 70-80 innings be damned) while the sox said all along they want to protect his arm since he pitched alot of stressful innings in college. (and I won't even go into the potential bust factor)




I don't remember anyone saying they wanted him to be our 5th starter, but rather discussed the possibility of it happening if Hudson were to be traded for bat.


And if they want to protect his arm from "stressful innings" in college, then why rush him past multiple levels in the minors and throw him into the heat of a pennant race?

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