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Why so much animosity against White?


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Rick White pitched well for us, what a week, and is getting rocked all the time. Afterall, he continues to complain about his f***ing role that even Glover didnt say anything. And Glover was, is a better pitcher than that motherf***er.


The worst of it all is that he said that BS in the middle of a winning streak and he came in the game and blew the game wide open. If he had come in the game and pitched well, who knows we would be tied with KC!

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Whenever I hear stupid comments from a ballplayer, and I think White's comments from the other day fall into that category, I always wonder if maybe he wasn't egged on a bit by a sportswriter. You know they do it all the time. A leading question here, a leading suggestion there, and all of a sudden the player says something with a little bite to it, and the writer is turning his laptop on.


Two examples: One, years ago, there was a second string quarterback in Denver named Gary Kubiak. Played behind Elway, and they were the best of friends. Believe me, Kubiak knew his place in the food chain. So some writer is doing a long, long interview with Kubiak about many subjects, but he kept dwelling on his second string status. Finally, Kubiak said something like, "Sure, I like to play." Next day had headlines screaming about Kubiak's dissatisfaction with his status, which could not be further from the truth. Kubiak was embarrassed.


Another was the famous John Rocker incident. Now, I am NOT going to defend Rocker, but that interview was supposed to have lasted over four hours. During the hullabaloo that followed, one of Rocker's teammates profoundly said, "if you interview me for a solid four hours, I'll probably say something stupid, too."


It's the stupid part of the interview that gets printed. So when White or any other jock gets quoted for saying something stupid, I take it with a grain of salt. Having said that, I hope Wright replaces him on the roster Saturday.

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