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Batman: Dead End


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Wow! Outstanding. The guys who did this short film should direct the upcoming movie that Frank Miller is writing the screenplay for. And you're right Cali..... this 8 minute short blew about 4 hours of Schumacher's crap right out of the water.

Another thing I like it that his mask makes him look pissed all the time, as well he should be based on his origin etc. If they make another feature length batman, it needs to be dark, even darker than the first one, that's the only way they can save the franchise.

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Another thing I like it that his mask makes him look pissed all the time, as well he should be based on his origin etc. If they make another feature length batman, it needs to be dark, even darker than the first one, that's the only way they can save the franchise.

Not only that, but the bat suit was just like in the comic books. The cinematography on this short was excellent. Body motions, make-up, and costumes were just like the comic books. Case in point..... when Batman jumped from the building onto the alley and his cape was spread out and waterlogged on the wet street and you can see the cape rise off the street as Batman slowly stands up.


The guys that directed this short were obvious fans of the Batman comic books and I would love to see what this crew could do for the franchise with a Hollywood budget. Schumacher should kiss the asses of these guys.

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I couldn't get it to play for the longest time b/c I tried saving the full screen first and then watching it, but quicktime needed some codec I didn't have. Finally I just settled for watching the small version on the site.


It's good stuff. Reminded me of the first one. I wish it had been more joker and less predator-s***. But the fight scenes were still stellar.

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