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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:08 PM)
If it wasnt for Hogan, I wouldnt have watched TNA. And Hogan doesnt have the drawing power for me anymore for me to tune in every week to see what he has in store. Its not like he is going to give us an amazing match when he actually wrestles, and that goes for most of his buddies too. Thats why I think this move will backfire, the quality of wrestling on that show is going to go down when the actual talent is forced to the side for the superstars. The big leg drop for hogan isnt much of a finisher anywhere else in the world of wrestling anymore, its barely even a starter move.


The key to TNA is Bischoff. He can recognize talent and he can put on a show, but sometimes his ego gets the best of him, especially when he is surrounded by the boys


That's the real question. I don't suspect Hogan will wrestle much at all, I suspect guys like Hall will f**k up and be gone very soon knowing the reputation. For the most part everything Hogan has said about TNA he's been able to accomplish. I don't need to see Orlando Jordan, if it's a joke deal the Nasty Boys are funny to me. I like Val Venis, he can talk and wrestle so that's fine.


Bischoff is a wild card because who knows what his role really is and how long he's in for. He's always got some tv show or gimmick he is pitching. For one night I've interested to see where they take it all.


Tonight as a whole wrestling wise was great. I was really fired up to watch the business again and see where it goes.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:14 PM)
I'll give TNA a 3.5 - Bischoff and Angle/Styles were the only things I was glad to see.


Raw gets a 4.5 for the Bret segments and Jeritino.


A completely underwhelming night of wrestling.


I only saw about 15 min of Raw, skimmed through the rest. I think to me I'd give TNA a thumbs in the middle and pointing up just because I'd like to see where it goes. I know where Bret and Vince is going, so I'll wait till that match goes down.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:23 PM)
I liked TNA more tonight in terms of overall show. If it wasn't for Bret, I honestly would've watched the Bulls game over the WWE.


Well I was flipping back and forth between the three myself. Caught most of the Bulls game till the 4th quarter. Caught alittle of Raw (mostly the Hart/HBK/Vince counters) and alittle of TNA. (mostly the Angle/Styles bout) Overall, Raw was better (Hart alone wins) I'll say 7 and TNA... 5. For a guy who had a stroke and was on alot of drugs (painkillers) Hitman looked better than I thought he would look personally, though he does look alot older (or actually... more his age than before when he used to look alot younger than his age) I still remember when he was the face of the WWF. (the anti-steroid champion who was promoted during that era) God I miss 90's wrestling.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 11:23 PM)
I liked TNA more tonight in terms of overall show. If it wasn't for Bret, I honestly would've watched the Bulls game over the WWE.


From what I've read online tonight TNA was a mixed bag to most people. Some folks don't like the "old" guys coming and I'm a touch nervous on what is going to go down. However, I'm willing to give it a shot. It seems like they are building towards Hogan-Dixie vs. Jeff-Mick in a power struggle. I'm not sure where Eric and nwo 2010 fit in to that.

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I guess I'd give a slight nod to TNA tonight, but really both shows didn't do a whole lot for me.


TNA had the Angle/Styles match which was very good & to me, as well as the women's tag match which was actually pretty good. I probably won't be tuning again to another TNA show unless there's nothing else on.


Raw's best match was Kofi/Orton. They've still to put a foundation down for the Rumble. I enjoyed Bret, but everything other than that was the same old s***.


Oh Brian, Christy Hemme > Velvet Sky.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 10:57 PM)
Regardless of how I felt about TNAs show tonite, I still recognize that competition breeds success, and WWE has succeeded before when competition has presented itself. I have hope that TNA can right the ship, but they have to truly walk the "you gotta earn it" walk and not just say it and hand the strap to Hogan or Nash etc.


Lets just put it this way..


Theres no Hogan/Bischoff and TNA doesn't have a 3 hour live Impact! going head to head with WWE.. does Bret Hart ever step into a WWE ring? Ide say no, never.


Look at how fast Vince got Bret back when TNA said they wanted war.. As long as TNA can keep some pressure on them, the product will most certainly get better..

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Some of you WWE faithfuls are absolutely nuts to still be with that show


Bret Hart + Jerishow + Possibly Orton/Kofi gives the show a 5 in my book, which is better then anything WWE Raw has done in past 6 months (5/10). I am guessing this Bret Hart thing will be only good on promos / the fact its Bret Hart. I can't say im very interested in it, but at the same time it's not as if im bored with it. Its same old vince vs ___ wrestlemania storyline / buildup. Although - Bret Hart is amazing.


Tna obviously wins from me, AJ / Angle match was off the hook, KYle you need to get your head serious checked out to say it wasn't a good match or something, f*** you


TNA had not done as good as it could have, but its certaintly going places. Hogan promo vs Jeff really showed that. I cant really understand the ending with foley. I can tell you one thing - IF they give Xpac/ Nash / Hall the god status it will go extremely downhill. These guys are same as bret hart. OLD. If they cant put on a good wrestling match, dont give them any god status.


If RVD/Ken Kennedy/Goldberg/Others premier on TNA in the upcoming weeks (especially RVD!) then it will be better. The problem with tonight was there was so much surprises it killed any storyline other then hogan, or killed most matches (hence most matches only being 5 mins or so)


The TNA Knocout tag team match was amazing, the AJ Styles vs. Angle match was AWESOME!


While there was feelings of WCW, it was a Fresh broadcast, something WWE has serious lacked for years.



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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jan 5, 2010 -> 07:53 AM)
Some of you WWE faithfuls are absolutely nuts to still be with that show


Bret Hart + Jerishow + Possibly Orton/Kofi gives the show a 5 in my book, which is better then anything WWE Raw has done in past 6 months (5/10). I am guessing this Bret Hart thing will be only good on promos / the fact its Bret Hart. I can't say im very interested in it, but at the same time it's not as if im bored with it. Its same old vince vs ___ wrestlemania storyline / buildup. Although - Bret Hart is amazing.


Tna obviously wins from me, AJ / Angle match was off the hook, KYle you need to get your head serious checked out to say it wasn't a good match or something, f*** you


TNA had not done as good as it could have, but its certaintly going places. Hogan promo vs Jeff really showed that. I cant really understand the ending with foley. I can tell you one thing - IF they give Xpac/ Nash / Hall the god status it will go extremely downhill. These guys are same as bret hart. OLD. If they cant put on a good wrestling match, dont give them any god status.


If RVD/Ken Kennedy/Goldberg/Others premier on TNA in the upcoming weeks (especially RVD!) then it will be better. The problem with tonight was there was so much surprises it killed any storyline other then hogan, or killed most matches (hence most matches only being 5 mins or so)


The TNA Knocout tag team match was amazing, the AJ Styles vs. Angle match was AWESOME!


While there was feelings of WCW, it was a Fresh broadcast, something WWE has serious lacked for years.



Ok Cryptville, this is my one warning. If you tell me, or anyone else here f*** you, or you are retarded, or keep going with the personal attacks, im recommending a suspension for you.


Its ok to disagree here, this thread has been about disagreements from the beginning, but you seem to be taking this way too seriously.

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Why do you keep pegging me as an E mark because I didnt like the TNA show? Anywhere in my posts last night did it seem like I was marking out to anything BUT Hart? Seriously, you want TNA to be so good, and I can appreciate that, but last night was not good, and they need to get much better if they want to be mentioned in the same breath as late 90's WCW, much less WWE right now. You even said it yourself.


i called it as I saw it last night. If you noticed, I didnt glow over the WWE show and was pretty disappointed in what they offered outside of Hart/McMahon/HBK.


The problem I had with the Angle/Styles fight was that the ref was honestly HORRIBLE and he couldnt sell anything. The guy is in the ring supposed to be guiding the fight and making it believeable, the only thing it looked like to me was a spotfest that dragged out because the ref couldnt make it look realistic, and Angle cannot carry his fights anymore. Styles is a great wrestler, and all along I thought that he should be the guy that they build around, but they havent and now they have the WCW/Ex WWE reunion and the womens matches. Im sorry but im not going to mark out like you because the womens matches were good. In fact, I dont know that they were good, or great, or amazing as you said because I tuned out because they were womens matches.


Im going to call this monday night war as I see it, im sorry you disagree

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Yeah, it's funny to be labeled an E mark when I watch(ed) much more of every episode of Impact than I do of Raw.

I want TNA to succeed, but if last night is The New Way, then I'm afraid my interest will quickly fade.

Hogan is obviously in this for himself and his friends, and the show felt and looked like an old wCw show (with the TNA guys replacing the luchadores and cruiserweights). The only moments I found myself drawn to involved existing TNA guys, with the exception of Bischoff.

I like(d) TNA when they would wrestle more than talk, but now they have over a half-dozen guys who will talk way more than they'll ever wrestle (Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Hall, Flair, Jarrett, Foley). All this can do is draw attention and airtime away from the guys on their roster who can and do actually wrestle.

AND, every second those 7 guys talk is time that could have been spent trying to develop the characters and storylines of the actual wrestlers.

Edited by The Critic
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TNA was more interesting to me last night than WWE, but they dropped the bal. l It was WCW 1996/97 all over again.


They should of ended it with AJ Styles winning the match, which was very good. But nope, let's bring out the old guys and do an angle that will get confusing as it goes along and become a cluster in time. Val venis? Really?


The Bret segments were the only great things on Raw. I liked the tag match. Would of liked it more if Jerishow won. Jericho better be in the SD main event at Mania this year. Or team him with Punk as some sort of alliance. Not a tag team, but alliance.


Hizzle, I like Hemme, but she's no Velvet Sky.

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SPOILERS for tonight's Impact tapings:


The rumor has it that the 6-sided ring gets destroyed tonight and replaced with a standard 4-cornered ring. Good, the 6-sided ring was awful.


Angelina Love is in Orlando and will make her return at the Impact tapings.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 5, 2010 -> 03:40 PM)
Jeff Hard indited. Will face trial. Nice timing TNA

Is Jeff Hard a co-star in one of Val Venis' movies?



And yes, it seems like another shot in the foot for TNA, although I wonder if they could have known how likely indictment would be before they signed him.

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WTF did they expect? I mean, multiple felony possession charges, and it isnt the first time he has been in trouble with the law(and I think he has been in trouble for pills before too, IIRC he was on the Benoit doctor list).


Believe me, if Hardy was clean and had no problems, Vince would still have him jumping off ladders and scaffolds

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I just meant that maybe they believed (or were led to believe) that Hardy's celebrity status would make this kind of just go away. Like when Lindsay Lohan drove with a BA level twice the limit and spent 84 minutes in jail due to "overcrowded conditions".

I think TNA believed he wouldn't be indicted or else they'd have left him alone, too.

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