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I thought Summerslam was a pretty good show overall.


Jericho/Dolph was great. Hopefully Jericho winning means there will be more matches between the two that are given time. Dolph is the king of bumping and he made the Liontamer/Walls of Jericho look great for the finish.


Bryan/Kane was surprisingly good, KANE had his working boots on.. even though one was visibly untied. Right guy went over and we'll see how GM AJ deals with KANE tomorrow for tossing Josh Matthews.


Kofi/Truth v. The Prime Time Players was disappointing. Short match with the same finish we've seen for months. I assume if AW were still around they might've won the belts.


Miz/Rey was tolerable. Glad BAT-REY didn't win. So sick of him. He has no character besides being a masked man who used to do high-flying moves but now wears giant knee braces under giant ring pants and probably has a heart the size of Eddie Gurrero's for trying to be a big little man.


I feel bad for both Alberto and Sheamus. Two great young workers but they keep cutting both off at the knees. Match was decent enough but the heatless feud will go at least another month since Del Rio clearly had his foot on the ropes. The shoe toss by Ricardo was done perfectly though. Del Rio tipped it right to Sheamus.


Big Show/Cena/Punk was ok for being a triple threat match that had the Big Show in it. I hope Cena gets the belt eventually so that Rock/Cena II is at the Rumble and not a Wrestlemania Rematch no one cares about. Punk/Rock at Wrestlemania would be a much bigger deal, especially with a NY crowd.


Lesnar/HHH- f*** Triple H. Me and all my friends watching were pissed at that extended Trips walk out. He was clearly trying for a standing ovation at first, which is why I'm glad he got "YOU TAPPED OUT!" instead. But then they drew it on an on until the sympathy cheers came after "I'm sorry." Always gotta get his heat back. Show should've went off air with "YOU TAPPED OUT!"



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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 11:05 PM)
HBK was not in the house at Summerslam.


Strange, I saw no real reason for him not to be there but oh well...Overall it was a pretty good PPV. Of course the homer in me(In reference to them wrestling in the indy company I followed here in NW IN) loved to see Cesaro win the US title, and Punk retain the title.


The homer in me would love. Love, love, love to see Daniel Bryan go after the US title since the Punk/Bryan thing has had a lot of play over the summer. These 2 guys would make the US title relevant again, which it should with the next ppv being "Night of Champions".


If I were booking Night of Champions right now I'd go with.....


WWE Title-Punk vs Cena- Hasn't happened one on one in a 9 months on PPVs so why not. Makes sense too since Punk "stole one from Cena"


World Title- Sheamus vs Del Rio- Dusty finish calls for one more round of this.


US Title- Cesaro vs Bryan- Once again just me being a homer and wanting to see this match happen. Bryan needs something to do, they cant keep wasting him on guys like Kane. A fued with Cesaro for the US belt would be one that would keep Bryan over and help Cesaro get really over.


IC Title- Miz vs. Ziggler vs Jericho - Get Miz more involved in the on going feud between Y2J and Ziggler.


Womans- boobies vs boobies- Everyone loves boobies, this match will be so over.


Tag Titles- Cool Runnings vs Mysterio and Sin Cara- This one I'm going out on a limb on, Cara and Rey tagged a week or 2 ago and they're a fun little tag team that I'm sure the fans would love.


#1 Contender matches Orton vs Barrett and Kane(Brock??) vs Big show(?)


Show would be loaded!

Edited by 2nd_city_saint787
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QUOTE (ROC Sox Fan @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 11:13 PM)
I feel bad for both Alberto and Sheamus. Two great young workers but they keep cutting both off at the knees. Match was decent enough but the heatless feud will go at least another month since Del Rio clearly had his foot on the ropes. The shoe toss by Ricardo was done perfectly though. Del Rio tipped it right to Sheamus.

Because they're both boring as all hell. The only good thing between those two guys is Ricardo.


Anyways, I didn't see last nights ppv but it sounds like it was a decent show, so that's good to hear.

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 08:31 AM)
Because they're both boring as all hell. The only good thing between those two guys is Ricardo.


Anyways, I didn't see last nights ppv but it sounds like it was a decent show, so that's good to hear.


I think Sheamus has improved but this is right. Del Rio is especially uninteresting because it's the same with him every time out the past year.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 05:53 PM)
I enjoy most of Sheamus' matches and the ones I don't enjoy are the Del Rio matches.

Del Rio without Ricardo would be unwatchable.



Ya Del Rio is pretty turrable. He's better off playing the bully role against smaller guys, goin against a guy like Sheamus is just a bad match.


A perfect match for Sheamus is another brawler, Wade Barrett coming back is gonna be perfect for him.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 07:56 PM)
Agreed, she got old real quick. I can see Heyman taking over at some point...I hope

That would be ideal, but I can't see WWE doing that. I'd guess Foley or Flair way before Heyman - in fact, I'd predict a Vickie Guerrero rerun before I'd predict Heyman.

The move to make AJ the GM completely killed her character. She went from being unpredictable and a little crazy to basically being a typical good-guy GM, the only real difference being she skips to the ring in a business suit. Color me bored.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 08:11 PM)
That would be ideal, but I can't see WWE doing that. I'd guess Foley or Flair way before Heyman - in fact, I'd predict a Vickie Guerrero rerun before I'd predict Heyman.

The move to make AJ the GM completely killed her character. She went from being unpredictable and a little crazy to basically being a typical good-guy GM, the only real difference being she skips to the ring in a business suit. Color me bored.



The whole Brock taking over the WWE angle is what lead me to that. I think they could work Heyman in through that angle, maybe a wrestlmania rematch for control of the company.


Atleast thats how Id do it...BTW one of my dream jobs is a WWE writer, just sayin.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 09:20 PM)
Well there goes that, if you believe Brocks really gone.

Nah, he has a bunch of dates left on his contract.

Vince is holding him off until WrestleMania season. Rumor is he might get a quick title run right before Mania.

As long as Heyman stays on my TV, I'm fine with Brock being off it.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 21, 2012 -> 01:33 PM)
Nah, he has a bunch of dates left on his contract.

Vince is holding him off until WrestleMania season. Rumor is he might get a quick title run right before Mania.

As long as Heyman stays on my TV, I'm fine with Brock being off it.


Heyman needs a stable. Badly. WWE needs this

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 21, 2012 -> 02:40 PM)
Heyman needs a stable. Badly. WWE needs this


If I were booking, Id make it Heyman, and "his guys" Brock and Punk....then bring up more "Heyman guys" like Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and whatever Chris Hero is calling himself now.


Build towards some kind of Survivor Series Heyman vs the WWE type match for control of the WWE.


Then at some point after Heyman wins control, the group disbands and we get awesome Rollins vs Ambrose and Punk vs Hero fueds!



Man do I wish I had full control of the WWE...

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