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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Dec 29, 2014 -> 08:06 PM)
Lesnar's appearance totally a waste tonight.........................The Uso's do nothing for me I find then ultra boring.

He's determined to go to FA again, or at least threatening to do so (UFC and Bellator would have interest), so WWE are kind of stuck with what to do with him right now.

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Dec 30, 2014 -> 08:31 AM)
He's determined to go to FA again, or at least threatening to do so (UFC and Bellator would have interest), so WWE are kind of stuck with what to do with him right now.

My point was when he was not on tv for 3 months after SS the appearance tonight could of been used earlier.

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Ended up recording it and only watched the awesome tag match....if you get a chance to watch the pres how segment, do it, it was really well put together and will be a nice intro into the company.


Also if your bored Matt striker breaks down every match on YouTube which is a good watch and primes you for all the storylines and such.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 4, 2015 -> 02:12 PM)
The PPV was very good and set the bar high for WWE to have better shows in 2015.


If only but I doubt the WWE cares about it or sees it as a threat.

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WWE authority angle has ran since 1997...............first 20 minutes every show is HHH and company talking. This makes whole SS PPV worthless 6 weeks later they are back. Vince in Stone Cold Podcast talked about WWE adapting to changing times I call bulls***. I do not think WWE can run a show any length of time without the authority angle being involved as a crutch to the writing staff. Another great ending with the you are fired segment for the 1000th time.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 5, 2015 -> 07:12 PM)
WWE authority angle has ran since 1997...............first 20 minutes every show is HHH and company talking. This makes whole SS PPV worthless 6 weeks later they are back. Vince in Stone Cold Podcast talked about WWE adapting to changing times I call bulls***. I do not think WWE can run a show any length of time without the authority angle being involved as a crutch to the writing staff. Another great ending with the you are fired segment for the 1000th time.


Oh come on, They gave it a whole month and it just didn't work. If Authority roles are done right, they work. Look at when Raw and SD both split in 2002. GMs were there but never got that involved in angles like HHH/Steph are doing. The whole firing guys and then they come back like a 2 weeks later is old and stale as well. I know Vince is out of touch but doesn't he see how rehashed that is and these writers are awful?


I'm so bored with Raw and SD that I am going to try the Impact reboot this week. Hope they at least provide another option. WWE has a couple guys I like to watch and see what they are doing but I fast forward through everything but 10 minutes.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 6, 2015 -> 07:45 AM)
If you didn't enjoy that ending last night, you don't enjoy life. I was laughing so hard.


That was the dumbest ending in the history of RAW. The whole getting fired thing is old as others have said and the writers have gotten so bad, that its insanely predictable.

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What did you think of what they said on Raw about The Road Warriors and Demolition?


Some say they went to far especially with Hawk who died.


People who had problem with it include Lance Storm.


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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 6, 2015 -> 10:01 AM)
What did you think of what they said on Raw about The Road Warriors and Demolition?


Some say they went to far especially with Hawk who died.


People who had problem with it include Lance Storm.


Storm needs to lighten up.mthey didn't even say Hawk. They don't even need a promo like that. Keep squashing guys.

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According to a new report, WWE Raw’s script was re-written at around 3 PM ET yesterday. It is believed by some that Vince McMahon personally re-wrote it, with many noting that many of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s lines sounded like the kinds of things that Vince himself would say. The belief is that the Authority promos were entirely Vince’s and not something Triple H and Stephanie came up with.


Several people backstage in the company were unhappy with the show and felt that the “fired” trio of Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler were left in a bad position, particularly Ziggler considering his current push.


Credit: PWInsider



VKM time has past time to retire for good, he has not had a decent idea in 18 years. 1997 is gone VKM.

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I tried to watch the first hour of Raw. I hate that I have to force myself to stick with it to get through the first hour. It's so bad.

On the plus side, I did watch that Lucha Underground recap marathon on El Rey on New Year's Eve, and I enjoyed a lot of it. I'm ready for Season Two.

I'm interested to see what TNA does differently on DA, but the early indications are not encouraging.

They're going "more reality-based"? Including showing wrestlers "out of character"??

That is not what I watch wrestling for. I want interesting characters and storylines, with just a smattering of "reality", if any at all.

For the most part, I'm happy with the people they re-signed, but the fact that they're doing their live debut on a different night than they're regularly going to air the show is a sign that they still don't get it. DON'T confuse the audience! You've lost too many of them with the move away from Spike, don't f*** around with the ones who cared enough to look for you!!!

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Review of RAW from PWNET ..............Glad I was not alone feeling like VKM is out of touch.


Overall show:

Vince McMahon should be truly embarrassed. I would say that this was the worst Raw of the year, but, well, it's the only Raw of the new year thus far. Instead, I'll just say that this was the worst show we've seen in quite some time. I felt like I was watching a rerun with The Authority back in power. I got my hopes up when all the wrestlers stood in the ring and John Cena started to talk because I thought they might be staging a protest, meaning WWE creative came to their senses and realized that viewers have no interest in going back down that road, especially after only a five week break. Instead, it was just the latest example of the entire roster of pro wrestlers standing around and taking a public browbeating from Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. WWE opened 2015 with a new opening and that's where the feeling of new and exciting ended. The first Raw of 2015 was alarmingly flat and it really feels like the man running the show has completely lost touch with what his fan base wants.

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