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QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 22, 2015 -> 10:41 PM)
Great match. Excited to see what 2 big athletic freaks can do at mania...gonna be a good old fashioned slobbernocker.


I'm hoping for an All Japan/NJPW type stiff match with Brock retaining after re-signing and holding the title for another year.


I'm not down on the match as much as others are but you can't have Roman win. I'd even go for Brock win, Seth tries to cash in, Brock wins.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 06:09 AM)
I'm hoping for an All Japan/NJPW type stiff match with Brock retaining after re-signing and holding the title for another year.


I'm not down on the match as much as others are but you can't have Roman win. I'd even go for Brock win, Seth tries to cash in, Brock wins.

If Roman wins I hope they hold off the Seth cash in to the Monday after mania where it's just all smarks there. It'd be Ziggler 2.0 as far as a cash in crowd reaction.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 07:09 AM)
I'm hoping for an All Japan/NJPW type stiff match with Brock retaining after re-signing and holding the title for another year.


I'm not down on the match as much as others are but you can't have Roman win. I'd even go for Brock win, Seth tries to cash in, Brock wins.


Right there with you. Brocks stint in NJPW was some of his best work. I think Brock/Reigns is gonna surprise a lot of people, as long as the fans actually give it a chance.


If Reigns wins, I'm hoping it's because Heyman turned on Lesnar which seems a bit far fetched but possible.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 22, 2015 -> 10:57 PM)
Good lord first having the rock and then now Bryan to get this guy over is just embarrassing.


A good guy putting a good guy over after a good match?...Ya, that has never happened before. How embarrassing


QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 22, 2015 -> 11:54 PM)
Reigns was gassed half way through and Bryan carried til the end. No faith in Reigns putting on a good performance.


I think you're mistaking him legit getting kicked in the balls for him being gassed.


QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 12:48 AM)
He got pinned for a legit 9 second count tonight by Bryan. Luckily the ref wasn't a shoot ref like they are usually or he would have lost because Reigns doesn't know what's going on in the ring. They should probably address that botch.


He did?

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QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 11:55 AM)
A good guy putting a good guy over after a good match?...Ya, that has never happened before. How embarrassing




I think you're mistaking him legit getting kicked in the balls for him being gassed.




He did?

1) This isn't Hogan vs Warrior. A largely dead, mark crowd booed the handshake in one of the better reactions of the night. It was a terrible idea through and through. Reigns is about to headline Wrestlemania. He NEEDS to find a way to get himself over. If not Pittsburgh and New Jersey Might be a bloodbathe For him.



2) Maybe. He's not exactly known for his endurance so I don't know.



3) Yep. I do wonder if it'll be addressed. I highly, highly doubt it though.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 02:14 PM)
1) This isn't Hogan vs Warrior. A largely dead, mark crowd booed the handshake in one of the better reactions of the night. It was a terrible idea through and through. Reigns is about to headline Wrestlemania. He NEEDS to find a way to get himself over. If not Pittsburgh and New Jersey Might be a bloodbathe For him.



2) Maybe. He's not exactly known for his endurance so I don't know.



3) Yep. I do wonder if it'll be addressed. I highly, highly doubt it though.


1. Cmon now, it happens more often than not when 2 faces go against each other.


3. I just watched it again before posting to make sure I didn't miss it and that didn't happen, nothing even close to it. There was a 9 count with Reigns outside of the ring that the ref kinda had to push, but no pin.



Dude put on put on a damn good performance yesterday and still got s*** on...Why?? To steal a line from soxfest(VKM bein VKM)...Smarks bein Smarks. And it's sad that a guy who gets s*** for harping about indy wrestlers has to say that.....I have ZERO problem with the way this is being booked. WWE gets s*** on for not developing talent and look what happens when they actually do...they still get s*** on.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 12:14 PM)
1) This isn't Hogan vs Warrior. A largely dead, mark crowd booed the handshake in one of the better reactions of the night. It was a terrible idea through and through. Reigns is about to headline Wrestlemania. He NEEDS to find a way to get himself over. If not Pittsburgh and New Jersey Might be a bloodbathe For him.



2) Maybe. He's not exactly known for his endurance so I don't know.


3) Yep. I do wonder if it'll be addressed. I highly, highly doubt it though.


LMAO. Im sure the WWE is all about reviewing slow counts. They have a committee being formed as i type this to right this terrible wrong

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QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 12:25 PM)
1. Cmon now, it happens more often than not when 2 faces go against each other.


3. I just watched it again before posting to make sure I didn't miss it and that didn't happen, nothing even close to it. There was a 9 count with Reigns outside of the ring that the ref kinda had to push, but no pin.



Dude put on put on a damn good performance yesterday and still got s*** on...Why?? To steal a line from soxfest(VKM bein VKM)...Smarks bein Smarks. And it's sad that a guy who gets s*** for harping about indy wrestlers has to say that.....I have ZERO problem with the way this is being booked. WWE gets s*** on for not developing talent and look what happens when they actually do...they still get s*** on.

1. I never said it didn't happen. Just that it was a bad idea. And it was. Led to unneeded boos for him when he was actually getting cheered a bit for once.


3. Here's a big reddit thread on it so I'm not the only one who noticed: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comm...ns_ignored_pin/


It was the best singles match of Reigns career. By far. But still a 3 star match with a top 5 performer in the world is noting to write home about. Interested to see what he does with Brock who can't carry a match like Bryan.

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Really???! LMAO. DBs legs were on top of Reigns legs in that spot.





I've never seen a pinfall get counted in that scenario. To say this was botched is just silly. And really, if you wanna call it a botch it'd a botch on Bryans part for not rolling away. Is Reigns really supposed to pull his legs out from under him at that point? To chalk this up to Reigns "Having no idea what he's doing in the ring" is just silly.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 04:35 PM)
Well it seems a lot of people caught it. It's absolutely a pin fall. If the figure 4 and a few other moves are that certainly is.


Well if you wanna go down that road then it was a botch on Bryans part as well, he apparently has no idea what he's doing in the ring either.

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QUOTE (thxfrthmmrs @ Jan 26, 2015 -> 04:16 PM)
I personally wouldn't have a problem if it ended up with Reigns eliminating Bryan at the end. If Bryan and Reigns puts on hard fought battle for 10 minutes, that would have put the fans at the edge of their seats, because the match could have went either way. If Reigns beats Bryan convincingly at the end, Bryan comes back in the ring to shake Reigns' hand to endorse him, everyone goes home happy. The issue at hand is there was nothing convincing about the way Bryan was eliminated. Come on, you have one of the most over superstars of all time eliminated by a tackle from Bray Wyatt midway through the match after being out of action for half a year? I think the fans wanted to see more than that.


This was what I said after the Rumble on how they should have handle things differently with Bryan's elimination and Reign's winning. It seems like WWE went down that path to patch things up, albeit a month later. Reigns vs Lesner for Mania isn't looking that bad after all, especially with Lesner possibly retaining. I think that night in Philly, fans wanted nothing short of DB winning the Rumble, but outside of Philly, Reigns for mania isn't really poorly received.

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QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 02:38 PM)
Well if you wanna go down that road then it was a botch on Bryans part as well, he apparently has no idea what he's doing in the ring either.


I'm working under the assumption Bryan knew what he was doing there. Maybe he didnt.



QUOTE (thxfrthmmrs @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 02:58 PM)
This was what I said after the Rumble on how they should have handle things differently with Bryan's elimination and Reign's winning. It seems like WWE went down that path to patch things up, albeit a month later. Reigns vs Lesner for Mania isn't looking that bad after all, especially with Lesner possibly retaining. I think that night in Philly, fans wanted nothing short of DB winning the Rumble, but outside of Philly, Reigns for mania isn't really poorly received.

The problem with this is that is that the handshake was not well received. It brought the most heat Reigns had all night. Luckily for WWE so far since the Rumble, their live crowds have been in front of southern/non smarky crowds. He still wasn't over as a babyface regardless. I'm wondering what his reception will be next two weeks in Pittsburgh and New Jersey. I don't see that going well but we'll find out.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 03:29 PM)
I'm working under the assumption Bryan knew what he was doing there. Maybe he didnt.




The problem with this is that is that the handshake was not well received. It brought the most heat Reigns had all night. Luckily for WWE so far since the Rumble, their live crowds have been in front of southern/non smarky crowds. He still wasn't over as a babyface regardless. I'm wondering what his reception will be next two weeks in Pittsburgh and New Jersey. I don't see that going well but we'll find out.


Didn't watch the PPV yet, but from the sound of it, it was a good match. I'm a bit surprised he still got so much heat from it.

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QUOTE (thxfrthmmrs @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 03:37 PM)
Didn't watch the PPV yet, but from the sound of it, it was a good match. I'm a bit surprised he still got so much heat from it.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 04:29 PM)
I'm working under the assumption Bryan knew what he was doing there. Maybe he didnt.




The problem with this is that is that the handshake was not well received. It brought the most heat Reigns had all night. Luckily for WWE so far since the Rumble, their live crowds have been in front of southern/non smarky crowds. He still wasn't over as a babyface regardless. I'm wondering what his reception will be next two weeks in Pittsburgh and New Jersey. I don't see that going well but we'll find out.


Why are you under the assumption that Bryan, whose legs were over Reigns, knew what he was doing, and Reigns, who would have to put forth a lot more effort (when he's supposed to be knocked out mind you), didn't?


Maybe you're on to something with the whole they did it on purpose thing, but if it wasn't that and you wanna call it a botch on either part it would be Bryans. I simply can't see how you can put "blame" on Reigns. I personally believe you and everyone else is just looking into it too much though.




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QUOTE (scs787 @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 02:31 PM)
Really???! LMAO. DBs legs were on top of Reigns legs in that spot.





I've never seen a pinfall get counted in that scenario. To say this was botched is just silly. And really, if you wanna call it a botch it'd a botch on Bryans part for not rolling away. Is Reigns really supposed to pull his legs out from under him at that point? To chalk this up to Reigns "Having no idea what he's doing in the ring" is just silly.

Can you get a pin fall if your shoulders are on the mat too? Where's our fake fighting rule book?!? I did notice that right when it happened though as well just didn't really know what to think about it.


Like I said, I don't want Reigns in the ME and definitely don't think he belongs there but that was a very good performance out of him yesterday. And Brock is pretty damn awesome in the ring, he's not going to get a 5 start classic out of Roman but he'll carry him to a decent match.

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How many people do they have to use to get to try to get Reigns over? Having Bryan do a infomercial tonight to justify Reigns is over the top. Worst Heyman promo in years Andre vs Reigns at WM3 he would pick Reigns.........VKM writing just absurd s*** tonight.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 09:08 PM)
How many people do they have to use to get to try to get Reigns over? Having Bryan do a infomercial tonight to justify Reigns is over the top.

The infomercial is not done yet. They trotted out their very best salesman to try to sell us that lemon.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Feb 23, 2015 -> 08:10 PM)
The infomercial is not done yet. They trotted out their very best salesman to try to sell us that lemon.

This is absolutely embarrassing to watch. I have never seen the WWE ever force a guy down fans throats like this been watching since 1980.

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