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QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 10:59 PM)
WWE posting on their dite that Daniel Bryan has been released. Everyone thinks it is a work.


It's setting up the debut of Bryan Danielson I believe. IIRC, there was a recent WWE.com article that referred to him by this name.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 10:59 PM)
WWE posting on their dite that Bryan Danielsen has been released. Everyone thinks it is a work.


Mixed views now. More sources reporting it's real than false, including lots of the big boys and Gabe Sapolsky.

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From the PWInsider Elite section:


"Former WWE star Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson, the name we'll have to get used to calling him by again) was released today as punishment for going beyond the company's PG standards and practices during the NXT invasion angle on Monday, according to sources within the company. The belief among those I spoke to is that when Danielson choked Justin Roberts with his tie, he broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Benoit tragedy that talents were not to use ropes or objects to choke opponents.


I am told that the final decision was made earlier today and Danielson was informed shortly before the company publicly announced it. For those who are thinking this is an angle, I am told by everyone I have spoken to that it is not, although I want to point out a number of wrestlers in the company do believe it is a work.


For those who are wondering why the company is giving Danielson such a harsh punishment, well a former company executive is running for office, although how much of a cause and effect is there is anyone's guess. It's certainly a viable theory, since the company has been very gun shy about going outside of their PG rating.


There's no word as to whether Danielson was aware of the protocol at the time of the angle, although the Roberts choking was one of the elements that made the end of Raw so memorable. It's interesting to note that at least on the company's Youtube.com channel, the incident, including the choke, are still available for viewing.


The loss of Danielson will immediately change the future of the WWE NXT angle since he was considered the most versatile and well rounded performer of the group and would have been extremely important in carry the brunt of the in-ring work load.


The release of Danielson does put him in an amazing position on the independent scene. How many top flight stars get signed, leave, and get released right after laying out the WWE champion?


We'll have more on this as it develops. "



Still don't agree with it, but there it is............

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Here's why I think it's a work:


Source: F4Wonline.com


- As noted before, the reason being told for Daniel Bryan's release is because of him choking Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW.


Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it's fun to choke people with their ties. It's unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.


Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.


If that's the case, why not just suspend him instead?

I kind of hope for his sake that TNA offers him more money and he goes there.

It's stupid IMO for a company that "blew up" its own chairman on TV to tell a guy that the style of fake violence he chose to pretend to use is WRONNNNG.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 03:15 AM)
It's stupid IMO for a company that "blew up" its own chairman on TV to tell a guy that the style of fake violence he chose to pretend to use is WRONNNNG.


EXACTLY - but with Linda running for Senate, It doesn't suprise me that they're throwing the baby out with bath water in this instance.



And I NEVER thought of Benoit in that situation. That was what - 4 years ago?

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They are in bed with Mattel now, that is apart of the reason they don't want blood anymore and naughty language. Rumor has it that Mattel complained about this and he was the scapegoat. As to why he was fired and not suspended for awhile, I don't know.

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Dave Scherer from PWInsider's take, and that last paragraph sums it up perfectly.


"Unless you were completely off of the grid in the last 12 hours, you know by now that Bryan "Daniel Bryan" Danielson was released by WWE last night. According to numerous WWE sources, the firing is legitimate and they are being told to move forward as if Bryan is gone (even to the point that he is now edited out of most of the footage from the NXT attack that happened on last Monday's Raw).

The reason we have been told for the company releasing of one of the most talented performers in the business is that he choked Justin Roberts on the show (and damn, don't I remember Heath Slater trying to do the same thing to John Cena with the ring ropes during the same angle).


Danielson's heinous offense was so egregious that he was fired, not given a warning or guidance to that fact that even though he has wrestled all over the world, things here in PGWWE, where the company matriarch is trying to become a US Senator, are just a tad did different thank everywhere else you have been. You may be used to pro wrestling, where things are supposed to look realistic, but this is PGWWE, where we don't know the difference between the actors who play characters in The A Team movie and the people themselves.


And Bryan, don't give us that "You didn't know it wasn't OK to get physical" line of BS either. WWE is not a wrestling promotion friend, they make movies. They entertain. Clearly, what you did to Roberts wasn't entertaining to kids, I guess. And don't even tell me that you saw a Raw recently where Edge snuck up on Randy Orton and bashed him with a door. That's OK because everyone knows that a tie is much more deadly than a door. Certain felonies are perfectly acceptable in WWE but others aren't, got it? Me either.


What makes matters worse is that Danielson was a major cog in the best angle that WWE has done in years, and I mean many years. He was a guy who came into WWE with all of his fans skeptical of how he would be used and instead he quickly became THE star of NXT. We all knew he could work, but damn he also showed the world that he could do promos and show great personality too. Now, if WWE.com is to be believed he is gone, and he will probably take a lot of the joy of that great angle with him.


Of course, where WWE is concerned I am always skeptical. At first, I had hoped that this was just part of an angle to further the NXT invasion. Perhaps it still is, but given that they posted the news on their website near midnight on a Friday, which is the black hole for companies to release news that they want read by the fewest amount of people, I don't think that will be the case.


Then I wondered it perhaps he kicked Superman Cena too hard in the head (you know because in wrestling it's OK for some people to get hurt but not others). If that turns out to be the case, and again I am just wondering because WWE doesn't feel that its "Universe" deserves explanations to important things related to the company, then there will be a lot of skewerings of WWE and/or Cena coming in the near future.


Given that the company worked most of its employees as to what was going to happen at the end of Raw on Monday, we can hold out hope that this is an elaborate ruse, one that will impugn what credibility WWE.com has left but that doesn't really matter. Perhaps it's the next step in the nWo shoot style angle that began on Monday. If that is the case, it's fine by me. WWE.com isn't exactly the site I go to when I am looking for the straight dope on WWE anyway.


But if that is not the case and Bryan has been let go for, in effect, being a pro wrestler, then this company has completely gone off of the rails and Vince McMahon can look forward to more conference calls where he has to try and explain dipping ratings and dropping PPV buyrates to concerned stockholders. If that is the case, here's a hint Vince. Before the call, go into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. The answer will be looking back at you."

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So Dixie has promised "major, sweeping fundamental changes" coming to TNA soon.

It's been confirmed that TNA has been in contact with Kevin Sullivan and Paul Heyman to head the creative team.

The report said that Heyman would want complete control of the creative team in order to join.



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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 12:33 PM)
So Dixie has promised "major, sweeping fundamental changes" coming to TNA soon.

It's been confirmed that TNA has been in contact with Kevin Sullivan and Paul Heyman to head the creative team.

The report said that Heyman would want complete control of the creative team in order to join.




Reports are that this "major" change don't have anything to do with booking. There's all kinds of speculation in regards to a new investor, moving to a bigger arena. Dixie said she told the presdient of Spike TV about it and they thought it was big for the company. So if she is telling the truth that would rule out anything regarding the tv show as Spike would be in the loop on all of that. Who knows. TNA always hypes things, which in some ways I enjoy the mystery, but most of the time it's a let down.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 02:31 PM)
How many big announcements can you have until nobody cares? I actually like TNA more than E a bit right now.

I'm enjoying TNA other than the Old Guys Club.

Jay Lethal's Flair impression is helping make Flair more watchable.

Kazarian may well be the worst "actor" in wrestling right now. Santino Marella has more believable facial expressions.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 10:33 AM)
So Dixie has promised "major, sweeping fundamental changes" coming to TNA soon.

It's been confirmed that TNA has been in contact with Kevin Sullivan and Paul Heyman to head the creative team.

The report said that Heyman would want complete control of the creative team in order to join.




Confirmed by who? You can't it's been confirmed and then not corroborate it.

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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 03:37 PM)
Confirmed by who? You can't it's been confirmed and then not corroborate it.


I can't WHAT it's been confirmed and then not corroborate it?




More on the Huge Changes Coming to TNA

By Marc Middleton

Jun 11, 2010 - 9:06:39 PM


Source: PWInsider.com


- As noted before, Dixie Carter has hyped some major changes coming to TNA on her Twitter account.


There has been a lot of talk that TNA has reached out to big names to work on the creative end of the company. It has been confirmed that two of those names are Kevin Sullivan and Paul Heyman.


Word is that if Paul Heyman would come into TNA, he would need complete control of the creative side of things. It's also confirmed that TNA has talked with Sullivan about coming in.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 03:15 PM)
I'm enjoying TNA other than the Old Guys Club.

Jay Lethal's Flair impression is helping make Flair more watchable.

Kazarian may well be the worst "actor" in wrestling right now. Santino Marella has more believable facial expressions.


People on the internet love Kazarian. I don't get it either.


My buddy in FCW was backstage at Smackdown last week and he told me.....


Punk isn't really bald under the mask. He has a Mr. T like mohawk though.

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 12:24 PM)
They are in bed with Mattel now, that is apart of the reason they don't want blood anymore and naughty language. Rumor has it that Mattel complained about this and he was the scapegoat. As to why he was fired and not suspended for awhile, I don't know.

This and they love how much how they're viewed by "mainstream hollywood" these days.


TNA doesn't do it for me, the WWE is really starting to wear on me with this PG crap...I may just go back to watching ROH mainly with a bit of WWE sprinkled in. They just killed my interest in an angle that I had a ton of interest in.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 05:15 AM)
Here's why I think it's a work:


Source: F4Wonline.com


- As noted before, the reason being told for Daniel Bryan's release is because of him choking Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW.


Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it's fun to choke people with their ties. It's unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.


Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.


If that's the case, why not just suspend him instead?

I kind of hope for his sake that TNA offers him more money and he goes there.

It's stupid IMO for a company that "blew up" its own chairman on TV to tell a guy that the style of fake violence he chose to pretend to use is WRONNNNG.


Man, America is nothing but a bunch of p*****s anymore.

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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 12:23 PM)
EXACTLY - but with Linda running for Senate, It doesn't suprise me that they're throwing the baby out with bath water in this instance.



And I NEVER thought of Benoit in that situation. That was what - 4 years ago?


And that asshole is still f***ing things up.

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