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Kenny & Ozzie at it again


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Ozzie is playing a game he can't win. JR was quoted earlier before the season started that Ozzie should be given the team he wants, and that's sans full-time DH, with guys like Kotsay getting a lot of playing time. It blew up. Now, I believe KW and JR are just as responsible for this mistake, if not more, because they are Ozzie's superiors. But still, it definitely was Ozzie's idea, as much as he really would like some others taking blame.


JR also said in June his biggest mistake was firing LaRussa. He also said its a mistake he would make again because the GM shouldn't be forced to have a manager that he didn't really want, just like a manager shouldn't be forced to have a coach he really didn't want.


I believe Ozzie as already seen his "talk" the other day was just wrong and won't get him anywhere, as he has backed off and said he didn't ask for an extension only stating that he would like one. He's going to see what exactly the plan is and discuss it with his family. For Ozzie's sake, I find it quite scary someone like Oney will actually influence his decision. I'd rather have Ozzie leave at this point because I don't think his feud with KW will ever really end, and I think eventually, if it hasn't already, is going to be a burden on the team. That said, I really wish no ill will on Ozzie and hope for his sake and actually Oney's too because without Ozzie Oney is selling Streetwise, Ozzie listens to JR who has had Ozzie's best interests in mind for close to 25 years.

Edited by Dick Allen
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Dick Allen you always make so much sense.

Where'd you get your sense? Mama or daddy?

I liked your opening. This truly is a game Oz can't win. And he would be smart to back off as he has if he wants to stay on the South Side and eat those free steak dinners downtown all the time (surely he's comped).

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QUOTE (TheBigHurt @ Sep 25, 2010 -> 01:48 PM)
So... if he makes a senseless post ON THE SUBJECT, I'm not allowed to question him about it and ask him what his logic behind it is while he continues to make post after post without addressing it? That makes ZERO sense. How can you even have a discussion like that?


The point is, and always has been, you don't need to call people names to have a discussion. Calling people stupid, dumb, retarded, etc, isn't having a discussion. It is not allowed here. That is not negotiable. And please don't pretend like that was the first place you did this. Go back and read the rest of the thread again if you don't understand.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 25, 2010 -> 06:11 PM)
The point is, and always has been, you don't need to call people names to have a discussion. Calling people stupid, dumb, retarded, etc, isn't having a discussion. It is not allowed here. That is not negotiable. And please don't pretend like that was the first place you did this. Go back and read the rest of the thread again if you don't understand.

That or saying "Well I can't call you ignorant but seriously you don't know a motherf***ing thing and I wonder how you passed the 3rd grade with that brain" doesn't really count either.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 25, 2010 -> 05:30 PM)
That or saying "Well I can't call you ignorant but seriously you don't know a motherf***ing thing and I wonder how you passed the 3rd grade with that brain" doesn't really count either.


For a quick reference to "Am I making a personal attack?"... if your answer revolves around a direct reference to the person making the post, instead of the topic of the post, the answer is "Yes".

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Oz said the Cubs are an option if the Sox don't want him. The days of the Chairman having to be dead for that to happen are over.







"As soon as you get divorced then you are free to do what you want - yes I would [go the the Cubs] ... '' Oz 3 minutes ago via tweetz



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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 01:02 AM)
f***, Ozzie was just quoted this morning saying how he didnt want to talk about all of this because he didnt want the team and his wife and kids to keep hearing about all of this every day. SHUT THE f*** UP ALREADY


It's to the point that KW or Ozzie has to go once the season is over, and according to Peter Gammons, there's not a chance in hell KW is leaving.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 01:07 AM)
How can you guys listen to that interview and not love Ozzie?

I don't get it.


Ozzie can do anything and you'd love him.


Just curious, what does he have to do for you to not love him?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 01:07 AM)
How can you guys listen to that interview and not love Ozzie?

I don't get it.


What is there to love about him in that interview?


Out of the people on this board, I like Ozzie more than most, but I still think that interview was simply to start trouble. His cockiness is getting to be a bit much.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 07:38 AM)
Ozzie can do anything and you'd love him.


Just curious, what does he have to do for you to not love him?


He answered the questions put to him.

He's colorful, funny and a WHITE SOX!!! He bleeds for this team. And you guys want to send him packing??

He cares!!! He is a WHITE SOX!

I love Ozzie.

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There are a lot of teams that would welcome the circus Ozzie would bring with him. I really don't think Hendry and the Cubs are one of them, but it would be interesting seeing Ozzie's views change on Wrigley Field. He also said once, and I think this might have been on "The Club" that he would never manage the Cubs as long as JR was alive, so I guess now he has changed his mind while still under contract for perhaps 2 years with the White Sox. Wow. Gardenhire has never had longer than a 2 year contract. I wonder why he never is all over the place crying for more.


Ozzie is obviously brighter than your average 6th grade dropout, but the stuff he's saying now is showing the lack of education IMO. He still is obligated to the Sox for 2 years. KW said this week he thought Ozzie was the man for the job but isn't going to talk extension with those 2 years still on the table. Now Ozzie says he would go to the Cubs because the White Sox would be divorcing him. No Ozzie, that's really not correct. You would be leaving them. You have a contract already. Maybe it isn't as long as you would like. Maybe Oney flying around to all his parties is costing you more than you imagined and it isn't for as much as you liked. But you have a contract. If they don't fire you and you leave, its on you.


From the Tribune:


"The respect I have for the media and the media has for me, that's unique. The love and respect I have for the fans, that's very special. I don't have anything to regret. But if I'm going to go, then my job is to win a championship somewhere else. Where it's going to be? I don't know. I don't have any regrets."


The comment about the fans is laughable. Isn't this the same guy who said if you disagreed with anything he did you should watch another team?

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (IamPabloOzuna @ Sep 25, 2010 -> 08:39 PM)


video...Cubs remarks at 3:17...pretty juicy stuff all around


I'll be shocked if he's back next season. He burnt all his bridges here. Time to move on to a new place.

Doesn't he want his son to be a baseball exec for example? not gonna happen here.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 02:16 AM)
He answered the questions put to him.

He's colorful, funny and a WHITE SOX!!! He bleeds for this team. And you guys want to send him packing??

He cares!!! He is a WHITE SOX!

I love Ozzie.


Except he is saying he will go manage for THE CUBS! Which is not THE WHITE SOX. It is THE CUBS! Ozzie bleeds GUILLEN, not WHITE SOX!!!


Ozzie is packing up by himself just fine, he doesnt need our help

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That Cubs job has gotten the best of many better managers than Ozzie. Ozzie would crash and burn within three years of taking that job.


Anyway, Ozzie is still under contract to the Sox next year so he should keep his big stupid mouth shut. I really wish the Sox would fire his ass already.


If I'm KW, immediately after this season ends I would call him in my office and remind him that he is under contract for next year and the team holds an option for 2012. I'd tell him we expect him to honor his contract for next year and then depending on how well he performs we will re-evaluate the situation after the season to decide wheteher or not we will bring him back for 2012 and beyond. Tell him there will be no extension considered until after the 2011 season.


If he isn't happy with this he can resign and forfeit his salary but then he still cannot take another job in MLB until the 2011 season is over.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 02:16 AM)
He answered the questions put to him.

He's colorful, funny and a WHITE SOX!!! He bleeds for this team. And you guys want to send him packing??

He cares!!! He is a WHITE SOX!

I love Ozzie.



You can't really wonder why people call you out for making posts like these. You and your hero Ozzie both seem like you are instigating chaos and digging for reactions. I think Ozzie is trying to get fired at this point. I figure that would make the Sox liable for paying his next season's salary. Whereas if he leaves on his own the Sox do not have to pay him. He only cares about himself, his family and his money.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 05:08 PM)
Ozzie is making this a public showdown. If he really wants to stay here, I think he's making a huge mistake. As people say its a lot easier to can a manager than the players, its also easier to can a manager than a GM if you consider yours competent which I believe JR does. Hahn can't get the GM job while Ozzie is managing because Oney called Hahn names and believes you need to play the game professionally (I suppose like he did) to know the game and have the Guillen family's respect. I'm sure that's not Oney's original thought. He got it from his dad.


I hope that it turns out this way. I'll take Kenny over Ozzie for a few reasons:


(1) Kenny is better at his job than Ozzie is at his


(2) Kenny's job is more difficult to fill than Ozzie's


(3) Ozzie and his obnoxious family are the culpable ones in this feud


That said, I'm not sure that I share DA's optimism. I could easily envision a scenario where JR does nothing because he doesn't want to pick sides, Ozzie continues to act like an ass, and Kenny reaches the end of his rope and says, "f*** it, I'm done with this dysfunctional organization."


There's enough that has gone down where one of them probably has to go. I'm betting JR sticks with KW. He knows Ozzie will probably land in Florida with a longer committment and raise. He can probably have LaRussa back. Duncan comes with LaRussa, Cooper heads to Miami.


Not sure that I agree with this. Most of LaRussa's value is tied up in Duncan, and going from Cooper to Duncan is a marginal improvement at best. And while LaRussa is obviously way more mature than Ozzie, it's not like he's completely lacking in baggage either. Going from Ozzie/Coop to LaRussa/Duncan would definitely be an overall improvement but, since I put a lot more value on the pitching coach than the manager, I don't see it as a huge improvement. I'd rather keep Coop around and bring in a younger manager with something to prove, who doesn't sport the "I managed a team to a ring, so I know best" attitude.

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QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Sep 26, 2010 -> 11:37 AM)
That Cubs job has gotten the best of many better managers than Ozzie. Ozzie would crash and burn within three years of taking that job.


Anyway, Ozzie is still under contract to the Sox next year so he should keep his big stupid mouth shut. I really wish the Sox would fire his ass already.


If I'm KW, immediately after this season ends I would call him in my office and remind him that he is under contract for next year and the team holds an option for 2012. I'd tell him we expect him to honor his contract for next year and then depending on how well he performs we will re-evaluate the situation after the season to decide wheteher or not we will bring him back for 2012 and beyond. Tell him there will be no extension considered until after the 2011 season.


If he isn't happy with this he can resign and forfeit his salary but then he still cannot take another job in MLB until the 2011 season is over.

I also think the Sox would be in a position to get compensation if a team really wanted Ozzie, ala Lou Piniella to Tampa. That said, the more Ozzie pops off, the more it would appear he's close to the end of the line, which actually probably increases the chances he returns next season. I really think the Sox will cave and pick up his 2012 option and let him explore other teams if he wishes.


Let him go to the Cubs. The only problem is they would never hire him. Ozzie spews his White Sox passion, yet pops off about going to the Cubs with the Sox stilling having 2 years of control over his services, how is he suddenly going to sell the Cubs on his Cubs passion?

Edited by Dick Allen
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