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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 23, 2011 -> 09:51 AM)
Noah needs to spend the entire summer working on a post up game. It's maddening to watch him get the ball, with no one defending him, just to see him pass it since he's no threat to score.

Noah was shooting well and doing a nice job scoring and looking for offense pre thumb injury. However, the couple months he was out with his thumb seemed to ruin his entire confidence in his mid-range jumper. He needs to take those open shots all day long and pull the Heat defense out to guard him, otherwise, right now, the Heat are packing the paint and daring us to shoot from a-far and we just aren't that type of team, especially when Ronnie Brewer and Noah are out there.


I think If I'm the Bulls I make an unorthodox switch and give Taj and Thomas more minutes down low, in fact, I'd probably start Taj. Taj isn't the greatest offensive player in the world, but he'll take those open shots and potentially force Miami to actually guard him. Same with Kurt Thomas (who has a nice mid-range game offensively).


At the end of the day, the Bulls biggest problem, there lack of 2 way players, will be what kills them. Rose just can't continue to beat a team with 2 very good help defenders (Wade & LBJ) packing the paint and daring the Bulls to do almost anything.


With Brewer in the game, Bulls need to run like crazy. Maybe even go with Brewer and Deng on the court at the same time so you have two guys that can at least slash to the basket.


Bulls are just too easy to defend right now.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:12 PM)
Noah was shooting well and doing a nice job scoring and looking for offense pre thumb injury. However, the couple months he was out with his thumb seemed to ruin his entire confidence in his mid-range jumper. He needs to take those open shots all day long and pull the Heat defense out to guard him, otherwise, right now, the Heat are packing the paint and daring us to shoot from a-far and we just aren't that type of team, especially when Ronnie Brewer and Noah are out there.


I think If I'm the Bulls I make an unorthodox switch and give Taj and Thomas more minutes down low, in fact, I'd probably start Taj. Taj isn't the greatest offensive player in the world, but he'll take those open shots and potentially force Miami to actually guard him. Same with Kurt Thomas (who has a nice mid-range game offensively).


At the end of the day, the Bulls biggest problem, there lack of 2 way players, will be what kills them. Rose just can't be beat with a team with 2 very good help defenders (Wade & LBJ) packing the paint and daring the Bulls to do almost anything.


With Brewer in the game, Bulls need to run like crazy. Maybe even go with Brewer and Deng on the court at the same time so you have two guys that can at least slash to the basket.


Bulls are just too easy to defend right now.



That's why they need to abandon the pick and roll, or at least limit it substantially. Spread the offense out and let one of them guard Rose one on one. He'd eat them alive with his speed.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:16 PM)
That's why they need to abandon the pick and roll, or at least limit it substantially. Spread the offense out and let one of them guard Rose one on one. He'd eat them alive with his speed.


For the pick and roll to really work, you have to have two guys who can hit a jumper. Otherwise there really isn't any deterrent to going under.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 23, 2011 -> 10:16 AM)
That's why they need to abandon the pick and roll, or at least limit it substantially. Spread the offense out and let one of them guard Rose one on one. He'd eat them alive with his speed.

Spreading the offense out doesn't do anything if the team doesn't have guys capable of knocking down those shots. You spread Brewer out, well, it won't matter, defense is going to sag on him cause they know he can't hit a long shot. Same with Noah (who they are completely sagging on right now at the top of the free throw line).


Bulls need to find a way to force the Heat to actually come out and defend them. And given our personell, I don't know how easy this is going to be. But part of the solution is probably going to be start finding a way to get other guys the ball early in the offensive sets. For example, they double Rose starting around center court and pressure him, well Rose needs to swing it across court early, force the Heat defense to rotate, another guy slashes from the other side and move the ball to him for an easy bucket. Basically, start to do things that forces the Heat to change things up defensively.


On other sets, get the ball out of Roses hand and let the other guys do it and than run the ball back to Rose on the weakside where he might have the ability to come in (but again, other guys on Chicago need to hit the basket as Rose is going to the paint while others stay out for the bucket). The offense right now is just horribly predictable. And hell, my idea might be idiotic too.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2011 -> 10:19 AM)
For the pick and roll to really work, you have to have two guys who can hit a jumper. Otherwise there really isn't any deterrent to going under.

And by and large, they still haven't ran the pick and roll with Boozer, who is one of the best bigs (along with Bosh) in the league at running a pick and roll offense. The Bulls need to add another threat though, where you have another slasher on the initial pick and roll so that Boozer can make the next pass when necessary and try to find the ocassional easy lay-in/point in the paint.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:22 PM)
And by and large, they still haven't ran the pick and roll with Boozer, who is one of the best bigs (along with Bosh) in the league at running a pick and roll offense. The Bulls need to add another threat throw, where you have another slasher on the initial pick and roll so that Boozer can make the next pass when necessary and try to find the ocassional easy lay-in/point in the paint.


That is one coaching point I haven't gotten is why we don't use Booz in that set at all? He can shoot and he can pass, which is exactly what you need. The only other big we have who can do both is Thomas.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:12 PM)
Hopefully the Heat have a letdown on game 4.I told my brother that game 3 was gonna be tough to take and our best chance was game 4...

BTW, if Bosh keeps scoring 30 plus a game, Bulls have no chance, put a body on that fool!!

Did you miss game 1?

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ May 22, 2011 -> 11:24 PM)
Boozer is what he is defensively, we all know that. He still did things tonight that just anger you but as you said if he's going to put up 26 and 17 I can deal with it. He's far from the reason we lost this game.


As long as he plays well on the offensive end, I'll be fine with his lazy D.


On one play yesterday, the curl with Bosh where he got a dunk because Boozer didn't rotate, Rose looked like he got pissed at Boozer. Derrick did a little spin motion with his hand while looking in Boozer's direction after the dunk. I'm assuming that was supposed to mean rotate.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 23, 2011 -> 09:35 AM)
I really just want a level playing field. That out of bounds call on Luol Deng was inexcusable. I just can't get over it. Also, on the news this morning they showed 5 baskets that LBJ scored on where he took FIVE STEPS! Five!


It's just depressing... on a level playing field, the Bulls are up 2-1 at worst.


Anyway, I hate being that guy, but it's f***ing true.


I have no problem at all complaining about officiating but complaining about travels not called in the NBA is just ridiculous. They happen constantly, get over it. Rose travels an incredible amount just like every other star player.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 23, 2011 -> 10:25 AM)


No kidding. We blew them out even though he had a monster game.

We also played a far more up-tempo game and really didn't have a lot of the game dominated by Rose holding the ball. The reality is, the more Rose has the ball, the more easier it is for the Bulls to disrupt the rhythm. For the Bulls to suceed they are going to have to get a lot of transition buckets, including taking transition jumpers (even if they aren't always the greatest shot) and hope that helps get the team in rhythm. Usually if you can get that transition offense going, you'll be better even in the half court sets because guys feel involved and the motion is better, which means, if Miami packs the paint or guys will find open shots all day and start to hit them and when Miami spreads, we'll blow in and create buckets.

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Bulls won game 1 because they murdered the Heat on the glass, we all knew that wasn't gonna happen all series long, the Bulls will out rebound Miami this series but nothing like gm 1.In close games, you can't let Bosh score 30, Bron and Wade will get theirs but Bosh can't have big games, IMO.

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So, regarding the Noah incident, I think it's a bunch of bulls*** honestly. I don't approve of what he said, but at the same time it's a bit unfair for something like that to happen and the NBA to OK (if not mandate) the videotaping of guys in that situation. Noah gets heated on the court, comes to the bench, someone says something and the camera is on him the whole time. If the NBA was really worried about its' role models saying bad things, guess what, stop filming them in that situation.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:48 PM)
So, regarding the Noah incident, I think it's a bunch of bulls*** honestly. I don't approve of what he said, but at the same time it's a bit unfair for something like that to happen and the NBA to OK (if not mandate) the videotaping of guys in that situation. Noah gets heated on the court, comes to the bench, someone says something and the camera is on him the whole time. If the NBA was really worried about its' role models saying bad things, guess what, stop filming them in that situation.


I agree. I also find it sickening that their are some people calling for him to be suspended.

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QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:48 PM)
I wish I could find some positives in this to give me some hope. I just can't find them. :(


That we played horrendously and were in it most of the game? That we have gotten virtually nothing from Rose since he decided to stop driving the whole series?


Those are my 2

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QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:50 PM)
That we played horrendously and were in it most of the game? That we have gotten virtually nothing from Rose since he decided to stop driving the whole series?


Those are my 2

And that on shorter rest, the smaller number of guys in their rotation might cause them be more fatigued in the next game.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:48 PM)
So, regarding the Noah incident, I think it's a bunch of bulls*** honestly. I don't approve of what he said, but at the same time it's a bit unfair for something like that to happen and the NBA to OK (if not mandate) the videotaping of guys in that situation. Noah gets heated on the court, comes to the bench, someone says something and the camera is on him the whole time. If the NBA was really worried about its' role models saying bad things, guess what, stop filming them in that situation.


Athletes just can't be interacting with the fans in a negative manner. Everyone and their mom's have smartphones, somebody is going to catch the athlete's interaction with the fan. Dealing with idiots in the stands is just part of the job description for most athletes. People pay to see you play and will bring their idiotic comments with them.


My issue with the situation is that the NBA seemingly was only upset because of a word Noah used, not his interaction with a fan. Sooner or later the NBA is going to have to pass out a cheat sheet of acceptable trash talk.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:51 PM)
And that on shorter rest, the smaller number of guys in their rotation might cause them be more fatigued in the next game.


Wade is the biggest victim with fatigue. At times he looks downright beat. I think the Celtics series took a lot out of him. Take away the 3-4 bailout calls he gets a game and he's been pretty ineffective all series.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 23, 2011 -> 12:48 PM)
So, regarding the Noah incident, I think it's a bunch of bulls*** honestly. I don't approve of what he said, but at the same time it's a bit unfair for something like that to happen and the NBA to OK (if not mandate) the videotaping of guys in that situation. Noah gets heated on the court, comes to the bench, someone says something and the camera is on him the whole time. If the NBA was really worried about its' role models saying bad things, guess what, stop filming them in that situation.


He said that to a fan. Regardless of it getting videotaped, that's not something that he should do and it shouldn't be swept under the rug.

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QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ May 23, 2011 -> 01:49 PM)
I agree. I also find it sickening that their are some people calling for him to be suspended.

"Sickening" is not the word I'd attach to calls for a suspension. A bit heavy, yes, but "Sickening"?


He did his job, he was told to apologize after the game and immediately apologized.

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What I don't understand is Kobe being fined $100k by the league, Joakim getting about the same I reckon, and yet LeBron calls a reporter's question "retarded" and the NBA doesn't care?


If you are going to throw blanket punishment to protect minorities, I don't see why the "retarded" comment would go unpunished.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 23, 2011 -> 02:26 PM)
What I don't understand is Kobe being fined $100k by the league, Joakim getting about the same I reckon, and yet LeBron calls a reporter's question "retarded" and the NBA doesn't care?


If you are going to throw blanket punishment to protect minorities, I don't see why the "retarded" comment would go unpunished.


No joke. What is the difference between using one of them to mean stupid versus the other one? They both use the assumption that the underlying group of people are somehow automatically less smart than you are.

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