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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 06:12 AM)
1) Stamp a dollar value on what you believe your life is worth, and not in some fantasy world where it won't actually happen, but for real, because the odds are quite high.

2) Determine if what they are paying you exceeds that value.

3) Determine if money, even if it exceeds that value, is worth having if all it means is that you're the richest guy in the graveyard?

4) Say no thanks.

5) Go eat at McDonalds, watch some strippers and drink some beers...not because it's good for you, but because you can.


Great post.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 03:18 PM)


Nice! Its pretty far away from me but it may be worth it to try to grab a cheap hotel.


I guess the parenthasis weren't needed around the major word in my OP, ryder cup is pretty major.


I dont follow golf, its a pretty much a morning to night kinda thing right? AKA I could probably make some good money working the whole thing


UPDATE: theres no such thing as a cheap hotel during the ryder cup...Ive got no way of working it...lame

Edited by 2nd_city_saint787
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  2nd_city_saint787 said:
Nice! Its pretty far away from me but it may be worth it to try to grab a cheap hotel.


I guess the parenthasis weren't needed around the major word in my OP, ryder cup is pretty major.


I dont follow golf, its a pretty much a morning to night kinda thing right? AKA I could probably make some good money working the whole thing


UPDATE: theres no such thing as a cheap hotel during the ryder cup...Ive got no way of working it...lame


No, there isn't. I was up in that area two weeks ago for a wedding and got a hotel room about two miles from Medinah for $40/night. Add a zero on the end to get that room this week.


It probably would be 10-12 hour days if you find a way to get there though.


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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 23, 2012 -> 07:49 PM)
No, there isn't. I was up in that area two weeks ago for a wedding and got a hotel room about two miles from Medinah for $40/night. Add a zero on the end to get that room this week.


It probably would be 10-12 hour days if you find a way to get there though.


Interview would be tomorrow at 7am, its 60 miles away, I'm not tired, nothing added up as far as getting there, so sadly that ship has sailed.


I had many wild ideas that included renting a Uhaul truck or rental van and sleep in the parking lot (if they allowed me) but I'm a big guy so 6 days without a shower would be no bueno. I tried to offer 100 dollars to any of my jobless friends who have a car to loan me said car, that was received as an outlandish request.


I live close to a south shore train station and could have walked their, hoped on the metra and it would all work out...but of course with my luck the south shore train gets to union station 4 minutes after the train I'd need to get on leaves.


Andddd my brother is expecting a baby sometime this week so my mom wont give up her car (shes taking the whole week off)



Its too bad I didnt take care of my last car and the engine blew otherwise I wouldnt be in this situation....Next odd job I'm shootin for to make money for a junker is working at a haunted house here in Hammond. I'm past the sign up date but I've helped them out in the past (worked security for their fireworks stand for minimum wage when I knew minimum wage for a security guard was 2 dollars more) so I'm hoping they help me out.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 04:55 PM)
Has anyone here interviewed with Google for a software developer position before? I'm intrigued at what kind of questions they ask (stupid brain teasers, or actual programming knowledge?).

From the little I heard, it was more actual programming knowledge, but I didn't get much details from the person I know that got a job there in software development.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 04:55 PM)
Has anyone here interviewed with Google for a software developer position before? I'm intrigued at what kind of questions they ask (stupid brain teasers, or actual programming knowledge?).


My understanding is that the brain teasers aren't allowed anymore. They have to ask more focused questions. I doubt that makes it any easier.

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  chw42 said:
Has anyone here interviewed with Google for a software developer position before? I'm intrigued at what kind of questions they ask (stupid brain teasers, or actual programming knowledge?).


If there is a job you can get based entirely on ability to answer stupid brain teasers, let me know. I'm really good at those. Every job interview I have requires you to be good at stuff like relating to people.

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I've heard some good stories about trading shops such as Enron back in the day. There wasn't much of a formal interview. It was more a test of brain teasers or riddles, followed by some social interaction designed to determine how well one might fit into their culture.


They could have cared less how you answered questions such as "Describe a conflict you were involved in and how you solved it."

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 28, 2012 -> 05:02 PM)
If there is a job you can get based entirely on ability to answer stupid brain teasers, let me know. I'm really good at those. Every job interview I have requires you to be good at stuff like relating to people.


IIRC, they weren't even really brain teasers. They were just odd questions to see how you would answer them.


One was something like "If you were only 1 inch tall and trapped inside a blender that was about to be turned on. What would you do?"

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Oct 1, 2012 -> 09:59 AM)
IIRC, they weren't even really brain teasers. They were just odd questions to see how you would answer them.


One was something like "If you were only 1 inch tall and trapped inside a blender that was about to be turned on. What would you do?"


After some research...Google's engineers aren't allowed to ask these anymore, which is good.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 28, 2012 -> 07:07 PM)
I've heard some good stories about trading shops such as Enron back in the day. There wasn't much of a formal interview. It was more a test of brain teasers or riddles, followed by some social interaction designed to determine how well one might fit into their culture.


They could have cared less how you answered questions such as "Describe a conflict you were involved in and how you solved it."


Does anyone really care how you answer HR questions these days?


As long as you don't come out sounding like you're an arrogant psychopath, I don't think they care. I'm talking from a technical job perspective.

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QUOTE (G&T @ Sep 28, 2012 -> 04:24 PM)
My understanding is that the brain teasers aren't allowed anymore. They have to ask more focused questions. I doubt that makes it any easier.


The good thing about brain teasers is that you can BS your way around them a bit.


If you don't know a technical question, you really can't BS for too long before they know you don't know how to do it.


Plus, it's always easy to dig your head into some brain teaser book and study those for a day. It's easy to memorize some of the answers. Algorithms and data structures though? You can't remember every one of those questions, you actually need to know them.


Even though brain teasers could make interviews easier, I find them to not represent what an software developer/engineer will do on the job, which is why I think they're really bad questions.

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Just finished my phone interview with Google. I did well on 2/3 questions, but couldn't finish the question I struggled with.


Hopefully, that's good enough to at least get me to Mountain View for a interview.


BTW, coding on Google docs is awful.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 1, 2012 -> 11:06 AM)
Does anyone really care how you answer HR questions these days?


As long as you don't come out sounding like you're an arrogant psychopath, I don't think they care. I'm talking from a technical job perspective.

Our interviews are almost entirely based on nonsensical questions like that.

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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Oct 5, 2012 -> 10:07 PM)
So sports blogging is a paid job?? How does one make money this way. I have all the time in the world right now.


Yeah but not really. First you need to write for a blog that makes a lot of money...then you need to produce.



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So this is nice...

The attorneys in my office are union because we work for government. This year, everyone was forced into 15 furlough days in lieu of layoffs. Back in July the union filed a grievance over the furloughs for lost wages this year (and stand a good chance of winning). I got hired in September and have been working for two weeks. I've had nothing to do with any of these actions.


Nevertheless, if the union wins the arbitration and gets back pay, guess who will be laid off to cover the expenses? Me. So after months of unemployment and struggling to get my career in order, I land a job I really like, and 2 weeks in, I have to worry about this crap. And of course, the old people with secured pensions don't give a s*** because seniority is all that matters.

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