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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 18, 2013 -> 08:17 AM)
Haha thanks. If you don't mind me asking, are you trying to get into a trading group in Chicago? If so, which one?

No. The fiancée and I bought a house here in Vegas this summer, so we'll be here for awhile.


I've been recruited for a new position here within my company...but because it's a big lame company, I've got to go through all the HR song and dance of applying and interviewing even though the hiring manager literally created the position for me.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 18, 2013 -> 10:10 AM)
I just got a job doubling my salary.


I did that a few years ago. It's really nice. My problem is that when I started making more, I started spending more as well. Bought a new car, a new suburban, a new camping trailer, making long overdue and badly needed repairs to the house... So it doesn't "seem" like we have more money.


But on the other hand, now I have a new car, a new suburban, a new camping trailer... ;)


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  HickoryHuskers said:
The company I'm interviewing with is not RV-related. I'm not sure I'd make the move for an industry that recession-prone.


I grew up only 25 miles from Elkhart so I'm pretty familiar with the area. Not sure exactly where we'd live if I do get the job.


So I never even got a second interview for this job, and here six weeks later, the job is posted again. Did they end up not hiring anybody at all? Did they hire somebody who left very quickly? Seems very weird.


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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Oct 18, 2013 -> 01:20 PM)
So I never even got a second interview for this job, and here six weeks later, the job is posted again. Did they end up not hiring anybody at all? Did they hire somebody who left very quickly? Seems very weird.


Odds are that they found something they eliminated you because of. Who knows why. Most likely they didn't like the applicant pool so they started over. What you can do to find out is contact the person who interviewed you and express interest again. If they don't answer back, you know why.

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I think my annual evaluation is just around the corner. I didn't get a raise last year but that's because I started in August at this new gig. Is there a proper etiquette to negotiating raises? I feel like I make way below the market rate but then again, I'm not sure what source is adequate enough to be a good reference for it.


Any thoughts will be appreciated.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Oct 21, 2013 -> 04:40 PM)
I think my annual evaluation is just around the corner. I didn't get a raise last year but that's because I started in August at this new gig. Is there a proper etiquette to negotiating raises? I feel like I make way below the market rate but then again, I'm not sure what source is adequate enough to be a good reference for it.


Any thoughts will be appreciated.

At my company raises are determined by two sources:

1) Department as a whole is given a %

2) Managers decide how to distribute said %


Last year my department was given a 1.5% increase (they pulled money from raises to put into other compensation areas, really good if you fell in those areas), and so it was up to my manager to distribute an average of a 1.5% increase to his employees. Some may get 1, others may get 2%, etc.


If you can, your HR department should be able to give you a range for your job, they should have one set already. You should see where you fit in that range, if you are really below than you should work with your manager to make a case for salary adjustment.

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I'd say a lot depends on what kind of company you work for. If it is a smaller company, you probably want to do some research to see what typical people that work in a similar job such as yours are paid in your general area. If you use that, combined with some details on what you have done this year and why you deserve a raise, you may be able to negotiate something.


For larger companies, it runs more similar to the process Russ described. They don't do a whole lot of negotiating until you reach the higher levels. Usually, you'll get some sort of piece of the pie determined by your manager, in which you need to be able to show and sell to him/her why you are valuable and one of their better employees. A lot of times companies will do market surveys as well to see where they stand in terms of other similarly situated companies within the industry, and then if an upward adjustment is in the cards, they will award you that.


Essentially, you want to be able to bring to the table all the reasons why YOU deserve to be considered valuable to the organization.

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My job is a little odd. Most of employees are hourly. However my tiny division is all salary. Not sure why they decided to do it like this but it is what it is.


I will contact my HR. I've been to sites like Salary.com and glassdoor. I'm not sure how reliable they are.

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 03:53 PM)
Longshot, but does anyone work or know anyone who works as a Nurse in a hospital? My wife got her BSN in Nursing and is looking for an RN job, she's been on the hunt since the end of May and hasn't had much luck.


Does she have experience?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 03:56 PM)
Does she have experience?


She's been a medical assistant for like 7 years. She got her license in May and since then she's been training as a Triage Nurse at the doctors office where she works. Outside of that, she just has schooling and clinical rotations.

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 04:00 PM)
She's been a medical assistant for like 7 years. She got her license in May and since then she's been training as a Triage Nurse at the doctors office where she works. Outside of that, she just has schooling and clinical rotations.


Hmm how is she currently pursuing a position? I have a buddy who owns a nurse staffing agency but I think he requires nurses to have a year experience.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 04:11 PM)
Hmm how is she currently pursuing a position? I have a buddy who owns a nurse staffing agency but I think he requires nurses to have a year experience.


She'd like to try and work at a hospital near her doctors office in the St. Charles area so she can try to keep both jobs at first. So, with that in mind we've been going to the hospital website and applying for jobs there. She's looked on indeed.com/careerbuilder and she's recently gotten onto LinkedIn.

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 02:00 PM)
She's been a medical assistant for like 7 years. She got her license in May and since then she's been training as a Triage Nurse at the doctors office where she works. Outside of that, she just has schooling and clinical rotations.

Try reaching out to Shipps Ian. He works at a hospital.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 05:20 PM)
Try reaching out to Shipps Ian. He works at a hospital.



Thanks Jason, I'll send a PM later.


She sent me a text message a little bit ago saying she got a call back today about something, but she didn't tell me what/where yet. She's gotten a few calls before that we're companies who wanted her to sell insurance or some crap because they got her resume off CareerBuilder. So, I hope that isn't the case this time.


Appreciate the help.

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 05:22 PM)
Thanks Jason, I'll send a PM later.


She sent me a text message a little bit ago saying she got a call back today about something, but she didn't tell me what/where yet. She's gotten a few calls before that we're companies who wanted her to sell insurance or some crap because they got her resume off CareerBuilder. So, I hope that isn't the case this time.


Appreciate the help.

PM SnB, his wife works as a nurse at a hospital downtown.

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Thanks Krush.


She got a call yesterday from someone at the hospital she wants to work at, but the woman who left the message didn't comment on what it was in regards to just wanted my wife to call her back.


If that isn't what she is looking for then I'll send him a message.

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  • 3 weeks later...
QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 7, 2013 -> 09:38 AM)
So two new management positions were posted in our trading group today.


One is right up my alley. Going to apply.


Surprisingly, the other is the OPs and Trading Manager position. Apparently our current manager is being re-assigned (demoted).

Ended up getting offered this position this morning...yay for new challenges and a little more money! ;)

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QUOTE (Mr. Showtime @ Oct 22, 2013 -> 03:53 PM)
Longshot, but does anyone work or know anyone who works as a Nurse in a hospital? My wife got her BSN in Nursing and is looking for an RN job, she's been on the hunt since the end of May and hasn't had much luck.

I can't believe I just noticed this. What's the status? Still looking? Is Rockford close enough?

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 12, 2013 -> 01:47 PM)
I can't believe I just noticed this. What's the status? Still looking? Is Rockford close enough?


Steve, yeah she is still looking. She's been working with her sister on trying to clean up how the resume looks and adding more information to it. We live in Schaumburg, but she's been open to anything in terms of location.

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