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America Votes 2010


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I honestly don't care about what happens in this election save one thing. I think Sharron Angle is an idiot, but I hate Harry Reid worse then Rick Perry (see other thread, :lol:) and I want to see him lose worse then any other politician in my lifetime so far, I think.


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Well all the lazy-ass voters who voted for Obama and the Dems in '08 thought they fixed everything in that election and it was all over... America doesn't get fixed in a single election, to the extent that America even gets fixed through elections at all. That's something people will find out after this election when everything is still all f***ed up, and most likely gets worse... again...

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 10:47 PM)
Feingold - gone. That's huge.


It gets worse because no one will admit that they are wrong.

A bunch of p****-ass Democrats who were scared to vote with their party half the time for fear of not getting re-elected are going down too

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I think it was unlikely to win, but if it can get 45%+ of the vote I think it is a good start. Im pretty sure in my lifetime it will become legal.


Also I should have stuck with my prediction of Quinn for Governor and Kirk Senator. Alexi was just a bad candidate.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 11:34 PM)
That guarantees 51 for Dems in the Senate, 53 if Bennet and Murray can hold on.


the CO race is close, I think Buck wins. I think Murray holds the seat in Washington

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 11:25 PM)
Looks like Cali is going to disappoint me... again... Prop 19 probably gonna go down

I heard that the way it was written, Prop 19 had a clause inserted that would prevent companies from firing employees for smoking pot unless they could prove that it was imparing their performance. Problem is that it sort of creates a 'protected class' as it also prevents them from basing hiring decisions on pot smoking as well. So if you didn't get a job, you could sue and say it was because you smoke pot, and the company would have to prove that wasn't the reason. I sense a legal nightmare if it passed as it.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 09:43 PM)
I honestly don't care about what happens in this election save one thing. I think Sharron Angle is an idiot, but I hate Harry Reid worse then Rick Perry (see other thread, :lol: ) and I want to see him lose worse then any other politician in my lifetime so far, I think.


The Tea Party will be by with a gold star for you. Is he really the worse politician of your lifetime? Probably not, but all the Tea Party driven marketing works. It took a person who you would probably dislike into someone you loathed.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 06:32 AM)
I heard that the way it was written, Prop 19 had a clause inserted that would prevent companies from firing employees for smoking pot unless they could prove that it was imparing their performance. Problem is that it sort of creates a 'protected class' as it also prevents them from basing hiring decisions on pot smoking as well. So if you didn't get a job, you could sue and say it was because you smoke pot, and the company would have to prove that wasn't the reason. I sense a legal nightmare if it passed as it.


Can they fire someone for drinking alcohol if it doesn't impair their job performance? Seems like the protections should be the same.

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These results are about four things, in this order:


1. The economy sucks and the Dems are in power


2. Obama's agenda doesn't jive with what the American people seem to want


3. Dem-controlled Congress was awful, unable to get many good things done


4. The Tea Party succeeded at the lowest levels (voter interest) and the money tier (non-candidates), but simply had no meat at all in the middle (actual US-level candidates that were at least marginally competent). New Tea Party darlings (Angle, O'Donnell, Miller, etc.) mostly were defeated. Of the seats the GOP took, some were taken by moderates like Kirk.


Now the fun discussions can begin - what happens next?


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 07:33 AM)
The government shuts down next summer when it can't pass basic spending bills.

I see you and many others already lining up behind the disaster train, because Congress will be split.


To me, this is THE test for Obama post-inauguration. He has to make the decision here, on what he wants to do. He tried to bang his head against the wall of Congress for two years with a majority. Will he do the same without that large majority? Or will he realize that the most effective Presidents find ways to work WITH Congress?


Not that Congress doesn't have some of the blame here, by the way, they do. In fact, I think they are doing worse than Obama. But Clinton's approach after 1994 was the right one - even if Congress was going to act like a bunch of asses, he still needed to work with them to put his name on cooperative efforts if he wanted to be re-elected in 1996.


Obama has made a lot of mistakes, but I think he's actually going to recover nicely from this, and make things happen better in the next two years than he did the first two years. Watch for modifications (but not rescinding) of the Health Care bill, some targeted stimulus-like work that is heavy with tax breaks instead of direct spending, extension of all tax cuts short term but only some later, and a continuing stream of fin reg work.


Also, just my view, but I'll bet the economy starts significant improvement (faster pace than current) in 2011. And that ultimately will lead to Obama being re-elected, as long as he also accomplishes some things as noted above with Congress.


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The Republicans will not pass a budget that does anything other than defund the ACA entirely, and Obama will not undo his most significant legislative accomplishment and will not remove health insurance for millions of people.


I wouldn't be surprised if Obama is the one who caves, honestly.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 08:44 AM)
Also, just my view, but I'll bet the economy starts significant improvement (faster pace than current) in 2011. And that ultimately will lead to Obama being re-elected, as long as he also accomplishes some things as noted above with Congress.

I think we're going to yank out the government supports rapidly, and I think employment is going to follow. It won't skyrocket, but there's still no reason for anyone to invest instead of sitting on funds.


What's going to be interesting to see is if the Republicans take the same beating in the House in 2012 if the economy does just sputter along.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 07:52 AM)
The Republicans will not pass a budget that does anything other than defund the ACA entirely, and Obama will not undo his most significant legislative accomplishment and will not remove health insurance for millions of people.


I wouldn't be surprised if Obama is the one who caves, honestly.


If you look at my list, you will see it is mostly Obama caving. And if you read between the lines of the words coming from the GOP establishment (not the Rand Paul's of the world), you will see they are all but signalling that they won't entirely block ACA funding the way you think.


QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 07:53 AM)
I think we're going to yank out the government supports rapidly, and I think employment is going to follow. It won't skyrocket, but there's still no reason for anyone to invest instead of sitting on funds.


There is every reason to invest right now, if you can. For those businesses and people with the money, they already are investing, because debt is so damn cheap and exports are working better in the currency view. Look at the manufacturing data, and the small business data, over recent months. Its all right there. And for those that can't, well, many of them have already failed, leaving opportunities open for the survivors. This is how pretty much every modern recovery has started.


And I don't know what government supports you think are going to be yanked. The GOP is not a bunch of Sharron Angles, despite your characterization. Most of the GOP'ers in Congress are not stupid, and you are not going to get a majority in the house voting for huge, crippling cuts, in the midst of a delicate recovery. Just won't happen.


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